An Tir Order of Precedence

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Branch: Barony of Lions Gate [Branch web site] { IN: Principality of Tir Righ -> Kingdom of An Tir }

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Awards granted by or specific to the Barony of Lions Gate

1 John of Chilham (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1974 (AS IX)
2 Bjorn of Havok (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1974 (AS IX)
3 Susan the Opaque (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1974 (AS IX)
4 John of Candia (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 1974 (AS IX)
5 Tara nic an Fhleisdeir (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1975 (AS X)
6 Gerek the Far-Seeing (Adiantum) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1975 (AS X)
7 Daoud Barbarossa ed Din (Avacal) Branch Seneschal May 1, 1975 (AS X)
8 Morgan of Aberystwyth (Glymm Mere) Branch Pursuivant Sep 7, 1975 (AS X)
9 Michel le Voyageur (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 22, 1975 (AS X)
10 Daoud Barbarossa ed Din (Avacal) Lion's Claw Nov 22, 1975 (AS X)
11 Gwenfrewi yr Arabus (Lionsdale) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1976 (AS XI)
12 Bombar of Bombardia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 8, 1976 (AS XI)
13 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 13, 1976 (AS XI)
14 Olaf of Havok (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Jul 8, 1976 (AS XI)
15 Harrold of Warrington (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Jul 8, 1976 (AS XI)
16 Morgan of Aberystwyth (Glymm Mere) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Aug 15, 1976 (AS XI)
17 Alixe of Livonia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 27, 1976 (AS XI)
18 Domric the Sober (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 27, 1976 (AS XI)
19 Bjorn of Havok (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 27, 1976 (AS XI)
20 Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1977 (AS XII)
21 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1977 (AS XII)
22 Harrold of Warrington (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1977 (AS XII)
23 Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Jun 5, 1977 (AS XII)
24 Domric the Sober (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Jun 5, 1977 (AS XII)
25 Domenic d'Aquila (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Jun 5, 1977 (AS XII)
26 John of Candia (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 5, 1977 (AS XII)
27 Susan the Opaque (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 5, 1977 (AS XII)
28 Martinus de Nacascogh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 26, 1977 (AS XII)
29 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 26, 1977 (AS XII)
30 Akbar Khayamm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 26, 1977 (AS XII)
31 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 26, 1977 (AS XII)
32 Harrold of Warrington (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 29, 1978 (AS XII)
33 Alexa of Krasnadar (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 29, 1978 (AS XII)
34 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 29, 1978 (AS XII)
35 Harrold of Warrington (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1978 (AS XIII)
36 Roberta of Rowan (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1978 (AS XIII)
37 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 1978 (AS XIII)
38 Alexa of Krasnadar (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 1978 (AS XIII)
39 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Sergeant Jul 29, 1978 (AS XIII)
40 Morgan of Aberystwyth (Glymm Mere) Sergeant Jul 29, 1978 (AS XIII)
41 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Sergeant Jul 29, 1978 (AS XIII)
42 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 24, 1978 (AS XIII)
43 Bjorn of Havok (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 24, 1978 (AS XIII)
44 Karl Eisenfaust (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 24, 1978 (AS XIII)
45 Domric the Sober (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 25, 1978 (AS XIII)
46 Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 25, 1978 (AS XIII)
47 Daffyd ap Morran (Unknown) Lion's Claw Nov 25, 1978 (AS XIII)
48 Bahram the Resplendent (Appledore) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Apr 29, 1979 (AS XIII)
49 Bejvulf von Ramshaffen (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Apr 29, 1979 (AS XIII)
50 Walsh of Darenth (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Apr 29, 1979 (AS XIII)
51 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Branch Chirurgeon May 1, 1979 (AS XIV)
52 Bjorn of Havok (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1979 (AS XIV)
53 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1979 (AS XIV)
54 Padraic ui Faolin (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1979 (AS XIV)
55 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Sergeant Jul 7, 1979 (AS XIV)
56 Padraic ui Faolin (Lions Gate) Sergeant Jul 7, 1979 (AS XIV)
57 Domric the Sober (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 24, 1979 (AS XIV)
58 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 24, 1979 (AS XIV)
59 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 24, 1979 (AS XIV)
60 Roberta of Rowan (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 24, 1979 (AS XIV)
61 Fujiwara Suka (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1980 (AS XV)
62 Domric the Sober (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 1980 (AS XV)
63 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer Sep 1, 1980 (AS XV)
64 Meghan Meddyglyn (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1981 (AS XVI)
65 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 2, 1981 (AS XVI)
66 Padraic ui Faolin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 2, 1981 (AS XVI)
67 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 2, 1981 (AS XVI)
68 Thomas Lackland of Appledore (Appledore) Sergeant Aug 8, 1981 (AS XVI)
69 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 28, 1981 (AS XVI)
70 Fujiwara Suka (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 28, 1981 (AS XVI)
71 Bjorn of Havok (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 28, 1981 (AS XVI)
72 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 28, 1981 (AS XVI)
73 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 28, 1981 (AS XVI)
74 Elspeth Alyna of Alnwick (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 1, 1982 (AS XVII)
75 Alisdair MacAuley (Madrone) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 1, 1982 (AS XVII)
76 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 1, 1982 (AS XVII)
77 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1982 (AS XVII)
78 Guy de Montferrat de la Meslaye (Borealis) Sergeant Aug 22, 1982 (AS XVII)
79 Colin Ironwolf (Borealis) Sergeant Aug 22, 1982 (AS XVII)
80 Conrad von Graz (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 22, 1982 (AS XVII)
81 Andre Lessard (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 28, 1982 (AS XVII)
82 Macsen Aelian y ffyrdig (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 28, 1982 (AS XVII)
83 Celdae the Seeker (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 13, 1982 (AS XVII)
84 Sam Shieldbate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 13, 1982 (AS XVII)
85 Malcolm of Hibernia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 13, 1982 (AS XVII)
86 Fujiwara Suka (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1982 (AS XVII)
87 Celdae the Seeker (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1982 (AS XVII)
88 Roberta of Rowan (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1983 (AS XVIII)
89 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1983 (AS XVIII)
90 Roberta of Rowan (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
91 Graeme de Graeme (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
92 Daniel of Stafford Pele (Bastille du Lac) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
93 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
94 Padraic ui Faolin (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
95 Elspeth Alyna of Alnwick (Hartwood) Lion's Claw May 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
96 Uther of Telham Hill (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
97 Robert de Guerre (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
98 Egil Bloodax (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 7, 1983 (AS XVIII)
99 Danon de St. Remy (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 12, 1983 (AS XVIII)
100 Aurelia the Undaunted (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 12, 1983 (AS XVIII)
101 Egil Bloodax (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 12, 1983 (AS XVIII)
102 Minamoto Suki (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 12, 1983 (AS XVIII)
103 Celdae the Seeker (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1984 (AS XIX)
104 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 5, 1984 (AS XIX)
105 Guccis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 5, 1984 (AS XIX)
