An Tir Order of Precedence

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Siobhan Ruadh ni Mhathghamhana OP Rank: 1354An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Dragon's Laire [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Jambe de Lion Recommend for another award
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Checky vert and argent, on a bend sinister sable three lions passant reguardant palewise argent.
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Award of Arms (An Tir)
By: Darius Corvinus, Morgaine Brigantia
May 17, 1997 (AS XXXII)
Lancer (Dragon's Laire)
By: Maria Isabella de Cordoba
Dec 31, 1997 (AS XXXII)
A&S Champion (Dragon's Laire)
By: None listed for this time period
Dec 31, 1998 (AS XXXIII) through Dec 31, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir)
By: Sven Gunnarsson, Signy Oksendahl
Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
Baroness Reign 2 (Former) of Dragon's Laire (An Tir)
By: Aveloc the Younger, Laurellen de Brandevin
Jul 17, 1999 (AS XXXIV) through May 17, 2000 (AS XXXV)
Court Baroness (An Tir)
By: Nicholaus Barchatov, Alyssia
Dec 14, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Courtier (Dragon's Laire)
By: Hrollaugr Njálsson, Murakami Tsuruko
Dec 31, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
A&S Champion (Dragon's Laire)
By: Hrollaugr Njálsson, Murakami Tsuruko
Dec 31, 2002 (AS XXXVII) through Dec 31, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)