An Tir Order of Precedence

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Karolyi Attila Laszlo OP Rank: 247An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Coeur du Val [Branch web site]

Highest Award: Viscount Recommend for another award
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Per pale embattled barry sable and Or and vert, in sinister a dragon sejant erect argent.
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Award of Arms (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 1, 1987 (AS XXI)
Crescent Sword (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 2, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Vanguard of Honor (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 6, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 17, 1990 (AS XXV)
New Battered Helm (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 17, 1991 (AS XXVI)
Knight (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Oct 31, 1992 (AS XXVII)
New Battered Helm (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 20, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Iren Fera (Calontir)
Aug 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
King's Champion (Caid)
Nov 21, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
Corde de Guerre (Caid)
By: None listed for this time period
Sep 13, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
Queen's Endorsement of Distinction (Calontir)
By: None listed for this time period
Sep 11, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Iren-Fyrd (Calontir)
By: Garick von Köpke
Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
Princess'/Princeps' Favor (Cynagua)
By: None listed for this time period
Aug 17, 2006 (AS XLI)
King's Favor (Calontir)
By: None listed for this time period
Sep 9, 2006 (AS XLI)
Tanist Reign 46 of the Summits (Summits)
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh
Mar 17, 2018 (AS LII) through Jun 23, 2018 (AS LIII)
Prince Reign 45 of the Summits (An Tir)
By: Savaric de Porte des Lions, Dalla in Fagra
Jun 23, 2018 (AS LIII) through Dec 8, 2018 (AS LIII)
Viscount (Summits)
By: Ellisif in Vaena, Njal Tjorkilsson
Dec 8, 2018 (AS LIII)
Grace of An Tir (An Tir)
By: Morgan Claymore, Livia Alexandra Severa
Sep 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
Bengalguard (Summits)
By: Antoine à la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth
Oct 12, 2019 (AS LIV)
Silver Barberry (Summits)
By: Kathren of Carnforth
Dec 14, 2019 (AS LIV)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Morgan Claymore
Jan 10, 2020 (AS LIV)
Hearth of Hospitality (An Tir)
By: Hélène d'Anjou
Dec 18, 2021 (AS LVI)