An Tir Order of Precedence

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Constantia in der Lachun OP Rank: 2268An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Madrone
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
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Azure, a dove volant and on a chief dovetailed Or three doves volant azure.
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Award of Arms (An Tir)
By: Owain ap Einar, Adwen Wrenn
Aug 31, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Green Leaf (Madrone)
By: Ragnarr Thorwaldsson, Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir
Oct 3, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir)
By: Vik Vikingsson, Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
Sep 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Tsveti Madrone - Gold (Madrone)
By: Edward Cire of Greymoor, Elisabeth de Rossignol
Oct 31, 2012 (AS XLVII) ***
Periwyncle (Wyewood)
By: Robert de la Trinitie, Gabrielle Lepinay
May 24, 2014 (AS XLIX)
La Compaignie de la Forche (Wyewood)
By: Evrard de Valogne, Alessandra da Montefeltro
Aug 26, 2017 (AS LII)