An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards given on: Oct 2, 1976
1 Theodulf of Borogrove (Madrone) Knight Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
2 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Belated Rose Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
3 Yolanda of Thymbra (Madrone) Award of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
4 Janeltis Karaine, Starfollower (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
5 Martinus de Nacascogh (Lions Gate) Award of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
6 Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf (Terra Pomaria) Award of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
7 Elspeth Schnee-Flamme (Glymm Mere) Award of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
8 Maelen of Kynges Lea (Madrone) Laurel Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
9 Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf (Terra Pomaria) Muckin' Tall Maul Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
10 Ulfred Draumfjallr (Three Mountains) Silver Rose Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
11 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Grant of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)
12 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Grant of Arms Oct 2, 1976 (AS XI)