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Award: of Artemesia Gryphon (Kingdom of Artemisia) [Branch web site]
Gryphon recipients residing in
given by the king, to the person whom he feels shows the highest ideals and values of the Current Middle Ages. It is given for constant and unwavering service, chivalry and honour of a truly exceptional nature which has enabled the king to rule the kingdom better than he otherwise would have. This is the highest award given by the King of Artemisia, and may only be given once per reign. It is usually given at the closing court of the reign. The badge of the award is: (Fieldless) A gryphon passant erminois. Holders of this award are announced as "a Gryphon of Artemisia, Defender of the Dream," and may place the initials GA after their names.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Morgan of the Oaks (Stromgard) (Artemisia) Mar 5, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
2 Sean Kirkpatrick Tarragon (Loch Salaan) (Artemisia) Jul 8, 2000 (AS XXXV)
3 Bartholomew Hightower (Artemisia) (Artemisia) Aug 27, 2005 (AS XL)
4 Fiametta da Trastevere (An Tir) (Artemisia) Aug 6, 2016 (AS LI)
5 Kelwin Ratslayer (Artemisia) (Artemisia) Jan 27, 2018 (AS LII)