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Ja'lid al-banna ibn Hyder SEE: Ji'lid al-banna ibn Hyder

Ja'Lid ibn Hyder SEE: Ji'lid al-banna ibn Hyder

Jabez of An Tir OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Brewing Defender Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jabez of An Tir UP
Jacinda of Three Mountains OP Rank: 5085An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jacinda of Three Mountains
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 3, 2007 (AS XLII)
Jacinth OP Rank: 2883An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Lions Gate , West
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Oct 22, 1972 (AS VII)
Jack Silver OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 4, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Jack Wilde OP Rank: 6655An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jaqueta Wilde (she/her)
Highest Award: Sanguine Thorn Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jack Wilde
Sanguine Thorn (An Tir) Aug 19, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Award of Arms (Summits) Apr 27, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Jackdaw of Aquaterra OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Dolphin Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jackdaw of Aquaterra UP
Jackery Moravian Gorgairian Joyeaux del Albero III Jr. OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jackery Moravian Gorgairian Joyeaux del Albero III Jr. UP
Jackin Hamor OP Rank: 6522An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Tir Righ [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Sep 24, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jaclyn Courbet of Direwolf OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Briaroak [Branch web site]

Highest Award: The Griffin’s Egg Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jaclyn Courbet of Direwolf UP
Jacob Brundige OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jacob Brundige UP
Jacob Castel OP Rank: 1397An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 21, 1995 (AS XXX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)

Jacob Faulkbourne SEE: Devorah Falkbourne

Jacob Headstall of Orphanhall OP Rank: 3625An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Pendale [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 11, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Jacob Magnus OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: The Griffin’s Egg Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jacob Magnus UP

Jacob of Aquaterra SEE: Hjalbjorn Joyason

Jacob Redbourne OP Rank: 2757An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Also lived in: West
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 21 awards for Jacob Redbourne
Award of Arms (West) Mar 14, 2009 (AS XLIII)
Leaf of Merit (West) Jan 7, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 10, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jacob Rusby OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Baronial Brownie Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jacob Rusby UP
Jacob Schells OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Silverhart [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Oak Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jacob Schells UP
Jacob Soth de Galeau O'Connlauin OP Rank: 3573An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 20, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Jacob the Upended OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bitter End [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 9, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jacob von Souest OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Blood of the Wood Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jacob von Souest UP
Jacob Williamson OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award

Jacobos filius Catomagli SEE: Iago ab Adam

Jacobus filius Ade SEE: Iago ab Adam

Jacomina van Vossenbrouck OP Rank: 2700An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jakemina
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 32 awards for Jacomina van Vossenbrouck
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Aug 27, 2016 (AS LI)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 30, 2022 (AS LVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 30, 2022 (AS LVI)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir) Nov 5, 2022 (AS LVII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Feb 18, 2023 (AS LVII)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Nov 4, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Sable Pheon (An Tir) Feb 17, 2024 (AS LVIII)

Jacomus the Grey SEE: Jacomus Wyndswift

Jacomus Wyndswift OP Rank: 3433An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jacomus the Grey
Also lived in: Caid , Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for Jacomus Wyndswift
Award of Arms (Caid) Oct 19, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Dolphin (Caid) Oct 26, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 26, 2011 (AS XLV)
Jacopo Battista de Luca OP Rank: 5352An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jacopo Givanbattista Deluca
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 16 awards for Jacopo Battista de Luca
Award of Arms (Summits) Jan 16, 2010 (AS XLIV)

Jacopo Givanbattista Deluca SEE: Jacopo Battista de Luca

Jacque Du Prey SEE: Karl von Miltenberg

Jacqueline de Lioncourt OP Rank: 484An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Also known as: Arwen McDougall Lioncourt
Also lived in: Dragon's Mist , Glyn Dwfn , Three Mountains
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 17 awards for Jacqueline de Lioncourt
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 3, 1990 (AS XXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 13, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 3, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 10, 1998 (AS XXXII)

Jacqueline La Fleur SEE: Jaqueline Lefleur

Jacqueline of Laurelwood OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jacqueline of Laurelwood UP

Jacques Avec de L'eau SEE: Octar Wolfkiller

Jacques D'Aramis OP Rank: 6221An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glyn Dwfn [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jacques D'Aramis
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 16, 2017 (AS LII)
Jacques de la Croix OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Thornwold
Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jacques de la Croix UP

Jacques Deleau SEE: Octar Wolfkiller

Jacques du Bois Noir OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 1984 (AS XIX)
Jacques Luis de Normandie OP Rank: 952An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 25 awards for Jacques Luis de Normandie
White Scarf (An Tir) Feb 1, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 3, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Baron Reign 2 (Former) of Dragon's Laire (An Tir) Jul 17, 1999 (AS XXXIV) through May 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Court Baron (An Tir) Dec 14, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 3, 2022 (AS LVII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 25, 2025 (AS LIX)

Jacques Quausquer SEE: Iago ab Adam

Jacyntha Elizabeth Argentarius OP Rank: 63An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Eisenmarche , Lions Gate , Montengarde , Ramsgaard , Thornwold
Highest Award: Duchess Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jacyntha Elizabeth Argentarius
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 11, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Countess (An Tir) Jan 9, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Duchess (An Tir) Jul 16, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 2, 2006 (AS XLI)
Jade Blackthorne OP Rank: 2057An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jade Blackthorne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 15, 2007 (AS XLII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)

Jade of Redstone SEE: Jade Redstone

Jade of Starfall OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Caid
Highest Award: Duke Recommend for another award
See all 40 awards for Jade of Starfall
Award of Arms (West) Mar 23, 1985 (AS XIX)
Leaf of Merit (West) Mar 22, 1986 (AS XX)
Knight (West) Mar 21, 1987 (AS XXI)
Viscount (Mists) May 9, 1987 (AS XXII)
Count (West) Aug 22, 1987 (AS XXII)
Duke (West) Apr 30, 1988 (AS XXII)
Jade Redstone OP Rank: 1444An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jade of Redstone
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jade Redstone
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 15, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 27, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Jade the Little OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jade the Little UP
Jadwiga OP Rank: 4220An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Lionsdale [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Avacal
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 31, 2002 (AS XXXVII)

Jadwiga Radomyskova SEE: Jadwiga Radomyskowa

Jadwiga Radomyskowa OP Rank: 269An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Thornwold [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jadwiga Radomyskova
Highest Award: Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Recommend for another award
See all 59 awards for Jadwiga Radomyskowa
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 20, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jan 11, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Feb 20, 2016 (AS L)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Jun 10, 2017 (AS LII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 3, 2017 (AS LII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Feb 3, 2018 (AS LII)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 14, 2023 (AS LVII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 14, 2023 (AS LVII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Aug 26, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Viscountrix (Tir Righ) Aug 24, 2024 (AS LIX)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir) Nov 16, 2024 (AS LIX)
Jahnkin de Leeuw OP Rank: 2101An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Jahnkin de Leeuw
Award of Arms (Northshield) Oct 26, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 3, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jaida al Tusiyya OP Rank: 3671An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 3, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Jaida al-Sahrawiyya OP Rank: 6464An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Esma Isma
Highest Award: Sanguine Thorn Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jaida al-Sahrawiyya
Sanguine Thorn (An Tir) May 21, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jaida al-Zuhayr OP Rank: 1569An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Danescombe [Branch web site]

Also known as: Dominiqua Perreira
Also lived in: Lions Gate , Lionsdale
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Jaida al-Zuhayr
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 11, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Feb 12, 2011 (AS XLV)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Mar 5, 2011 (AS XLV)
Jaida of Tymberhavene OP Rank: 5617An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Tymberhavene [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Summits) Mar 17, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Jaime McBride OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Red Hart Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jaime McBride UP

Jaimie of the Oracle SEE: Jamie of the Oakenshield

Jaindvare Kvasirson OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 28, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jajiradai Batu OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Also known as: Eibhear o'Seanachain
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for Jajiradai Batu
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 18, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 13, 2002 (AS XXXVI)

Jak M'Kenye SEE: Jak McKenzie

Jak McKenzie OP Rank: 4240An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jak M'Kenye, Jamie McKenzie
Also lived in: Blatha An Oir
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jak McKenzie
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 28, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Jak Random o' the Green OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Thornwold [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jak Random of the Green
Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jak Random o' the Green UP

Jak Random of the Green SEE: Jak Random o' the Green

Jake Badeham SEE: Iago ab Adam

Jake of Cedreholt SEE: Hjalbjorn Joyason

Jakemina SEE: Jacomina van Vossenbrouck

Jakob von Soust OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 31, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Jamal of Borealis OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 9, 2006 (AS XLI)
Jamee von Brandenburg OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Gryphon's Paw Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jamee von Brandenburg UP

