An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards given on: Jan 22, 1977
1 Valkyrie Kaarinsdottir (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
2 Micheil MacGhillebrath of Dunmaglas (Blatha An Oir) Award of Arms Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
3 Caroline of Waldland (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
4 Brier of the Deepe Woode (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
5 Edwin of Svart Elder (Adiantum) Award of Arms Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
6 Caitlin na Darac (Madrone) Pelican Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
7 Maria Mindalova (Madrone) Laurel Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
8 Serena Cleindori of Bagulay (Madrone) Laurel Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
9 Janet of Arden (Adiantum) Leaf of Merit Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
10 Edward Zifran of Gendy (Østgarðr) Prince/Princess/Princeps Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
11 Alma Tea av den Telemark (An Tir) Prince/Princess/Princeps Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
12 Theodulf of Borogrove (Madrone) Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
13 Anne of Caerdydd (Madrone) Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)
14 Anne of Caerdydd (Madrone) Valorous Estate Jan 22, 1977 (AS XI)