An Tir Order of Precedence

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Ian Campbell OP Rank: 2778An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Principality of the Summits [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Sable Gauntlet Recommend for another award
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Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Award of Arms (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Oct 22, 2016 (AS LI)
Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits)
By: Karolyi Attila Laszlo, Eleanor de Bolton
Nov 3, 2018 (AS LIII)
Captain of Tigers (Summits)
By: Ellisif in Vaena, Njal Tjorkilsson
Mar 16, 2019 (AS LIII)
Tiger's Claw (Summits)
Mar 26, 2022 (AS LVI)
Cut and Thrust Champion (Glyn Dwfn)
May 14, 2022 (AS LVII)
Sable Buckler (Glyn Dwfn)
By: Piaras mac Toirdhealbhaigh, Milisandia filia Willelmi Filii Roberti
May 13, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor
Jun 30, 2023 (AS LVIII)