James Addison the Lame SEE: Addison the Lame

James Blackwell OP Rank: 5790An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ramsgaard [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Krakafjord
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Sep 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
James Cakebaker OP Rank: 5979An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 18, 2015 (AS L)
James Carns OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jul 30, 2011 (AS XLVI)
James Carreg O'Gywen OP Rank: 1986An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Thornwold
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for James Carreg O'Gywen
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 31, 2008 (AS XLIII)
James Carrey OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Carrey UP
James d'Orleans OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for James d'Orleans
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 19, 1988 (AS XXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 20, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Pelican (An Tir) Feb 22, 1998 (AS XXXII)
James Douglas OP Rank: 1305An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Eforwic
Highest Award: Dragon's Heart Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for James Douglas
Award of Arms (Midrealm) Jul 15, 1995 (AS XXX)
Purple Fret (Midrealm) Oct 5, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Dragon's Heart (Midrealm) Oct 4, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Wain (Ealdormere) Aug 18, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Court Baron (Ealdormere) Feb 3, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 15, 2009 (AS XLIV)

James Douglas MacDougal SEE: Nicole Munroe

James Elric Norþmon SEE: James Elwyc

James Elwyc OP Rank: 2436An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Akornebir [Branch web site]

Also known as: Elric Norþmon, James Elric Norþmon
Also lived in: Wastekeep
Highest Award: Sable Gauntlet Recommend for another award
See all 19 awards for James Elwyc
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 19, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir) Jul 18, 2015 (AS L)
James Falconbridge OP Rank: 3529An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Southmarch [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 26, 1992 (AS XXVII)

James Fitzpatric MacDuff SEE: Séamus mac Giolla Phádraig

James Graham OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Blasted Tree Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Graham UP
James Graham of Mugdock OP Rank: 2397An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Gauntlet Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for James Graham of Mugdock
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 6, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir) Oct 4, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 20, 2017 (AS LII)
James Greyhelm OP Rank: 57An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Briaroak [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Glyn Dwfn , Myrtleholt , Outlands
Highest Award: Duke Recommend for another award
See all 45 awards for James Greyhelm
Knight (West) May 1, 1971 (AS VI)
Count (West) Jan 8, 1972 (AS VI)
Duke (West) Jul 29, 1972 (AS VII)
Leaf of Merit (West) Sep 28, 1975 (AS X)
Pelican (West) Apr 29, 1978 (AS XII)
Viscount (Mists) May 1, 1982 (AS XVII)
Laurel (West) Mar 24, 1984 (AS XVIII)
Award of Arms (West) Aug 8, 1987 (AS XXII)
James Irvein of Lions Gate OP Rank: 6098An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for James Irvein of Lions Gate
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Jun 23, 2016 (AS LI)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
James Kilgannon OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Lionsdale [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Bardic Defender Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Kilgannon UP
James Le Grand OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 8, 2006 (AS XLI)
James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: James the Tormentor
Also lived in: Crickstow-on-Sea
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 67 awards for James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 2, 1987 (AS XXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 26, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jan 12, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Pelican (An Tir) Mar 22, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Baron Reign 3 (Former) of Seagirt (An Tir) Jan 10, 2004 (AS XXXVIII) through Apr 12, 2008 (AS XLII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Aug 14, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 12, 2008 (AS XLII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) May 14, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Feb 18, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Jun 23, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Sable Pheon (An Tir) Feb 18, 2023 (AS LVII)
James Lockwood OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bitter End [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Rapier Defender Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Lockwood UP

James Mac William SEE: Sergei Illyich

James MacPhearson of Kirkcaldy OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bitter End [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)

James MacWilliam SEE: Sergei Illyich

James Maxwell de Vere OP Rank: 5809An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ramsgaard [Branch web site]

Also known as: Maershal of Ramsgaard
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for James Maxwell de Vere
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Oct 19, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
James McCheane OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Ealdormere [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Bordergate
Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James McCheane UP
James Morgenstern OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Morgenstern UP
James o'Gordon OP Rank: 3004An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for James o'Gordon
Award of Arms (West) Sep 6, 1981 (AS XVI)
James of Appledore OP Rank: 6533An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Appledore [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 5, 2022 (AS LVII)
James of Northkeep OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Aug 21, 1977 (AS XII)

James of the Grey Lands SEE: Kolgrim Thorgeirson

James of Wealdsmere OP Rank: 1341An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 24, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 5, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
James of Wiverneweald OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Red Hart Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James of Wiverneweald UP
James Reardon OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Reardon UP
James Redbeard OP Rank: 2631An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Unknown
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for James Redbeard
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 20, 2017 (AS LII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV)
James Robinson OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: College of Cranehaven

Highest Award: Sable Chime Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James Robinson UP

James Sayer SEE: Chingis Shanagatai Neriin

James Summet OP Rank: 4130An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 28, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 31, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
James Tanglefoot OP Rank: 4356An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Krakafjord [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 23, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
James the Cook OP Rank: 1893An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for James the Cook
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 18, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 27, 2007 (AS XLI)
James the Dancer OP Rank: 2904An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for James the Dancer
Award of Arms (West) Jul 26, 1975 (AS X)
James the Decisive OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Leo Minor Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for James the Decisive UP
James the Holy OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Gleann Abhann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for James the Holy UP
James the Obscure OP Rank: 513An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for James the Obscure
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Oct 23, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 8, 2000 (AS XXXIV)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 3, 2005 (AS XL)
James the Quixotic OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for James the Quixotic
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 26, 2005 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 23, 2008 (AS XLII)
James the Shoemaker OP Rank: 6648An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Also known as: Sunny Jim
Highest Award: Griffe et du Lion Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for James the Shoemaker
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) Aug 19, 2023 (AS LVIII)

James the Tormentor SEE: James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd

James Wolfden OP Rank: 844An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 25 awards for James Wolfden
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 18, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 5, 2006 (AS XLI)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Sep 7, 2008 (AS XLIII) ***
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Nov 8, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Baron Reign 4 (Former) of Lions Gate (An Tir) Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV) through Nov 29, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 24, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Court Baron (An Tir) Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Pelican (An Tir) Nov 3, 2018 (AS LIII)
James Wyndswift OP Rank: 5404An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for James Wyndswift
Award of Arms (Summits) Aug 13, 2010 (AS XLV)
Jamesina O'Shanahan OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jamesina O'Shanahan
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 31, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jameson Wheeler OP Rank: 6442An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Lionsdale [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 15 awards for Jameson Wheeler
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Aug 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
Jamie Blackrose OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Archery Champion Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jamie Blackrose UP
Jamie McBeighn OP Rank: 3524An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Jamie McComber of Watterstown OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jamie McComber of Watterstown UP

Jamie McKenzie SEE: Jak McKenzie

Jamie of the Oakenshield OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jaimie of the Oracle
Highest Award: Knight Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jamie of the Oakenshield
Knight (West) Jan 6, 1968 (AS II)
Jana Maddalena di Palermo OP Rank: 1860An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jana the Mad, Jana the Maid
Also lived in: Fettberg
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for Jana Maddalena di Palermo
Award of Arms (West) Jan 27, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jul 29, 2006 (AS XLI)
Jana Seasgir OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jana Seasgir
Award of Arms (West) Dec 1, 1976 (AS XI)

Jana the Mad SEE: Jana Maddalena di Palermo

Jana the Maid SEE: Jana Maddalena di Palermo

Jane Anys Harkness OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Avacal [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Nov 26, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jane Devereaux OP Rank: 2310An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jane Devereaux
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jun 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Jane Eagle OP Rank: 6548An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jane Eagle
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 3, 2022 (AS LVII)
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) Jul 14, 2023 (AS LVIII)