106 Steffan Falk (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 5, 1984 (AS XIX)
107 Theodric MacRuari (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 19, 1984 (AS XIX)
108 Aethelhere the Unsteady (Montengarde) Sergeant Aug 19, 1984 (AS XIX)
109 Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 10, 1984 (AS XIX)
110 Steffan Falk (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 10, 1984 (AS XIX)
111 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 10, 1984 (AS XIX)
112 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1985 (AS XX)
113 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Jun 8, 1985 (AS XX)
114 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Jun 8, 1985 (AS XX)
115 Celdae the Seeker (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Jun 8, 1985 (AS XX)
116 Steffan Falk (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
117 Tancred de Brus (Seagirt) Sergeant Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
118 Peregrine de Portico (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
119 Robbin Greybeard (Wealdsmere) Sergeant Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
120 Eirikr Thorinsson (Lochac) Sergeant Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
121 Richard de Nadan del Alaedo (Seagirt) Yeoman Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
122 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 18, 1985 (AS XX)
123 Lions Gate Minstrels (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
124 Eirikr Thorinsson (Lochac) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
125 Lions Gate Cooks (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
126 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
127 Morgan of Aberystwyth (Glymm Mere) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
128 Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
129 Edrik ap Pengam (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 9, 1985 (AS XX)
130 Kaj Havalgaard (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 31, 1986 (AS XXI)
131 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 31, 1986 (AS XXI)
132 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 31, 1986 (AS XXI)
133 Wilhelm the Far Traveler (Aquaterra) Sergeant Aug 10, 1986 (AS XXI)
134 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 10, 1986 (AS XXI)
135 Frederick von Zwickau (Ramsgaard) Sergeant Aug 10, 1986 (AS XXI)
136 Rhufen the Welshman (Seagirt) Sergeant Aug 10, 1986 (AS XXI)
137 Rhea Valencia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 15, 1986 (AS XXI)
138 Sgain MacBeighn of Sea Devil Point (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 15, 1986 (AS XXI)
139 Richard de Beaux Arts (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 15, 1986 (AS XXI)
140 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 15, 1986 (AS XXI)
141 Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim (Lions Gate) Branch Chirurgeon Mar 1, 1987 (AS XXI)
142 Shirin al Hasana (Lions Gate) Branch Lists Officer May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
143 Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
144 Shirin al Hasana (Lions Gate) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
145 Egil Bloodax (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
146 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
147 Haggard Jorvik (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
148 Elizabeth Braidwood (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
149 Gudrun Edvinsdottir (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1987 (AS XXII)
150 Collegium Leonum (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 2, 1987 (AS XXII)
151 Peregrine Portico (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 2, 1987 (AS XXII)
152 William of Thetford (Unknown) Sergeant Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
153 Sgain MacBeighn of Sea Devil Point (Hartwood) Sergeant Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
154 Edward Holgrove (Seagirt) Sergeant Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
155 Angantyr Hjalmsmithr (Krakafjord) Sergeant Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
156 Hrolf Hest Herran (Avacal) Sergeant Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
157 Peregrine de Portico (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 23, 1987 (AS XXII)
158 Aurelia the Undaunted (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
159 Tirian MacBeighn the Blue (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
160 Tristan Longstryder (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
161 Geoffrey de Rennes (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
162 Walsh of Darenth (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
163 Aurelia the Undaunted (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
164 Egil Bloodax (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
165 Steffan Falk (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
166 John of Chilham (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
167 Shirin al Hasana (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 14, 1987 (AS XXII)
168 Peregrine Portico (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1988 (AS XXIII)
169 Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elpinstone (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1988 (AS XXIII)
170 Riger Thorvaldsen (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1988 (AS XXIII)
171 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 1988 (AS XXIII)
172 Marcus Rene Sebastian Dubois (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
173 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
174 Agravaine Deveraux MacBeighn (Madrone) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
175 Riger Thorvaldsen (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
176 Alisdair MacAuley (Madrone) Lion's Claw May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
177 Shirin al Hasana (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 7, 1988 (AS XXIII)
178 Agravaine Deveraux MacBeighn (Madrone) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
179 Tirian MacBeighn the Blue (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
180 Pelayo Jepaltepeck of Asturias (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
181 Gaylen the Smiling (Midrealm) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
182 Cormac of Liathmore Mochoemog (Ramsgaard) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
183 James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd (Seagirt) Sergeant Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
184 Marcus Rene Sebastian Dubois (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
185 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Yeoman Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
186 Megan Althea of Glengariff (Thornwold) Yeoman Aug 14, 1988 (AS XXIII)
187 Haggard Jorvik (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
188 Elizabeth Braidwood (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
189 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
190 Sean an Gleanna (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
191 Peregrine de Portico (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
192 Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elpinstone (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
193 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
194 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 12, 1988 (AS XXIII)
195 Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1988 (AS XXIII)
196 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1988 (AS XXIII)
197 Aislinn Fiona of Rumm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Dec 2, 1988 (AS XXIII)
198 Gabriella Sophia Cecilia Padiavani (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1989 (AS XXIV)
199 Ardelys Blackstone of Hadleigh (West) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 1989 (AS XXIV)
200 Haggard Jorvik (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)
201 Sven Longhair (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)
202 Olaf Redbeard (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)
203 Willard von Slayer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)
204 Alastair the Eastern Traveller (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 6, 1989 (AS XXIV)
205 Morgan Foxworthy (Caid) Sergeant Aug 20, 1989 (AS XXIV)
206 John Theophilus (West) Sergeant Aug 20, 1989 (AS XXIV)
207 Hwolf Einarsson (An Tir) Sergeant Aug 20, 1989 (AS XXIV)
208 Parlan de Cluny (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 10, 1989 (AS XXIV)
209 Hwolf Einarsson (An Tir) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 10, 1989 (AS XXIV)
210 Aaron of the Black Mountains (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 10, 1989 (AS XXIV)
211 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 10, 1989 (AS XXIV)
212 Riger Thorvaldsen (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 10, 1989 (AS XXIV)
213 Agata Janisdottir (Coill Mhor) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 11, 1989 (AS XXIV)
