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Award: Winged Harp (Principality of Cynagua)
Winged Harp recipients residing in
given to former Bards of Cynagua upon their retirement. The token is a medallion of a harp with wings. The wings are "down", to differentiate the medallion from that of the Bard of Cynagua, where the wings are up.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Jana Maddalena di Palermo (Adiantum) (Cynagua) Jul 14, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
2 Kellyn Firesinger (Stromgard) (Cynagua) Jul 13, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
3 Alan Tynneker (Dragon's Laire) (Cynagua) Jul 14, 2018 (AS LIII)