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Award: Holders of the Heart (Principality of Oertha)
Holders of the Heart recipients residing in
past consorts of Oertha, and Ladies of the Snow (those who served as consort while Oertha was a crown principality). The token of this companionship is a small heart pendant (usually of carved wood).
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Aryana Silknfyre (Madrone) (Oertha) Jul 20, 1980 (AS XV)
2 Kareina Talvi Tytär (Lochac) (Oertha) Jul 19, 1986 (AS XXI)
3 Callista Balgaire (Midrealm) (Oertha) Jan 19, 1992 (AS XXVI)
4 Esperanza Maria Diago (Wyewood) (Oertha) Jan 21, 2001 (AS XXXV)
5 Dagmar the Red (Glyn Dwfn) (Oertha) Jul 17, 2011 (AS XLVI)