214 Brion of Bellatrix (West) Sergeant Jan 1, 1990 (AS XXIV)
215 Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
216 Bryant Aeron (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
217 Atira al Kahwala (Lions Gate) Branch Waterbearer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
218 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
219 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
220 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Branch Dragonward Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
221 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
222 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
223 Marcus Rene Sebastian Dubois (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 1990 (AS XXV)
224 Ceridwen of Gwynedd (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
225 Anthea Clarissa Alessandra de Northeton (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
226 Malcolm McBeighn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
227 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
228 Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov (Ramsgaard) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
229 Agata Janisdottir (Coill Mhor) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 5, 1990 (AS XXV)
230 Tariq Abu Zayd (Ramsgaard) Sergeant Aug 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
231 Berthold von Matsch (Ramsgaard) Sergeant Aug 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
232 Garrick Thorvaldsson (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
233 Cornelius von Rugen (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
234 Devlin Wolfheart ap Rhiannon (Blatha An Oir) Sergeant Aug 19, 1990 (AS XXV)
235 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 10, 1990 (AS XXV)
236 Rufus Flannach the Wanderer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 10, 1990 (AS XXV)
237 Hronda Hrolfsdottir, the Bee-Taymr (False Isle) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 10, 1990 (AS XXV)
238 Frederick von Zwickau (Ramsgaard) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 10, 1990 (AS XXV)
239 Deirdre Hyde (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 10, 1990 (AS XXV)
240 Garick von Köpke (Calontir) Sergeant Dec 31, 1990 (AS XXV)
241 Bridghid Madjin Sinead Ardvondwy ni Liam fab Llwchwr (Lionsdale) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 1991 (AS XXVI)
242 Graham MacAndrew (Lions Gate) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 1991 (AS XXVI)
243 Delgrade Grannia McAllister (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1991 (AS XXVI)
244 Bryant Aeron (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
245 Werberg of Wenlock (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
246 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
247 Yoshi Taganashi (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
248 Zazya bint Nujayama al Tangarist (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
249 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
250 Raknar Guntharson (Danescombe) Sergeant Aug 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
251 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
252 Cedric the Diviner (Unknown) Yeoman Aug 11, 1991 (AS XXVI)
253 Delgrade Grannia McAllister (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
254 Alastair the Eastern Traveller (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
255 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
256 Ceridwen of Gwynedd (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
257 Edrik ap Pengam (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
258 Aaron of the Black Mountains (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
259 Kelinda Garrett (Midrealm) Lion's Claw Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
260 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Mortar and Pestle Nov 9, 1991 (AS XXVI)
261 Sevrin ap Selwyn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
262 Mairwen aine Morwenna (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
263 Hrofen Halfman (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
264 Strygor Alexandru von Talmetz (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
265 Bergen (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
266 Sam Shieldbate (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
267 Riger Thorvaldsen (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 7, 1991 (AS XXVI)
268 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
269 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
270 Anthea Clarissa Alessandra de Northeton (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
271 Ludavika Vodnakova Z Hradce Kralove (Lions Gate) Branch Waterbearer May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
272 Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
273 Ceridwen of Gwynedd (Lions Gate) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
274 Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov (Ramsgaard) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
275 Atira al Kahwala (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1992 (AS XXVII)
276 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
277 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
278 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
279 Malcolm MacLeod (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
280 Random MacDougal (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
281 Morag Davidson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
282 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 9, 1992 (AS XXVII)
283 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
284 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
285 Steffano da Gucci al Khabeelah (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
286 Gaylen the Smiling (Midrealm) Lion's Claw Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
287 Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia (Summits) Mortar and Pestle Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
288 Celdae the Seeker (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 7, 1992 (AS XXVII)
289 Godwine Saeweardson of Wessex (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 4, 1992 (AS XXVII)
290 Gwyneth Portico (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 4, 1992 (AS XXVII)
291 Aemilius of Eisenmarche (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 4, 1992 (AS XXVII)
292 Yoshie Minyamoto (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 4, 1992 (AS XXVII)
293 Gonne Crew (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Dec 4, 1992 (AS XXVII)
294 Owyn of Clan Frog (False Isle) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
295 Delgrade Grannia McAllister (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
296 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
297 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Branch Waterbearer May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
298 Owyn of Clan Frog (False Isle) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
299 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
300 Marcus Rene Sebastian Dubois (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
301 Guerin de Bourgogne (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
302 Paula of the Midnight Sun (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
303 Hughes Fer Anselme (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
304 Francesca Maria Ludovica di Sebastiani (Unknown) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
305 Branwyn of Cotswold (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 15, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
306 Aldebaran of Arcadia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 15, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
307 Rainnuine de Playfaire (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 15, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
308 Jodan de la Montagne Carlitte (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 15, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
309 William of Thetford (Unknown) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 22, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
310 Irwyn of Hartwich (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
311 Aldebaran of Arcadia (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 8, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
312 Byron Fletcher (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
313 Thorgeir Blackheart (Thornwold) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
314 Wolfram von Ravensburg (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
315 Raknar Guntharson (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
316 Thorgeir Blackheart (Thornwold) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
317 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
318 Hwolf Einarsson (An Tir) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
319 Aislinn Fiona of Rumm (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
