An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: of Calontir Thegn (Kingdom of Calontir) [Branch web site]
Thegn recipients residing in
is an title given to those who have rendered personal service and counsel to the Crown. Thegns serve as advisors to the Crown, retaining the title and position until the end of the reign of the bestowing King or Queen. The position carries with it no award, although the recipient ranks at the top of the Grant-level awards in the kingdom's Order of Precedence for the duration of the reign. Afterwards, the person may style himself as "Thegn (King or Queen's last name)." An individual may be so honored more than once at the desire of each Crown.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Edward Cire of Greymoor (Dragon's Laire) (Calontir) May 31, 1981 (AS XVI)
2 Edward Cire of Greymoor (Dragon's Laire) (Calontir) Apr 21, 1983 (AS XVII)
3 Elisabeth de Rossignol (Dragon's Laire) (Calontir) Oct 27, 1984 (AS XIX)
4 Elisabeth de Rossignol (Dragon's Laire) (Calontir) Dec 17, 1988 (AS XXIII)
5 Gilligan of Mann (An Tir) (Calontir) Sep 12, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
6 Gilligan of Mann (An Tir) (Calontir) Oct 12, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
7 Garick von Köpke (Calontir) (Calontir) Sep 6, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)