Jane Godwin SEE: Lilion Jane Godwin

Janelle de Whitlau OP Rank: 3939An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Janeltis Karaine, Starfollower OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Dowager Princess Recommend for another award
See all 18 awards for Janeltis Karaine, Starfollower
Award of Arms (West) Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
Laurel (West) Mar 27, 1977 (AS XI)
Court Baroness (West) Sep 9, 1978 (AS XIII)
Viscountess (An Tir) Sep 9, 1978 (AS XIII)
Dowager Princess (An Tir) Oct 10, 1978 (AS XIII)
Lion An Tir (An Tir) Nov 12, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Janelyn of Fenmere OP Rank: 428An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for Janelyn of Fenmere
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 28, 1989 (AS XXIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 21, 1991 (AS XXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Feb 22, 1992 (AS XXVI)
Pelican (An Tir) May 22, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Baroness Reign 6 (Former) of Madrone (An Tir) Jan 7, 1995 (AS XXIX) through Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Court Baroness (An Tir) Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Janet Kempe OP Rank: 722An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 17 awards for Janet Kempe
Award of Arms (East) May 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Maunche (East) May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Silver Crescent (East) May 6, 2006 (AS XLI)
Landed Baron/Baroness of Ruantallan (East) Jun 30, 2007 (AS XLII) through Nov 29, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Grant of Arms (East) Jun 30, 2007 (AS XLII)
Court Baron/Baroness (East) Nov 29, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Dec 11, 2010 (AS XLV)
Pelican (An Tir) Sep 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Scarlet Banner (Ealdormere) Jun 6, 2015 (AS L)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Dec 3, 2016 (AS LI)
Janet of Arden OP Rank: 324An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Janet of Arden
Leaf of Merit (West) Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
Laurel (West) May 13, 1978 (AS XIII)
Janet of Stonecroft OP Rank: 2947An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Janet of Stonecroft
Award of Arms (West) Nov 28, 1978 (AS XIII)

Janett Marie McBain SEE: Janett Marie Northfield

Janett Marie Northfield OP Rank: 1065An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: Janett Marie McBain
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Janett Marie Northfield
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 1, 1985 (AS XX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 1, 1990 (AS XXV)

Janette Fletcher SEE: Jannet Fletcher

Jann Kaupmaorsdottir OP Rank: 2351An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Midhaven

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jann Kaupmaorsdottir
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 22, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 25, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Jannah of Fortosa OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jan 16, 2010 (AS XLIV)
Jannet Fletcher OP Rank: 943An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Also known as: Janette Fletcher
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 33 awards for Jannet Fletcher
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 20, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 24, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Sable Pheon (An Tir) Jul 14, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Iron's Arrow (Wealdsmere) Sep 21, 2024 (AS LIX)
Pelican (An Tir) Sep 21, 2024 (AS LIX)

Jans van de PonsVeele SEE: Shamus van de Ponseele

Jantasia of Hauksgardr OP Rank: 2744An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hauksgarðr [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jantasia of Hauksgardr
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 16, 2015 (AS L)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 12, 2022 (AS LVII)
January O'Guinn OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for January O'Guinn UP
Janusch Radovan Vladescu OP Rank: 1851An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Silverhart [Branch web site]

Also known as: Janusch Vladesque
Also lived in: Wealdsmere
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 24 awards for Janusch Radovan Vladescu
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 5, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 27, 2006 (AS XLI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 7, 2012 (AS XLVI)

Janusch Vladesque SEE: Janusch Radovan Vladescu

Janvier de la Mer OP Rank: 2133An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Janvier de la Mer
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 7, 2009 (AS XLIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 30, 2010 (AS XLV)
Jaqualline Fille de William OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Leo Minor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jaqualline Fille de William UP
Jaqueline Lefleur OP Rank: 2264An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jacqueline La Fleur
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 28 awards for Jaqueline Lefleur
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) May 23, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 25, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Feb 27, 2015 (AS XLIX)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Nov 3, 2018 (AS LIII)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Jun 11, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Jaqueline of Aquitane OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 10, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Jaques de Lacey OP Rank: 5127An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jaques de Lacey
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 15, 2008 (AS XLII)

Jaqueta Wilde SEE: Jack Wilde

Jaren FitzMichael OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Midhaven

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Jarðulfur OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar [Branch web site]

Also known as: Dare
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jasmine Al Du OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jasmine Al Du UP
Jasmine MacDuff OP Rank: 2295An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Herons Reach

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jasmine MacDuff
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 28, 2006 (AS XLI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 30, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Jasmine of Badger's Den OP Rank: 4643An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Jasmine of Darkwood OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Mists) Apr 21, 2018 (AS LII)
Jasmine Trewpeny OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Bountiful Hand Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jasmine Trewpeny UP
Jason Brooks OP Rank: 3672An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 3, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Jason Fitzgerald OP Rank: 4067An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jason Fitzgerald
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Caid [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Knight Recommend for another award
Knight (Caid) Jun 2, 1979 (AS XIV)
Jason MacRauiridh the Seolver-tunged OP Rank: 782An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Bear Wood

Also lived in: Aquaterra , Coeur du Val
Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jason MacRauiridh the Seolver-tunged
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 24, 1986 (AS XXI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jan 26, 1992 (AS XXVI)
Laurel (An Tir) May 21, 2016 (AS LI)
Jason of Borealis OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)

Jason of Rosaria SEE: Katherine Fox

Jason the Just OP Rank: 4387An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Corvaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 20, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)

Jason the Voracious SEE: John Patten

Jason the Younger SEE: Refr-Brandr Geirleiksson

Jasper Brasston OP Rank: 5987An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jasper Brasston
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 15, 2015 (AS L)
Jasper Campbell OP Rank: 5702An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Myrtleholt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Summits) Oct 27, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Jasper Rose OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Insulae Draconis

Highest Award: Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jasper Rose UP
Jasper Salles OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Thrown Weapons Champion Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jasper Salles UP
Jauhara bint al-Ghamr OP Rank: 2944An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) May 13, 1978 (AS XIII)
Jax the Jester OP Rank: 5590An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jax the Jester
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 3, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jay of Lille OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ambergard

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jay of Lille
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 26, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 13, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Oct 23, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jay of the Woods OP Rank: 3184An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Vulcanfeldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 12, 1986 (AS XXI)
Jay the Silent OP Rank: 6035An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glyn Dwfn [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jay the Silent
Award of Arms (Summits) Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)
Jaya Mandeepa Chokkar OP Rank: 5931An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Vulcanfeldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 11, 2015 (AS XLIX)

Jayce Alexander Nervsky Whitlock SEE: Jayce Alexander Whitlock

Jayce Alexander Whitlock OP Rank: 6582An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ramsgaard [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jayce Alexander Nervsky Whitlock
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jayce Alexander Whitlock
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Apr 15, 2023 (AS LVII)
Jayden Halfdansdotter OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Jayson of House Werner OP Rank: 2488An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for Jayson of House Werner
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Aug 1, 2015 (AS L)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 30, 2022 (AS LVI)
Jayson the Second of House Werner OP Rank: 5857An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jayson the Second of House Werner
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Jun 14, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Jazelle d'Avignon OP Rank: 3705An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 4, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Jazelle Rae of Leyster OP Rank: 988An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jazelle Rae of Leyster
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 9, 1983 (AS XVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 13, 1985 (AS XIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 10, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Jazod Felygo OP Rank: 2114An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jazod Felygo
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 15, 2005 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 14, 2010 (AS XLV)
Sanguine Thorn (An Tir) Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jean Claude Dieulafoy OP Rank: 1255An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Maunche Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jean Claude Dieulafoy
Award of Arms (East) May 23, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Sycamore (Æthelmearc) Feb 20, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Sycamore (Æthelmearc) May 29, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Golden Alce (Æthelmearc) Jan 14, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Maunche (East) Feb 24, 1996 (AS XXX)
White Scarf (An Tir) Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Jean de Chauliac OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 25 awards for Jean de Chauliac
Award of Arms (East) Jun 19, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Nov 26, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Pelican (An Tir) Mar 9, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Jean de la Grand' Anse OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Count Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jean de la Grand' Anse
Knight (West) Mar 21, 1970 (AS IV)
Count (West) May 1, 1971 (AS VI)
Jean Dubois OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Hound Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jean Dubois UP
Jean Ettinnedu Nordovest OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jean Ettinnedu Nordovest UP
Jean Faux-pas OP Rank: 3035An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jean Faux-pas
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 1982 (AS XVII)
Jean Kyle de Montaigne OP Rank: 2088An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Pendale [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Wealdsmere
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jean Kyle de Montaigne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 26, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 17, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jean Lamont OP Rank: 6688An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Summits) Dec 9, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Jean Louis de Chambertin OP Rank: 36An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion An Tir Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for Jean Louis de Chambertin
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 15, 1982 (AS XVII)
Laurel (An Tir) Jul 15, 1984 (AS XIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 4, 1984 (AS XIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 18, 1985 (AS XX)
Pelican (An Tir) Jul 15, 1989 (AS XXIV)
Lion An Tir (An Tir) Nov 12, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jean Luc de Brest OP Rank: 3902An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jean Luc de Brest
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 6, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Jean Marc de Folville OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
Jean Pappineau de Solion OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 1, 1989 (AS XXIII)
Jean-Christophe Fazoli OP Rank: 6541An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jean-Christophe Fazoli
Award of Arms (Summits) Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jean-Jacques Lavigne OP Rank: 1689An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Also known as: John Grove
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Jean-Jacques Lavigne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 30, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jean-Phillipe L'Ours OP Rank: 4068An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jean-Phillipe L'Ours
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 16, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Jean-Pierre Clobert le Chassuer de Lorainne OP Rank: 5191An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jean-Pierre Clobert le Chassuer de Lorainne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 31, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Jeane Chantal la Bouviere OP Rank: 1107An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jeane Chantal la Bouviere
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Jeanette of Valkenswaard OP Rank: 3255An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jeanette of Valkenswaard
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 11, 1989 (AS XXIII)