320 Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov (Ramsgaard) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
321 Anthea Clarissa Alessandra de Northeton (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
322 Marcus Rene Sebastian Dubois (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
323 Brian O'Donnell (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
324 Company of Provisioners (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 6, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
325 Zoe Soulcatcher (Coill Mhor) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 4, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
326 Agravaine Deveraux MacBeighn (Madrone) Lion's Claw Dec 4, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
327 Meinward Wighelm (Lions Gate) Sergeant Dec 31, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
328 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 1994 (AS XXIX)
329 Anna Catriona McKenzie of Seaforth (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
330 Kenzie McBeighn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
331 Anna Sophia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
332 Bridge Crew (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
333 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
334 Crystalmer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Jun 25, 1994 (AS XXIX)
335 Pádraig mac Ailpein (Madrone) Sergeant Aug 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
336 Abdul the Half-Crazed (Madrone) Sergeant Aug 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
337 Yoshie Minyamoto (Lions Gate) Gallant Aug 7, 1994 (AS XXIX)
338 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
339 Gaylen the Smiling (Midrealm) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
340 Godwine Saeweardson of Wessex (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
341 Bryant Aeron (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
342 Atira al Kahwala (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
343 Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
344 Guerin de Bourgogne (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 5, 1994 (AS XXIX)
345 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 1994 (AS XXIX)
346 Andre Lessard (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 3, 1994 (AS XXIX)
347 Hwolf Einarsson (An Tir) Lion's Claw Dec 3, 1994 (AS XXIX)
348 Barrit Stragon (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 4, 1994 (AS XXIX)
349 Ros d'Armand (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 4, 1994 (AS XXIX)
350 Alexandria Kelloway (Lions Gate) Branch Lists Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
351 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
352 Corynne de Castile (An Tir) Branch Chirurgeon May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
353 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
354 Guerin de Bourgogne (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
355 Phoebe Westbrook (Coeur du Val) Branch Waterbearer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
356 Giovanni Orseolo (Rhuddglyn) Branch Games Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
357 Genevieve Barbota (Lions Gate) Branch Dragonward Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
358 Brian O'Donnell (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
359 Tegan MacAndrew (Coill Mhor) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
360 Zenda Strawberrious (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 1995 (AS XXX)
361 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
362 Elisse (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
363 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
364 Yoshi Taganashi (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
365 Elizabeth Blencowe (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
366 Alexandra Hakonsdotter (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
367 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 6, 1995 (AS XXX)
368 Hjalti Guntharson (Hartwood) Sergeant Aug 20, 1995 (AS XXX)
369 Hughes Fer Anselme (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 20, 1995 (AS XXX)
370 Lyall Foxx of the Hills (Dregate) Sergeant Aug 20, 1995 (AS XXX)
371 Byron Fletcher (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 20, 1995 (AS XXX)
372 Robert of Knapdale (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
373 Guerin de Bourgogne (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
374 Sunjan Temujin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
375 Alyna de Clary (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
376 Yolande Chastellain (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
377 Pelayo Jepaltepeck of Asturias (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
378 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
379 Svela (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
380 Anne of Cleavages (Madrone) Mortar and Pestle Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
381 Aleron Hauk du Moion (Danescombe) Mortar and Pestle Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
382 Callen Drakkar (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 18, 1995 (AS XXX)
383 Celeste de la Montagne (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 2, 1995 (AS XXX)
384 Ariel (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Jan 13, 1996 (AS XXX)
385 Aaron of the Black Mountains (Lions Gate) Branch Chirurgeon May 1, 1996 (AS XXXI)
386 Byron Fletcher (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 1996 (AS XXXI)
387 Ingvar the Restless (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 1996 (AS XXXI)
388 Lions Gate Scribes (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
389 UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
390 Leah Elizabeth of Tintagel (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
391 Tegan MacAndrew (Coill Mhor) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
392 Padraigin O'Bhuadhiagh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
393 Guerin de Bourgogne (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
394 Werberg of Wenlock (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
395 Sevrin ap Selwyn (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 4, 1996 (AS XXXI)
396 Aldebaran of Arcadia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Jun 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
397 Owain ap Einar (Ramsgaard) Sergeant Aug 18, 1996 (AS XXXI)
398 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 18, 1996 (AS XXXI)
399 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Gallant Aug 18, 1996 (AS XXXI)
400 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Nov 8, 1996 (AS XXXI)
401 Eidanna Bebhinn of Rumm (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Nov 8, 1996 (AS XXXI)
402 Olaf the Honourable (Lionsdale) Knott Yett Nov 8, 1996 (AS XXXI)
403 Isaac of Stillwaters (Midrealm) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
404 Miranda Katherina De Montpellier (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
405 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
406 Kyna Victoria (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
407 Meinward Wighelm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
408 Meinward Wighelm (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
409 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
410 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
411 Anne of Cleavages (Madrone) Lion's Claw Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
412 Eirikr Thorinsson (Lochac) Lion's Claw Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
413 Savaric Coeur-de-Lion (Lionsdale) Mortar and Pestle Nov 16, 1996 (AS XXXI)
414 Maxmillian Devander (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 6, 1996 (AS XXXI)
415 Owyn of Clan Frog (False Isle) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
416 Christianne de Navarre (Aquaterra) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
417 Yolande Chastellain (Lions Gate) Branch Demo Coordinator May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
418 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
419 Random MacDougal (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
420 Nathaniel MacAndrew (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
421 Anna Catriona McKenzie of Seaforth (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 1997 (AS XXXII)
422 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
423 Emmlyn Lewis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
424 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
425 Sean an Gleanna (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
426 Nathaniel MacAndrew (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
427 Guccis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 3, 1997 (AS XXXII)
428 Thorin Olafsson (Danescombe) Sergeant Aug 16, 1997 (AS XXXII)
429 Jason Fitzgerald (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
430 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
431 Triton Hadek McDougal (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
