An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: Fury of the Lion - Commander of the Realm (Kingdom of An Tir) [Branch web site]
Fury of the Lion - Commander of the Realm recipients residing in
A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign's reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign: • Defender of the Realm - given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle. • Captain of the Realm - give to the leader of a 5-10 man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign. • Commander of the Realm - give to the leader of a 10+ man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Gernon Valletort du Harfleur (Blatha An Oir) (An Tir) Aug 7, 2014 (AS XLIX)