Jeanette Tangen SEE: Eithne ingen Ferchart

Jeann of the Oakenshield OP Rank: 2894An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jun 22, 1974 (AS IX)
Jeanne of Ramsgaard OP Rank: 2006An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ramsgaard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jeanne of Ramsgaard
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 18, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Nov 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Jeannette de Brittain OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Dregate

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jeannette de Brittain UP
Jeannie of Portland OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Apr 8, 1972 (AS VI)
Leaf of Merit (West) Jun 23, 1973 (AS VIII)
Jeff of Blatha an Oir OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jeff of Blatha an Oir UP
Jeffery of Jarrow OP Rank: 2874An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: West
Highest Award: Court Baron Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for Jeffery of Jarrow
Award of Arms (West) May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Leaf of Merit (West) Jul 4, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Court Baron (West) Oct 3, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jeffery von Geist Tal OP Rank: 3093An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 14, 1984 (AS XVIII)
Jeffrey OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jeffrey UP
Jehane Bretal OP Rank: 3314An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jehane Bretal
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 13, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Jehane Catterill OP Rank: 1216An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Dragon's Laire
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jehane Catterill
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 14, 1989 (AS XXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 4, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jehanette Delagrace OP Rank: 4557An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ramsgaard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 16, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jehanne de Nimes OP Rank: 5108An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)

Jenae la Joyeaux SEE: Jenae' la Joyeaux

Jenae' la Joyeaux OP Rank: 729An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jenae la Joyeaux, Jenne la Joyeuse
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 37 awards for Jenae' la Joyeaux
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 4, 2006 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 31, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jul 6, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Court Baroness (An Tir) May 16, 2015 (AS L)
Jenara Wyndswift OP Rank: 2160An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Also known as: Sabia Driegenwood
Also lived in: Caid , Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 16 awards for Jenara Wyndswift
Dolphin (Caid) Oct 26, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 2, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 26, 2011 (AS XLV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jul 6, 2024 (AS LIX)
Jenefer OP Rank: 5083An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ambergard

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 27, 2007 (AS XLII)
Jenefer Moberley OP Rank: 5113An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Vulcanfeldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jenefer Moberley
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 15, 2007 (AS XLII)

Jenessa of Sable Desert SEE: Yasmina bint Mansur

Jenette Wen Moryen OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jennete wen Moryen, Jennette of Borealis
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jenette Wen Moryen
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 17, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 10, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Jenn of Artemesia OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Artemisia [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Princess' Knott Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jenn of Artemesia UP

Jenne la Joyeuse SEE: Jenae' la Joyeaux

Jennet MacLachlan of Loch Fyne OP Rank: 230An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Myrtleholt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Viscountess Recommend for another award
See all 29 awards for Jennet MacLachlan of Loch Fyne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Oct 23, 2010 (AS XLV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 15, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Viscountess (Summits) Jun 21, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Pelican (An Tir) Jul 4, 2015 (AS L)
Jennet of Twominds OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Countess Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jennet of Twominds
Countess (West) Jul 30, 1977 (AS XII)

Jennete wen Moryen SEE: Jenette Wen Moryen

Jennette of Borealis SEE: Jenette Wen Moryen

Jennifer Lions OP Rank: 3479An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 25, 1992 (AS XXVI)
Jennifer of Lyonsmarche OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Also lived in: Lyonsmarche
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 16, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Jennifer Rose MacHeath OP Rank: 3763An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: Morgaine Cerwyn, Morgaine L'Inconnu
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jennifer Rose MacHeath
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 2, 1996 (AS XXX)
Jenny Crumb OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Oertha

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) May 13, 1978 (AS XIII)
Jenyvr OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Oertha

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jan 13, 1979 (AS XIII)
Jeoffre of Blatha an Oir OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jeoffre of Blatha an Oir UP
Jer Goblet OP Rank: 3512An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 11, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Jerald of Galloway OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Viscount Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for Jerald of Galloway
Award of Arms (West) Apr 8, 1972 (AS VI)
Knight (West) Oct 22, 1972 (AS VII)
Viscount (An Tir) Sep 7, 1974 (AS IX)
Leaf of Merit (West) May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 7, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Lion et de la Lance (An Tir) Sep 3, 2005 (AS XL)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 9, 2006 (AS XLI)
Jeremy OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Silverhart [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Sea Lion Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jeremy UP

Jerric Kaldheim SEE: Diarmait Oc Mac Cuinn

Jerrick Elle OP Rank: 6801An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Krakafjord
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jerrick Elle
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Oct 19, 2024 (AS LIX)

Jess of the Roving Irishmen SEE: Jessy Gateman

Jess, Master of the Horse SEE: Sergai of Roeshaven

Jessadriel Darkmountain OP Rank: 2230An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jessadriel Darkmountain
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 25, 2005 (AS XL)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Feb 11, 2012 (AS XLVI)

Jessamyn SEE: Qada'an Nachin

Jesse Blackhawk OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jesse Blackhawk
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 30, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Jesse Chapman OP Rank: 5584An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Ambergard

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 22, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jessic Demolay OP Rank: 5331An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Briaroak [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 19, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jessica OP Rank: 4396An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Akornebir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jessica
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 11, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jessica Creaven OP Rank: 1217An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jessica Creaven
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 4, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Jessica of Cranehaven OP Rank: 5483An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: College of Cranehaven

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 5, 2011 (AS XLV)
Jessica of Lyonsmarche OP Rank: 5690An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: College of Lyonsmarche [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 6, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Jessica Taylor OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Corvaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jessica Taylor UP
Jessica Townley OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jessica Townley UP
Jessie of Glymm Mere OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Crystal of Glymm Mere Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jessie of Glymm Mere UP

Jessimond of Greencrosse SEE: Qada'an Nachin

Jessy Gateman OP Rank: 2377An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jess of the Roving Irishmen
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for Jessy Gateman
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 30, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Sanguine Thorn (An Tir) Oct 19, 2024 (AS LIX)
Jetai of Vulkanfeldt OP Rank: 5504An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Vulcanfeldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jetai of Vulkanfeldt
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 9, 2011 (AS XLV)

Jewel Thingkona SEE: Aelfwyn the Vexed

Jezebeth MacBeighn OP Rank: 4474An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 24, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
Jezzia Longtooth OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jezzia Longtooth UP
Jhone MacLachlan OP Rank: 1367An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Pendale [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Trimaris , Wealdsmere
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 14 awards for Jhone MacLachlan
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 8, 1997 (AS XXXI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 24, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Ji'lid al-banna ibn Hyder OP Rank: 2740An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Also known as: Ja'lid al-banna ibn Hyder, Ja'Lid ibn Hyder
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for Ji'lid al-banna ibn Hyder
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 5, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 17, 2022 (AS LVII)
Ji'lid's Caravan OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Apple Tree Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Ji'lid's Caravan UP
Jill Blackhorse OP Rank: 601An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 26 awards for Jill Blackhorse
Award of Arms (West) Mar 22, 1980 (AS XIV)
Harp Argent (Caid) Feb 21, 1988 (AS XXII)
Dolphin (Caid) Jan 14, 1989 (AS XXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 25, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 1, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 8, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Baroness Reign 12 (Former) of Three Mountains (An Tir) Dec 16, 2006 (AS XLI) through Jan 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Court Baroness (An Tir) Jan 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Jillian OP Rank: 5050An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 25, 2007 (AS XLII)

Jilsephone Alurasdottir SEE: Arnora Joradottir

Jim the Merchant OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Joan of Faversham OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Also lived in: Seagirt
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) May 13, 1978 (AS XIII)
Joan of Scherrewood OP Rank: 2930An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jun 11, 1977 (AS XII)
Leaf of Merit (West) Sep 28, 1978 (AS XIII)
Joan the Just of Lismore Isle OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 24 awards for Joan the Just of Lismore Isle
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 2, 1987 (AS XXII)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 3, 1987 (AS XXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 21, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jan 9, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Pelican (An Tir) Sep 6, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jun 13, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Joanna OP Rank: 4499An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glyn Dwfn [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 30, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Joanna Buxton OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joanna Buxton UP
Joanna Christabel OP Rank: 3044An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Joanna Christabel
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 8, 1983 (AS XVII)
Joanna Kelsey OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Torc Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joanna Kelsey UP
Joanna of Oxgoddes OP Rank: 3695An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Joanna of Oxgoddes
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 8, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Joanna Sparhawke OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Valley Wold