432 Harold Devin of Waltham (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
433 Aurora Argentius (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
434 Tegan MacAndrew (Coill Mhor) Lion's Claw Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
435 Byron Fletcher (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
436 Sunjan Temujin (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
437 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
438 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Lion's Claw Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
439 Kyna Victoria (Lionsdale) Mortar and Pestle Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
440 Gerhard the Other (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
441 Kirstie the Fairsighted (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 15, 1997 (AS XXXII)
442 Ludavika Vodnakova Z Hradce Kralove (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 6, 1997 (AS XXXII)
443 Anna Catriona McKenzie of Seaforth (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 6, 1997 (AS XXXII)
444 Kieran Gunn (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 7, 1997 (AS XXXII)
445 Uisdean (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Dec 7, 1997 (AS XXXII)
446 Khabeelah (Household) (Thornwold) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Dec 31, 1997 (AS XXXII)
447 Yolande Chastellain (Lions Gate) Branch Waterbearer May 1, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
448 Colin MacKay of Balmaghie (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
449 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 2, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
450 Eidanna Bebhinn of Rumm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 2, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
451 Oseric the Smith (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 2, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
452 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 2, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
453 Lou Tang (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 30, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
454 Pierce O'Briain (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 30, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
455 Richard Bullock le Tigre (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 30, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
456 Roderick Temple (Seagirt) Gallant Aug 30, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
457 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer Oct 1, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
458 Rory Woulfe of Kildare (False Isle) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
459 Katherine atte Moure (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
460 The North Wind (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
461 Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
462 Celeste de la Montagne (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
463 Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
464 Harold Devin of Waltham (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
465 Cassandra the Red (False Isle) Mortar and Pestle Nov 14, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
466 Valentine Morgan de Lancey (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 5, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
467 Khalil abu 'nnasar (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 5, 1998 (AS XXXIII)
468 Lyall Foxx of the Hills (Dregate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Jan 9, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
469 Avery Westfall (Gyldenholt) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
470 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
471 Sunjan Temujin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
472 Rashida al Bagdadiya (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
473 Yolande Chastellain (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
474 Asada al'Izraqi (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
475 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
476 Niamh ingen Raigillig (Cold Keep) Branch Chronicler May 1, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
477 Hrothgar MacNewman (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 8, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
478 Prospere de Montsegur (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 8, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
479 Casey O'Raigillig (Cold Keep) Knott Yett Oct 30, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
480 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
481 Bardic Lights (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
482 Corynne de Castile (An Tir) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
483 Delgrade Grannia McAllister (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
484 Leah Elizabeth of Tintagel (Danescombe) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
485 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
486 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
487 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
488 Genevieve Barbota (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 13, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
489 Merlin of the Fens (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
490 Savaric Coeur-de-Lion (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
491 Diarmuid de Rosas (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
492 Aleron Hauk du Moion (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Dec 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
493 Corynne de Castile (An Tir) Lion's Claw Dec 4, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
494 Matittiyahu von Modin (Three Mountains) Sergeant Dec 31, 1999 (AS XXXIV)
495 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer Jan 1, 2000 (AS XXXIV)
496 Yoshi Taganashi (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 1, 2000 (AS XXXV)
497 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2000 (AS XXXV)
498 Merlin of the Fens (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
499 Alyna de Clary (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
500 Geoffrey de Rennes (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
501 Finnegan Barrett (Unknown) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
502 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
503 Aurora Argentius (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
504 Siegfried the Immane (Bear Wood) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 6, 2000 (AS XXXV)
505 Asari of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Jun 4, 2000 (AS XXXV)
506 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 27, 2000 (AS XXXV)
507 Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson (Thornwold) Sergeant Aug 27, 2000 (AS XXXV)
508 Avery Westfall (Gyldenholt) Gallant Aug 27, 2000 (AS XXXV)
509 Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland (Danescombe) Gallant Aug 27, 2000 (AS XXXV)
510 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
511 Aislinn Fiona of Rumm (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
512 Owyn of Clan Frog (False Isle) Lion's Claw Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
513 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
514 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
515 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 11, 2000 (AS XXXV)
516 Isobel Tough (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
517 Isobel Tough (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
518 Cornelius von Rugen (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
519 Allvaro Ferreira de Goa (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
520 Meriel Kennett (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
521 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
522 Genevieve Barbota (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
523 Lou Tang (Lionsdale) Lion's Claw Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
524 Pierce O'Briain (Lionsdale) Lion's Claw Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
525 Aislinn O'Connor (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
526 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 2, 2000 (AS XXXV)
527 Dougal MacLaomuinn of Crimson Star (Lionsdale) Lion's Claw Feb 24, 2001 (AS XXXV)
528 Padraigin O'Bhuadhiagh (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
529 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Branch Lists Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
530 Niamh ingen Raigillig (Cold Keep) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
531 Iurri Romanovich Novakshonoff (Lions Gate) Branch Chirurgeon May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
532 Kirstie the Fairsighted (Lions Gate) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
533 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Branch Arts Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
