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Arianne Morain OP Rank: Unranked An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Blatha An Oir [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Golden Blossom Recommend for another award
Corrections/Additions for this person
Roll of Arms
Golden Blossom (Blatha An Oir)
By: Yusuf Ja'bar al Timbuktuwwi el galot, Isabeau de Lis Noir
Oct 1, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Page (Blatha An Oir)
Aug 13, 2000 (AS XXXV) through Jun 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Triquetra (Blatha An Oir)
By: Sven Red Beard Einarson, Anne of BearsHaven
Oct 26, 2002 (AS XXXVII)