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 13, 1990 (AS XXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 15, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Joanne OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joanne UP
Joanne of Cristable OP Rank: 3440An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Joanne of Puffin Cliff OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Duchess Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Joanne of Puffin Cliff
Countess (West) May 5, 1984 (AS XIX)
Duchess (West) May 2, 1987 (AS XXII)
Joaquin Alphonse Diego OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 21, 1990 (AS XXV)

Jocasta of Fjordland SEE: Jocasta Sinclair

Jocasta Sinclair OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Fjordland [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jocasta of Fjordland
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Jocasta Sinclair
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 24, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) May 3, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 16, 2019 (AS LIII)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) May 11, 2019 (AS LIV)
Jocatta Sandino Cominante OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Rhuddglyn [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 26, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Jocelyn Crokehorn OP Rank: 962An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Jocelyn Crokehorn
Award of Arms (West) Jan 12, 1980 (AS XIV)
Leaf of Merit (West) Sep 6, 1981 (AS XVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 4, 1982 (AS XVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 4, 1988 (AS XXIII)
Court Baroness (An Tir) Jan 12, 1991 (AS XXV)
Jocelyn of Vinjar OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar [Branch web site]

Highest Award: A&S Defender Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jocelyn of Vinjar UP
Jodan de Carlitte OP Rank: 1398An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jodan de la Montagne Carlitte
Also lived in: Southron Gaard
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for Jodan de Carlitte
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 21, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Court Baron/Baroness (An Tir) Jul 15, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 1, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) May 23, 2009 (AS XLIV)

Jodan de la Montagne Carlitte SEE: Jodan de Carlitte

Jódís in glaða SEE: Epona Ehwaz

Joerg Joachim Ricard Rhinehart SEE: Karl Alexander von Ross

Joesph of Myrtleholt OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Myrtleholt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Joesph of Myrtleholt UP
Joest Ronco OP Rank: 1945An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Also known as: Ronan Mac Cormac
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 8 awards for Joest Ronco
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 8, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
Joffre of Harbor Crest OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Joffre of Harbor Crest
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 11, 1997 (AS XXXI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 8, 2001 (AS XXXVI)

Johan of Aquaterra SEE: Johann Bjornson

Johan of Heron's Reach OP Rank: 4271An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Herons Reach

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 11, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Johann Bjornson OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Johan of Aquaterra
Highest Award: Leo Minor Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Johann Bjornson UP

Johann Fairhand SEE: Johannes Fairhand

Johann Fritz OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 16, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Johann Keck OP Rank: 5964An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Corvaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Johann Keck
Award of Arms (Summits) Jun 20, 2015 (AS L)
Johann Kunstler of Sweord Ora OP Rank: 3402An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Southmarch [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 6, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Johann Matheusson OP Rank: 1995An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 14 awards for Johann Matheusson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 17, 2005 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jul 19, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Baron Reign 7 (Former) of Glymm Mere (An Tir) May 14, 2011 (AS XLVI) through Jul 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jul 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Johann Thorsson OP Rank: 963An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Johann Thorsson
Award of Arms (West) Aug 30, 1981 (AS XVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 5, 1982 (AS XVII)
Johann Wolfmueller OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Sigelhundas [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 2, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 15, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Johanna aff Hucka OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Drachenwald [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Johanna aff Hucka UP

Johanna de Washington SEE: Johanna de Wassington

Johanna de Wassington OP Rank: 2634An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Also known as: Johanna de Washington
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 8 awards for Johanna de Wassington
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 27, 2017 (AS LI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 27, 2019 (AS LIV)
Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter OP Rank: 1607An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Katarina Felgenhauer
Also lived in: Coill Mhor , Lionsdale
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 14, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 21, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Jan 21, 2006 (AS XL)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 12, 2008 (AS XLII)
Johanna Katrin OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Johanna Katrin
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 20, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 8, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Johanna Kjoppmanndtr OP Rank: 212An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Corvaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Viscountess Recommend for another award
See all 8 awards for Johanna Kjoppmanndtr
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Viscountess (Summits) Dec 12, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Johanna of the Misty Fjords OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Myrtleholt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Summits) Oct 6, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Johanna of Worthington SEE: Johanna Worthington

Johanna Russel OP Rank: 5420An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Johanna Russel
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
Johanna Trewpeny OP Rank: 785An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 25 awards for Johanna Trewpeny
Award of Arms (Summits) Jan 16, 2010 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 16, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Sep 20, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 19, 2015 (AS L)
Pelican (An Tir) May 28, 2016 (AS LI)
Johanna van der Velde OP Rank: 5437An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Johanna van der Velde
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Sep 25, 2010 (AS XLV)
Johanna Worthington OP Rank: 6607An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Also known as: Johanna of Worthington
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Johanna Worthington
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) May 27, 2023 (AS LVIII)

Johannas Adrian Zoon Von Reisbeek SEE: Grimólfr Griótgarðsson

Johanne af Wasastjarna OP Rank: 2984An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) May 16, 1981 (AS XVI)
Johannes Dehn OP Rank: 5436An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Johannes Dehn
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 25, 2010 (AS XLV)
Johannes Drengr OP Rank: 2243An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Johannes Drengr
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 20, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 26, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Johannes Eberhardt OP Rank: 6783An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Johannes Eberhardt
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 21, 2024 (AS LIX)
Johannes Fairhand OP Rank: 1582An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Also known as: Johann Fairhand
Also lived in: Stromgard , Wyewood
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 25 awards for Johannes Fairhand
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 29, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 25, 2010 (AS XLV)
Sable Pheon (An Tir) Sep 12, 2024 (AS LIX)
Johannes Guotmann OP Rank: 6486An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Johannes Guotmann
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 18, 2022 (AS LVII)
Johannes Kai von Buxtehude OP Rank: 5281An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Johannes Kai von Buxtehude
Award of Arms (Summits) May 9, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Johannes Konradsson OP Rank: 2206An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Johannes Konradsson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 21, 2010 (AS XLV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Johannes Sinistrus OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Johannes Sinistrus
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 15, 1982 (AS XVII)

Johannes von Frölichenwald SEE: Grimólfr Griótgarðsson

Johannes von Langental OP Rank: 3692An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Also known as: Evan von Langental
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Johannes von Langental
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 8, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Johannes Von Morgarten OP Rank: 1872An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Earnrokke

Also known as: Johanness Von Thun
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 22, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 2, 2006 (AS XLI)

Johanness Von Thun SEE: Johannes Von Morgarten

Joharra al-Wadi SEE: Isabeau Delecroix

John Alexander OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: None of Unknown

Also lived in: Avacal
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 7, 1989 (AS XXIV)
John Badgeworth OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Sigelhundas [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Badgeworth UP
John Blackburn OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Joffre Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Blackburn UP
John Blackwell OP Rank: 1679An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: John de Galeau
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for John Blackwell
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 26, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 3, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
John Bowslayer OP Rank: 543An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 18 awards for John Bowslayer
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 20, 1995 (AS XXX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jan 27, 1996 (AS XXX)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) May 16, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 27, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jun 30, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 26, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
John Catharne OP Rank: 4325An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Also known as: John of Glymm Mere
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for John Catharne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 19, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
John Cooper OP Rank: 3607An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 31, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
John de Cannon OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John de Cannon UP

John de Galeau SEE: John Blackwell

John de Percy OP Rank: 927An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 28 awards for John de Percy
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 10, 2005 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 13, 2007 (AS XLI)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Jun 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir) Jul 7, 2018 (AS LIII)
Sable Pheon (An Tir) Jun 18, 2022 (AS LVII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 13, 2024 (AS LVIII)
John de Rokyngham OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan OP Rank: 608An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Also known as: John MacAndrew
Also lived in: Lions Gate
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 39 awards for John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Jan 14, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) May 23, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Pelican (An Tir) Sep 17, 2005 (AS XL)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 29, 2015 (AS L)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Sep 26, 2015 (AS L)
John Fawkes OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for John Fawkes
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 21, 2004 (AS XXXIX)

John Grove SEE: Jean-Jacques Lavigne

John Guthrie SEE: Iain Archibald Guthrie

John James MacCrimmon OP Rank: 1301An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for John James MacCrimmon
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 30, 1997 (AS XXXII)
John Kane of Kent OP Rank: 1489An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Adiantum , Blatha An Oir , Heraldshill
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for John Kane of Kent
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 4, 1987 (AS XXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 12, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
John Kirksson OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for John Kirksson UP
John Kullma OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Joffre Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Kullma UP

