An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: Sea Griffon (Barony of the Far West)
Sea Griffon recipients residing in
This order recognizes those who are the very ideal of what the gentry of the current Middle Ages should be. It was established to recognize members of the populace who have made great sacrifices of themselves in service to the Barony, who have demonstrated great courtesy, chivalry, and grace at all times, and who have achieved much in the arts and sciences. This is a polling order, which means that those gentles who have already received the award may select, by majority vote, others to be awarded the order. Every effort should be made to contact all members of the order. A majority of the members may also approach the Coronet with a candidate; however, in such a case, the Coronet is not obligated to induct members proposed by the order itself. A companion of this order is styled "Companion of the Order of the Sea Griffon" any may append the initials "C.S.G." after his/her name. The token for this order is a silver-colored sea griffon on a red field, pendant from a yellow ribbon.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Kirstín inn Tasalda (Far West) (Far West) Dec 31, 2002 (AS XXXVII)