An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: Order of the Leather Mallet (Kingdom of Calontir) [Branch web site]
Leather Mallet recipients residing in
given to those whose work in the sciences has shown promise and growth in their chosen craft(s) and some knowledge of its history, and who have assisted others in the practice of said sciences. Companions of the Leather Mallet may place the initials CLM after their names, and may bear the order's badge: Purpure, on a pale dovetailed argent, three leather mallets proper.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 Gilligan of Mann (An Tir) (Calontir) Nov 18, 1989 (AS XXIV)
2 Demetrios Miothophoros (Adiantum) (Calontir) Jan 12, 1991 (AS XXV)
3 Cathyn Fitzgerald (Three Mountains) (Calontir) Jan 7, 1995 (AS XXIX)
4 Waldryk Fierebrache (Briaroak) (Calontir) Oct 21, 1995 (AS XXX)
5 Idanthrysus Araxes (Glymm Mere) (Calontir) Mar 2, 1996 (AS XXX)
6 Gwendolyn A'Brooke (Forgotten Sea) (Calontir) Jun 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)
7 Aline Swynbroke (Wyewood) (Calontir) Oct 16, 2010 (AS XLV)