John MacAndrew SEE: John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan

John Macleod the Black OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 17 awards for John Macleod the Black
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 18, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 29, 1996 (AS XXXI)
Pelican (An Tir) Sep 5, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 23, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Baron of Borealis Old (An Tir) Apr 17, 1999 (AS XXXIII) through Feb 24, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Court Baron (An Tir) Feb 24, 2001 (AS XXXV)
John Martin OP Rank: 6136An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 15, 2016 (AS LI)
John Michael Cathcart OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for John Michael Cathcart
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 1, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 21, 1992 (AS XXVI)
John of Aquaterra OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Dolphin Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John of Aquaterra UP
John of Arc OP Rank: 4439An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 13, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
John of Brownwood OP Rank: 3937An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for John of Brownwood
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 1, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 4, 2000 (AS XXXIV)
John of Candia OP Rank: 2919An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for John of Candia
Award of Arms (West) Nov 27, 1976 (AS XI)
John of Chilham OP Rank: 1059An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for John of Chilham
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 10, 1987 (AS XXI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 4, 1990 (AS XXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Mar 2, 1996 (AS XXX)

John of Dragon's Laire SEE: Máenach of Dragon's Laire

John of Eyryhold OP Rank: 3622An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 1993 (AS XXVIII)

John of Glymm Mere SEE: John Catharne

John of Lakeland OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate

Highest Award: Champion of Evergreens Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John of Lakeland UP
John of Lewis OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for John of Lewis
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 4, 2017 (AS LI)
John of Ravenwolf OP Rank: 2890An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jan 5, 1974 (AS VIII)
John of Rethir OP Rank: 3018An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 3, 1982 (AS XVI)
John of Skye OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
John of the Angular Dove OP Rank: 2931An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for John of the Angular Dove
Award of Arms (West) Aug 13, 1977 (AS XII)
John of Underhill OP Rank: 3552An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Briaroak [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 9, 1993 (AS XXVII)
John of Vinjar OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 5, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
John Patten OP Rank: 647An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Also known as: Iason Vorax, Jason the Voracious
Also lived in: Crosston , Dragon's Mist
Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 13 awards for John Patten
Award of Arms (West) Apr 10, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 10, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 6, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Pelican (West) Jul 27, 2007 (AS XLII)
John Purchase OP Rank: 2878An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glyn Dwfn [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Court Baron/Baroness Recommend for another award
See all 11 awards for John Purchase
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 18, 2021 (AS LVI)
Court Baron/Baroness (West) Aug 27, 2022 (AS LVII)
John Shewan OP Rank: 4313An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Lionsdale [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 21, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
John Ste. Marie OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Dolphin Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Ste. Marie UP

John Tewl Gover SEE: Tewl Gover orth Kernow

John the Bearkiller OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Meridies [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Duke Recommend for another award
See all 29 awards for John the Bearkiller
Award of Arms (Meridies) Apr 3, 1976 (AS X)
Knight (Meridies) Jun 25, 1977 (AS XII)
Viscount (Meridies) Jul 9, 1977 (AS XII)
Count (Meridies) Jul 15, 1978 (AS XIII)
Duke (Meridies) Oct 27, 1979 (AS XIV)
Grant of Arms (Meridies) Nov 1, 1980 (AS XV)
Dragon's Tooth (Midrealm) Oct 16, 1982 (AS XVII)
Court Baron (Meridies) Jul 13, 1985 (AS XX)
Pelican (Meridies) Sep 14, 1991 (AS XXVI)
John the Immobile OP Rank: 2775An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Earnrokke

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for John the Immobile
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jun 25, 2005 (AS XL)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jun 3, 2023 (AS LVIII)

John the Unkept SEE: John Wernarsson

John Theophilus OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sergeant Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Theophilus UP
John Walker OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Snapdragon Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for John Walker UP
John Warrick Draker OP Rank: 818An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Warrick Drakker, Warrick of Ship Drakkar, Warwick Drakkar, Warwick of Ship Drakkar
Highest Award: Order of Defense Recommend for another award
See all 53 awards for John Warrick Draker
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 18, 2006 (AS XLI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 26, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Nov 21, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Hastae Leonis (An Tir) Jun 12, 2010 (AS XLV)
White Scarf (An Tir) Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Oct 24, 2015 (AS L)
Order of Defense (An Tir) Sep 2, 2017 (AS LII)
John Wayland OP Rank: 2755An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Also known as: Ulfr Byrnsmidr
Also lived in: Oertha
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 16 awards for John Wayland
Award of Arms (Summits) Oct 19, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 10, 2022 (AS LVII)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) May 27, 2023 (AS LVIII)
John Wernarsson OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Also known as: John the Unkept
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for John Wernarsson
Award of Arms (Avacal) Jun 27, 2009 (AS XLIV)
John Wolfstan OP Rank: 604An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Dragon's Laire , Glymm Mere
Highest Award: Knight Recommend for another award
See all 17 awards for John Wolfstan
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 9, 1996 (AS XXX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 8, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Knight (An Tir) May 21, 2005 (AS XL)
Court Baron/Baroness (An Tir) Jul 17, 2010 (AS XLV)
Johnathan of Dunblane OP Rank: 2443An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Fire Mountain Keep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 17, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Aug 15, 2015 (AS L)

Johne de Oakford SEE: Alexis Myrrdin of Braemist

Joia von Berengareshagen OP Rank: 5325An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Joia von Berengareshagen
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 6, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jolen MacThaddeus OP Rank: 5995An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Corvaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jolen MacThaddeus
Award of Arms (Summits) Aug 29, 2015 (AS L)

Jolgeir of Aquaterra SEE: Jólgeirr Álarson

Jólgeirr Álarson OP Rank: 2182An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jolgeir of Aquaterra
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Jólgeirr Álarson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 24, 2010 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jul 16, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jan 11, 2014 (AS XLVIII)

Jolita of Rosehaven SEE: Julitta of Rosehaven

Jolyon Draeger OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of River's Bend [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jolyon Draeger UP
Jon Bjarnason McGurn al Khabeelah OP Rank: 1937An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jon Bjarnason McGurn al Khabeelah
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Nov 17, 2007 (AS XLII)
Jon Brodersson OP Rank: 5398An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 17, 2010 (AS XLV)
Jón Eiríksson OP Rank: 4060An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jón Eiríksson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Jon Macleod OP Rank: 2592An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Vulcanfeldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jon Macleod
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 8, 2017 (AS LI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 7, 2018 (AS LII)
Jon of Dublin OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Crystal of Glymm Mere Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jon of Dublin UP
Jon of Tymberhavene OP Rank: 6010An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Tymberhavene [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Summits) Sep 26, 2015 (AS L)
Jonathan OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Jonathan ap Naill OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Jonathan Doesil OP Rank: 5616An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Druim Doineann [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 11, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Jonathan of Fenrock OP Rank: 3221An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 16, 1988 (AS XXII)
Jonathan Walker OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Carp Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jonathan Walker UP
Jonathon the Vague OP Rank: 4421An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jonathon the Vague
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 1, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jonet de Laundells OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Dolphin Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jonet de Laundells UP
Joneta inghean Feradaig OP Rank: 1438An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of River's Bend [Branch web site]

Also known as: Nettie MacLost, Sionaid ine Cullaich
Also lived in: Blatha An Oir , Thornwold
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 9 awards for Joneta inghean Feradaig
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 13, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) May 29, 2010 (AS XLV)
Jonette Hangeraas OP Rank: 6286An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jonette Hangeraas
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) May 12, 2018 (AS LIII)
Jonheathur Askniisdottier OP Rank: 5267An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jonheathur Askniisdottier
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 2, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jora inn Rakki OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Artemisia [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Archery Defender Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jora inn Rakki UP
Jora Kottr OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Youth Champion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jora Kottr UP
Jóra Oddsdóttir OP Rank: 6400An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Frozen Mountain
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jóra Oddsdóttir
Award of Arms (Ealdormere) Nov 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
Jora of Borealis OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Borealis [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 10, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Jora Sveinsdottir OP Rank: 3730An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 1995 (AS XXX)
Jordan Bartole OP Rank: 4550An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Briaroak [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 18, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Jordan Catharne OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jordan Catharne UP
Jorg Siggeirrsen OP Rank: 459An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Silverhart [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Caid , Wealdsmere
Highest Award: Knight Recommend for another award
See all 27 awards for Jorg Siggeirrsen
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 1988 (AS XXIII)
Crescent Sword (Caid) Apr 6, 1991 (AS XXV)
Harp Argent (Caid) May 30, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Knight (An Tir) Jul 8, 1995 (AS XXX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Apr 19, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Laurel (An Tir) Nov 8, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 13, 2007 (AS XLII)
Jorge the Bowmaster OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jorge the Bowmaster UP
Jorgen OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Myrgan Wood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Jorgen
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
Jorgen Pedersen of Haphazard Manor OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Frozen Mountain