534 Aurora Argentius (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
535 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
536 Galen Wainwright (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
537 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
538 Owyn of Clan Frog (False Isle) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
539 Agatha Forryan (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
540 Mairin O'Quinlan (Krakafjord) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
541 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
542 Megge of Caerleon (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
543 Azure Mary MacGregor (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
544 Yeorick the Simple (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
545 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
546 Aurora Argentius (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
547 Casey O'Raigillig (Cold Keep) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 11, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
548 Zihar Fowdawi ben Gonbula al Khabeelah (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 12, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
549 Alexander Phillipe de Bergerac (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 12, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
550 Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 12, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
551 Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elpinstone (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 9, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
552 Sean an Gleanna (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 9, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
553 Elizabeth Braidwood (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 9, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
554 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Sergeant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
555 Findlaech MacGilleAndrias (Coill Mhor) Sergeant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
556 Werberg of Wenlock (Lions Gate) Sergeant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
557 Gunter von Wiseland (Lions Gate) Sergeant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
558 Cornelius von Rugen (Lions Gate) Gallant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
559 Tremayne de Clairvaux (Lions Gate) Gallant Sep 16, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
560 Eammon Ryan (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
561 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
562 Geoffrey MacLean (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
563 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
564 Gunter von Wiseland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
565 Christopher MacRae (Lionsdale) Knott Yett Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
566 Niamh ingen Raigillig (Cold Keep) Lion's Claw Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
567 Crystalmer (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
568 Strygor Alexandru von Talmetz (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
569 Padraigin O'Bhuadhiagh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
570 Galen Wainwright (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Oct 20, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
571 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 8, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
572 Magdelena Kress (Tir Righ) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Jan 12, 2002 (AS XXXVI)
573 Ingvar the Restless (Lions Gate) Branch Science Officer May 1, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
574 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
575 Morweena (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
576 Musica Moderna (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
577 Andrais (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
578 Geoffrey MacLean (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
579 Jodan de la Montagne Carlitte (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 4, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
580 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 11, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
581 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
582 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
583 Huw Mac Conneach of Castle Carnousie (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
584 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
585 Juliana Kendal (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
586 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
587 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
588 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Sep 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
589 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
590 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
591 Ingvar the Restless (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
592 Iurri Romanovich Novakshonoff (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
593 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
594 Morweena (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
595 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
596 Anna Catriona McKenzie of Seaforth (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
597 Byron Fletcher (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 30, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
598 Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
599 Illyria (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 7, 2002 (AS XXXVII)
600 Kieran Gunn (Danescombe) Lion's Claw Jan 11, 2003 (AS XXXVII)
601 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
602 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 3, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
603 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 3, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
604 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) A&S Champion May 10, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
605 Orlando d'Arras (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion May 10, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
606 Kirstie the Fairsighted (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 10, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
607 Tille Sparewe (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 10, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
608 Azure Mary MacGregor (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 30, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
609 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 30, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
610 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 30, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
611 Fin Steingrimsson (Fjordland) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 31, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
612 Barry MacNeil (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 14, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
613 Geoffrey MacLean (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 17, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
614 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
615 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
616 Vivien of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
617 Azure Mary MacGregor (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
618 Sunjan Temujin (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
619 Curtis of Rumm (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
620 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
621 Guntar (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
622 Sadira Drachen (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
623 Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
624 Allvaro Ferreira de Goa (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Oct 4, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
625 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 30, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
626 Pierce O'Briain (Lionsdale) Rapier Champion Dec 6, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)
627 Madeleine de Bellemare (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 3, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
628 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
629 Dalla in Fagra (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
630 Alienor Sanz-Argent (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
631 Sean O'Mulvihille (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
632 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) A&S Champion May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
633 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
634 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
