An Tir Order of Precedence

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Chiara Stella OP Rank: 5719An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Seagirt [Branch web site]

Also lived in: Rising Waters
Highest Award: Award of Arms Recommend for another award
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Per pale Or and azure, in bend sinister two mullets of eight interlocking mascles counterchanged.
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Honorary Citizen (Rising Waters)
Jun 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
Award of Arms (Ealdormere)
By: None listed for this time period
May 11, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Chalice's Crystal (Rising Waters)
By: None listed for this time period
May 11, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Orion (Ealdormere)
Apr 26, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
Etoile d'Argent (Tir Righ)
By: Kerrigan Na Traga, Lenora di Calizzan
Feb 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)