Highest Award: Silver Sparkes Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Jorgen Pedersen of Haphazard Manor UP
Jori Williamsdotter OP Rank: 6118An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jori Williamsdotter
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 20, 2016 (AS LI)
Jorun of Three Mountains OP Rank: 3861An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Nov 8, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Jorundr Skogarnef OP Rank: 2741An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Pendale [Branch web site]

Also known as: Aich Hilton, Liam MacArthur
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Jorundr Skogarnef
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 27, 2006 (AS XLI)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 1, 2022 (AS LVII)
l'Esperon et du Lion (An Tir) Jul 14, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Jorunn OP Rank: 6411An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Also known as: Elizabeth of Akornebir
Highest Award: Griffe et du Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Jorunn
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) Mar 7, 2020 (AS LIV)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 23, 2022 (AS LVI)
Jorunn Aslaksdottir OP Rank: 5497An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jorunn Aslaksdottir
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 12, 2011 (AS XLV)
Jorunn Steinabrjotr OP Rank: 701An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Madrone
Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Jorunn Steinabrjotr
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 13, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Dec 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Laurel (An Tir) Mar 12, 2011 (AS XLV)

Jory Willamsdottir SEE: Sigridr Vilhjalmsdottir

Joscelin of Vinjar OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
José Cabrera de Castilla OP Rank: 2205An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 18 awards for José Cabrera de Castilla
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 4, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 22, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Baron Reign 4 (Former) of Dragon's Mist (An Tir) Aug 19, 2017 (AS LII) through Sep 8, 2020 (AS LV)
Jose of I Don't Know Where OP Rank: 4066An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Joseba Herizalde OP Rank: 6160An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Mountain Edge [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Joseba Herizalde
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 14, 2017 (AS LI)
Josef de Gonneville OP Rank: 1009An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Josef de Gonneville
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 18, 1985 (AS XX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jul 11, 1987 (AS XXII)
Baron Reign 2 (Former) of Blatha An Oir (An Tir) Oct 17, 1987 (AS XXII) through Oct 15, 1988 (AS XXIII)
Josef of Deepwater OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Torc Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Josef of Deepwater UP

Joseph dé Merik SEE: Joseph Malleus Dei, dé Merik

Joseph Gothormson OP Rank: 6830An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Joseph Gothormson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 25, 2025 (AS LIX)
Joseph Lee Catchpole OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Oertha

Also known as: Joseph Lee of Starfyre
Highest Award: Viscount Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Joseph Lee Catchpole
Viscount (Oertha) Jan 17, 1999 (AS XXXIII)

Joseph Lee of Starfyre SEE: Joseph Lee Catchpole

Joseph Malleus Dei, dé Merik OP Rank: 2274An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Also known as: Joseph dé Merik, Joseph the Hammer of God, dé Merik
Also lived in: Dragon's Mist
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Joseph Malleus Dei, dé Merik
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 6, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 22, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Joseph of Aquaterra OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Red Boar Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joseph of Aquaterra UP
Joseph of Golden Dragon, the Good OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Atenveldt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Master at Arms Recommend for another award
Master at Arms (Atenveldt) Apr 14, 1973 (AS VII)
Joseph of Midhaven OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Leo Minor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joseph of Midhaven UP
Joseph of Silverhart OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Silverhart [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Sea Lion Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joseph of Silverhart UP
Joseph of the Forest OP Rank: 3845An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of River's Bend [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Fire Mountain Keep
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 19, 1997 (AS XXXII)

Joseph the Hammer of God, dé Merik SEE: Joseph Malleus Dei, dé Merik

Josephine Blackthorn OP Rank: 1645An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Tir Bannog [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Josephine Blackthorn
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 14, 2001 (AS XXXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Nov 22, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Hafoc (Tir Righ) Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
Josephine of Beckenham OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Children's Champion, Jr. Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Josephine of Beckenham UP
Josephine of Bordergate OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Bordergate

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Avacal) Dec 17, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Josephus Romanus OP Rank: 5652An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Earnrokke

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 28, 2012 (AS XLVII)

Josepina de Valette SEE: Josepina Torregianni de Malta

Josepina Torregianni de Malta OP Rank: 3878An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: Josepina de Valette
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 7, 1998 (AS XXXII)

Josette SEE: Habibi bint Macahara

Josh OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: The Griffin’s Egg Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Josh UP
Josh Smyth OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Apple Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Josh Smyth UP
Joshua Gray OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Dolphin Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joshua Gray UP
Joshua Maccusson OP Rank: 5006An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Joshua Maccusson
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 17, 2007 (AS XLI)

Joshua of False Isle SEE: Azemar de Lyon

Joshua Son of Michael of Caerleon OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Green Seahorse Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joshua Son of Michael of Caerleon UP
Josie Light OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Torc Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Josie Light UP
Joutsenjärven Sahra OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of Drachenwald [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Forget-me-not Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joutsenjärven Sahra UP
Joya Cedreholt OP Rank: 1670An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Bear Wood

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Joya Cedreholt
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 10, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Mar 7, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 18, 2005 (AS XL)
Joyce of Black Arrow Keep OP Rank: 4182An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Joyce of Black Arrow Keep
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 2, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Joye de Beumund OP Rank: 5723An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Hartwood
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Joye de Beumund
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 9, 2013 (AS XLVII) ***
Joyelyne of Tir Righ OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of Tir Righ [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Sparkes Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Joyelyne of Tir Righ UP
Juahara al Azin OP Rank: 140An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Thornwold [Branch web site]

Also known as: Lyra de Lyon
Also lived in: Lions Gate , Lionsdale
Highest Award: Countess Recommend for another award
See all 22 awards for Juahara al Azin
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 31, 1993 (AS XXVIII) ***
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 2, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Apr 14, 2007 (AS XLI)
Viscountess (Tir Righ) Feb 22, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Laurel (An Tir) Nov 5, 2022 (AS LVII)
Countess (An Tir) Jul 20, 2024 (AS LIX)
Juan OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juan UP
Juan Carlos de Montilla OP Rank: 3513An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Juan Carlos de Montilla
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 11, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Juan De Leon OP Rank: 4926An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Juan De Leon
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 12, 2006 (AS XLI)

Juan Ramirez de Santiago SEE: Ana Martín de Santiago

Juan Reynaldo Ibanez De Sevilla OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Silver Apple Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juan Reynaldo Ibanez De Sevilla UP
Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of the West [Branch web site]

Also known as: Grün der Spitzenklöppler
Highest Award: Countess Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez
Countess (West) May 4, 1985 (AS XX)
Juana la Chiflada OP Rank: 3860An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Also known as: Carola die Fiffige
Highest Award: Silver Tyne Recommend for another award
Silver Tyne (Outlands) Oct 25, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Trefoil (Outlands) Jul 10, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Juana la Cristiana OP Rank: 2714An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Aquaterra
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Juana la Cristiana
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 17, 2010 (AS XLV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 18, 2022 (AS LVII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jun 29, 2024 (AS LIX)
Jubilia Ivy Blackthorne OP Rank: 3926An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Jubilia Ivy Blackthorne
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 3, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Jublian Harwyck OP Rank: 1549An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Jublian Harwyck
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 7, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 5, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Judain d'Anjou OP Rank: 3036An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 4, 1982 (AS XVII)
Judita bat Ephraim Micas OP Rank: 1076An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 10 awards for Judita bat Ephraim Micas
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 31, 1987 (AS XXII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Nov 3, 1990 (AS XXV)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 19, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
Judith bat Avram of York OP Rank: 2907An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Judith bat Avram of York
Award of Arms (West) Oct 18, 1975 (AS X)
Judith de Bruges OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Judith de Bruges
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 12, 1991 (AS XXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 16, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Judith de Montgomerie OP Rank: 1374An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Seagirt
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Judith de Montgomerie
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 7, 1998 (AS XXXII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) May 8, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Judith de Northumbria OP Rank: 132An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Countess Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Judith de Northumbria
Panache (Drachenwald) Mar 19, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
Laurel (Drachenwald) Aug 25, 2006 (AS XLI)
Patent of Arms (Drachenwald) Aug 25, 2006 (AS XLI)
Lindquistringes (Drachenwald) Mar 14, 2009 (AS XLIII)
Countess (Drachenwald) Jan 9, 2010 (AS XLIV)
Judith Gusirdottr OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Canton of Akornebir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Judith Gusirdottr UP
Judith of Three Mountains OP Rank: 6565An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Griffe et du Lion Recommend for another award
See all 12 awards for Judith of Three Mountains
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) Jan 6, 2023 (AS LVII)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 2, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Judith the Traveler OP Rank: 3382An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 12, 1991 (AS XXV)
Judy Goodwin OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Silver Apple Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Judy Goodwin UP