635 Wade of Many Places (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
636 Eidanna Bebhinn of Rumm (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
637 Orlando d'Arras (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
638 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
639 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
640 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
641 Alienor Sanz-Argent (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
642 Asny Haakonsdottir (Aquaterra) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
643 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
644 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
645 Azure Mary MacGregor (Lions Gate) Branch Bardic Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
646 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Branch Marshal May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
647 Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
648 Genevieve Barbota (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
649 Jon Bjarnason McGurn al Khabeelah (Lions Gate) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
650 Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
651 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
652 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 1, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
653 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Archery Champion May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
654 Savaric Coeur-de-Lion (Lionsdale) Armored Champion May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
655 Vivien of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
656 Fin Steingrimsson (Fjordland) Lion's Claw May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
657 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
658 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 8, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
659 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 30, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
660 Harold Devin of Waltham (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Jun 5, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
661 Dalibor Krivoklatsky (Seagirt) Sergeant Aug 22, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
662 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 22, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
663 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Sep 11, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
664 Malcolm of Lamont (Appledore) Keystone Oct 10, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
665 Estevan (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
666 Diarmuid de Rosas (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
667 Richarde Touchet de la Croix (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
668 Morweena (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
669 Estaban Fereirro (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
670 Fiacha MacNeil of Glencar (Bear Wood) Keystone Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
671 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
672 Donatello Sanuto (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
673 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
674 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 6, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
675 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
676 Draven Mac Raith (Ramsgaard) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
677 Draven Mac Raith (Ramsgaard) Rapier Champion Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
678 Piper Dei Volpi (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
679 Megan Althea of Glengariff (Thornwold) Keystone Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
680 Meresigha Stonegatta of Witham (Thornwold) Keystone Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
681 Pierce O'Briain (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Dec 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
682 Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 5, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
683 Asny Ravnsdottir (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Dec 31, 2004 (AS XXXIX) ***
684 Kenzie McBeighn (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 8, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
685 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
686 Kerrigan Na Traga (Fjordland) Armored Champion Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
687 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Lion's Fang Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
688 Savaric Coeur-de-Lion (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Apr 30, 2005 (AS XXXIX)
689 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 2005 (AS XL)
690 Sean O'Mulvihille (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 2005 (AS XL)
691 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2005 (AS XL)
692 Adam Fairamay (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
693 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
694 Alienor Sanz-Argent (Lions Gate) A&S Champion May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
695 Sigriðr galdrakona GALA Eiriksdottir (Lionsdale) Bardic Champion May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
696 Arianna Freemont (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
697 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Lion's Pinion May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
698 Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elpinstone (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
699 Bhraonain ap Seathan ap Bhragaidh (Lions Gate) Lion's Pinion May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
700 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
701 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
702 Kerry Mac Geraidh Mor (Danescombe) Sergeant Aug 21, 2005 (AS XL)
703 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 21, 2005 (AS XL)
704 Richarde Touchet de la Croix (Lionsdale) Gallant Aug 21, 2005 (AS XL)
705 Meriel Kennett (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
706 Magdelena Kress (Tir Righ) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
707 Kenzie McBeighn (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
708 Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
709 Bernadette Ebhilín Árd (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
710 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
711 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
712 Augustine Drakkar (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 5, 2005 (AS XL)
713 Lasairiona inghean Uilliam na Seoltadh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Dec 3, 2005 (AS XL)
714 Estaban Fereirro (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Dec 3, 2005 (AS XL)
715 Draven Mac Raith (Ramsgaard) Lion's Fang Dec 3, 2005 (AS XL)
716 Shareef Musiqi al-Rashid (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 1, 2006 (AS XL)
717 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
718 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
719 Alienor Sanz-Argent (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
720 Sigriðr galdrakona GALA Eiriksdottir (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
721 Kerrigan Na Traga (Fjordland) Lion's Fang Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
722 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
723 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
724 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
725 Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
726 Cara d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
727 Diarmuid de Rosas (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
728 Meriel Kennett (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
729 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 30, 2006 (AS XL)
730 Donatello Sanuto (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
731 Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
732 Aurora Argentius (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
733 Adam Fairamay (Lions Gate) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
734 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
735 Augustine Drakkar (Lionsdale) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
736 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
737 Cara d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
738 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
739 Donatello Sanuto (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 2006 (AS XLI)
740 Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson (Thornwold) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 14, 2006 (AS XLI)
741 Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 6, 2006 (AS XLI)
742 Rahil Al'Zarqa Humaa (Lions Gate) Yeoman Aug 20, 2006 (AS XLI)
743 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
744 Rahil Al'Zarqa Humaa (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
745 Jayson of House Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
