An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: Ruxton (Principality of Cynagua)
Ruxton recipients residing in
the premier service award; it conveys an Award of Arms. Since it is meant to honor those who have given of their time without thought of personal glory or gain, there is no token, but a numbered list of the recipients is kept.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Gwendwyn the Silent (Tymberhavene) (Cynagua) Jan 5, 1985 (AS XIX)
2 Lorenzo di Nebbia Argentea (An Tir) (Cynagua) Dec 7, 1996 (AS XXXI)
3 Angus Tyresson (Terra Pomaria) (Cynagua) Jul 9, 2016 (AS LI)