Juhani Bluefletching SEE: Juhani O'Regan

Juhani O'Regan OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Vinjar [Branch web site]

Also known as: Juhani Bluefletching
Also lived in: Montengarde
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Juhani O'Regan
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 27, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Julia de la Fortier OP Rank: 3511An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 11, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Julia Frischelin OP Rank: 5769An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 18, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) May 27, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Julia Sempronia OP Rank: 56An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: College of Cranehaven

Also known as: Julilla Sempronia
Highest Award: Lion An Tir Recommend for another award
See all 41 awards for Julia Sempronia
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 25, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Feb 25, 2006 (AS XL)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Feb 5, 2011 (AS XLV)
Laurel (An Tir) Jan 11, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Pelican (An Tir) May 21, 2016 (AS LI)
Court Baroness (An Tir) Jan 11, 2020 (AS LIV)
Lion An Tir (An Tir) Jul 20, 2024 (AS LIX)
Julian Edward Farnsworth of Falconmoors OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 28 awards for Julian Edward Farnsworth of Falconmoors
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 11, 1986 (AS XX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Oct 21, 1989 (AS XXIV)
Gray Goose Shaft (An Tir) Jul 21, 1990 (AS XXV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Jan 30, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Laurel (An Tir) Jul 9, 1995 (AS XXX)
Baron (Founding) of Aquaterra (An Tir) Sep 1, 1996 (AS XXXI) through Jan 25, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jan 25, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
Julian of Lions Gate OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Julian of Lions Gate UP
Julian of Seagirt OP Rank: 5500An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Mar 12, 2011 (AS XLV)
Julian of the Purple Must OP Rank: 2897An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (West) Jan 4, 1975 (AS IX)
Julian Sinclair OP Rank: 1706An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Madrone [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 8 awards for Julian Sinclair
Award of Arms (An Tir) Mar 21, 1998 (AS XXXII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Sep 25, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) May 16, 2015 (AS L)

Juliana Badelle SEE: Juliana de Badele

Juliana de Badele OP Rank: 2514An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also known as: Juliana Badelle, Yasmina Laveroc
Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
See all 20 awards for Juliana de Badele
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Sep 24, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ) Mar 14, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Award of Arms (Tir Righ) Mar 14, 2015 (AS XLIX)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Aug 27, 2016 (AS LI)
Griffe et du Lion (An Tir) Mar 9, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Nov 9, 2024 (AS LIX)
Juliana de Fiore OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Thornwold [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Acacia Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juliana de Fiore UP

Juliana de la Casteleone SEE: Giuliana da Castiglione

Juliana de Luna OP Rank: 674An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 21 awards for Juliana de Luna
Award of Arms (Æthelmearc) Jan 11, 1997 (AS XXXI)
Award of Arms (Æthelmearc) Feb 22, 1997 (AS XXXI)
Sycamore (Æthelmearc) May 13, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Millrind (Æthelmearc) Jun 1, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 25, 2005 (AS XL)
Laurel (An Tir) Jul 18, 2009 (AS XLIV)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 10, 2015 (AS XLIX)
Juliana de Saint Denys OP Rank: 4231An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wyewood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 21, 2002 (AS XXXVII)

Juliana Felicita Boccaccio SEE: Sa'ada

Juliana Frostfyre OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Recommend for another award
Juliana Kendal OP Rank: 1351An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site]

Also known as: Aleksandra of Ceremissa
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Juliana Kendal
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 5, 1987 (AS XXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 5, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Juliana MacPherson OP Rank: 1922An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 7 awards for Juliana MacPherson
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 2, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Baroness Reign 5 (Former) of Glymm Mere (An Tir) Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX) through May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 2, 2007 (AS XLII)
Court Baroness (An Tir) May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Juliana of Saint Bunstable OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: College of Saint Bunstable [Branch web site]

Highest Award: College Champion Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juliana of Saint Bunstable UP
Juliana of Tregony OP Rank: 444An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Westermark
Highest Award: Laurel Recommend for another award
See all 16 awards for Juliana of Tregony
Award of Arms (Mists) Mar 24, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Rose Leaf (West) Jun 21, 1992 (AS XXVII)
Leaf of Merit (Mists) May 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Laurel (West) Apr 30, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
Court Baroness (West) Jan 5, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Juliana van Aardenburg OP Rank: 682An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Pelican Recommend for another award
See all 32 awards for Juliana van Aardenburg
Award of Arms (An Tir) Apr 22, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Apr 18, 1998 (AS XXXII)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir) Dec 13, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Pelican (An Tir) Jan 9, 2010 (AS XLIV)
Julianna OP Rank: Unranked - Out of KingdomAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Montengarde [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Princess' Knott Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Julianna UP
Julianna Odilgrim OP Rank: 5618An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Tymberhavene [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Julianna Odilgrim
Award of Arms (Summits) Mar 17, 2012 (AS XLVI)
Julianne Cardenell OP Rank: 4414An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Cáe Mór [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Julianne Cardenell
Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 25, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Julianne Le Salles OP Rank: 5000An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Ravensley
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Feb 10, 2007 (AS XLI)
Julie OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Terra Pomaria
Highest Award: Silver Apple Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Julie UP
Julie Gagne OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Band of Briars Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Julie Gagne UP
Julie McConn OP Rank: 3694An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 4 awards for Julie McConn
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 8, 1995 (AS XXIX)
Juliet di la Vega OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juliet di la Vega UP

Julilla Sempronia SEE: Julia Sempronia

Julina de Beaumont OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Storvik
Highest Award: Briar Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Julina de Beaumont UP
Julitta of Rosehaven OP Rank: Unranked - DeceasedAn Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Aquaterra [Branch web site]

Also known as: Jolita of Rosehaven
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 5 awards for Julitta of Rosehaven
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 11, 1986 (AS XX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jan 26, 1991 (AS XXV)
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 9, 1993 (AS XXVII)
June of Morganshall OP Rank: 1624An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Mist [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Mountain Edge
Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for June of Morganshall
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jul 19, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Sep 6, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)

Juokias Uzpuolikas SEE: Koule Juokiasi Uzpoulikas

Jura Faw OP Rank: 6116An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Glymm Mere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Aug 20, 2016 (AS LI)
Juraj Z Bratislavi OP Rank: 3309An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Kingdom of An Tir [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Carolingia
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Juraj Z Bratislavi
Award of Arms (East) Jan 6, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Jurgen Mumm OP Rank: 1053An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Goutte de Sang Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 14, 1989 (AS XXIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Dec 9, 1989 (AS XXIV)
Jurik Rowlandsson OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wastekeep [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Lion's Cub Recommend for another award
See all 6 awards for Jurik Rowlandsson UP
Just Jason OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Throne's Favor Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Just Jason UP
Just John OP Rank: 4434An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Just John
Award of Arms (An Tir) Dec 13, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
Justice Forault OP Rank: 4109An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Hartwood [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) May 27, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Justin OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Terra Pomaria [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Silver Otter Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Justin UP

Justin Case SEE: Arontius of Bygelswade

Justin de Jussac OP Rank: 4071An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Three Mountains [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 30, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Justin de Leon OP Rank: 281An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Baron Recommend for another award
See all 35 awards for Justin de Leon
Award of Arms (Outlands) May 25, 1987 (AS XXII)
Stag's Blood (Outlands) Dec 9, 1995 (AS XXX)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir) Jun 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Knight (An Tir) Jul 20, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Court Baron (An Tir) Jul 26, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Baron Reign 8 of Stromgard (An Tir) Dec 17, 2022 (AS LVII)
Justin McClure OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Adiantum [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Band of Briars Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Justin McClure UP
Justin of the House of Awry OP Rank: 5665An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
See all 2 awards for Justin of the House of Awry
Award of Arms (An Tir) Sep 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Justin Spearbreaker OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
See all 3 awards for Justin Spearbreaker UP

Justin SpearBreaker SEE: Nafel al Hadi

Justina Rae OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Grail of the Summits - A&S Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Justina Rae UP
Justine of Peachland OP Rank: 3121An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Appledore [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
Award of Arms (An Tir) Jan 12, 1985 (AS XIX)
Juvante of Wealdsmere OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Wealdsmere [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Sea Lion Recommend for another award
See all 1 awards for Juvante of Wealdsmere UP

Juye La Lavendiere SEE: Calibrid ine Faile