An Tir Order of Precedence

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Award: Order of Valor (Kingdom of the West) [Branch web site]
Valor recipients residing in
given by the king for leadership in times of war. Usually given to those who lead units, or who have made some other especially noteworthy contribution. Its symbol is a torse braided of green, gold and red.
#Person (home branch)Awarding BranchDate
1 James Greyhelm (Briaroak) (West) Mar 1, 1982 (AS XVI)
2 William the Lucky (West) (West) Mar 22, 1986 (AS XX)
3 William the Lucky (West) (West) May 10, 1986 (AS XXI)
4 Stefan of Pembroke (Madrone) (West) May 21, 1994 (AS XXIX)
5 Uther Schiemann der Hunt (West) (West) Aug 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)
6 Kenric Maur (Glyn Dwfn) (West) Oct 7, 2000 (AS XXXV)
7 Roger Stockton (Terra Pomaria) (West) Oct 7, 2016 (AS LI)