746 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
747 Jayson the Second of House Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
748 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
749 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 4, 2006 (AS XLI)
750 Estaban Fereirro (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Dec 2, 2006 (AS XLI)
751 Godfrey von Ravensburg (Lionsdale) Rapier Champion Dec 2, 2006 (AS XLI)
752 Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh (Lions Gate) Branch Chamberlain May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
753 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
754 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
755 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
756 Aibinn Lochart of the clan McBieghn (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
757 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
758 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
759 Hraði inn Rakki (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
760 Maeda no Kiku Mariko (Lions Gate) A&S Champion May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
761 Isabel de la Roche (Seagirt) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
762 Allvaro Ferreira de Goa (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
763 Hélène d'Anjou (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
764 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
765 Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
766 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
767 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
768 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
769 Stefan of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
770 Aine inghean ui Chonchobhair (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
771 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
772 Arianna Freemont (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
773 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
774 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
775 Sigurd Kerr de Roxburgh (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 12, 2007 (AS XLII)
776 Cordell MacBeighn (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Aug 4, 2007 (AS XLII)
777 Thorginson (Lions Gate) Keystone Aug 6, 2007 (AS XLII)
778 Jayson of House Werner (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 19, 2007 (AS XLII)
779 Stefan (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
780 Ylas Annasdoter (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
781 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
782 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
783 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
784 Aedilise Aubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
785 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
786 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
787 Rahil Al'Zarqa Humaa (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
788 Jayson of House Werner (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
789 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 10, 2007 (AS XLII)
790 Myfanwy Milay (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
791 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
792 Sarah ferch Griffin (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
793 Mafawnway (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
794 Rébeca de la Mare (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
795 Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
796 UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
797 Fin Steingrimsson (Fjordland) Mortar and Pestle Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
798 Fergus Rory Cynericson (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
799 Violante von Oesterreich (Danescombe) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
800 Godfrey von Ravensburg (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Dec 1, 2007 (AS XLII)
801 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 5, 2008 (AS XLII)
802 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) A&S Champion Feb 9, 2008 (AS XLII)
803 Maeda no Kiku Mariko (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Feb 9, 2008 (AS XLII)
804 Morgan Foxworthy (Caid) Yeoman Apr 1, 2008 (AS XLII) ***
805 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 19, 2008 (AS XLII)
806 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Apr 26, 2008 (AS XLII)
807 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Apr 26, 2008 (AS XLII)
808 Stefan of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 26, 2008 (AS XLII)
809 Rothgar (Lions Gate) Branch Web Minister May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
810 Aristophanes the Younger (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
811 Tamsyn le Rouse (An Tir) Branch Family Activities Officer May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
812 Ziyadatallah al-Ifriqi ibn 'Abd Allah (Lionsdale) Branch Bardic Officer May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
813 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
814 Kerry Mac Geraidh Mor (Danescombe) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
815 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
816 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Branch Gold Key Officer May 1, 2008 (AS XLIII)
817 Myrrim de Lancaster (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
818 Aine inghean ui Chonchobhair (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
819 Azemar de Toulouse (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
820 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Bardic Champion May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
821 Soleil of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
822 Doctor Carus (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
823 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 3, 2008 (AS XLIII)
824 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 17, 2008 (AS XLIII)
825 Magnus Ulfgarsson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 8, 2008 (AS XLIII)
826 Gracion de La Rochelle (Aquaterra) Rapier Champion Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
827 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
828 Tulleron of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
829 Brenna of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
830 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 15, 2008 (AS XLIII)
831 Aine inghean ui Chonchobhair (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
832 Katherine atte Moure (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Dec 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
833 Ayleth Fairamay (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 1, 2009 (AS XLIII)
834 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Branch Lists Officer Feb 1, 2009 (AS XLIII)
835 John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan (Hartwood) Lion's Fang Feb 7, 2009 (AS XLIII)
836 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Feb 7, 2009 (AS XLIII)
837 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Branch Chamberlain May 1, 2009 (AS XLIV)
838 Sigriðr galdrakona GALA Eiriksdottir (Lionsdale) Branch Bardic Officer May 1, 2009 (AS XLIV)
839 Vivien of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2009 (AS XLIV)
840 Garet Doiron (Coill Mhor) Branch Constabulary Officer May 1, 2009 (AS XLIV)
841 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion May 2, 2009 (AS XLIV)
842 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 6, 2009 (AS XLIV)
843 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Jun 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)
844 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 20, 2009 (AS XLIV)
845 Harleigh Dhai (Danescombe) Sergeant Aug 16, 2009 (AS XLIV)
846 Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 16, 2009 (AS XLIV)
847 Bernadette Ebhilín Árd (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 16, 2009 (AS XLIV)
848 Nicola of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
849 Lucien de la Montagne d'Or (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
850 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
851 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
852 Mary Ostler (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
853 Gracion de La Rochelle (Aquaterra) Lion's Fang Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
854 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
855 Iain ap Griffin (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Nov 7, 2009 (AS XLIV)
856 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 5, 2009 (AS XLIV)
857 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Lion's Claw Dec 5, 2009 (AS XLIV)
858 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Jan 9, 2010 (AS XLIV)
859 Tomas de Courcy (Montengarde) A&S Champion Feb 6, 2010 (AS XLIV)
860 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Branch Web Minister May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
861 Francesca Wallace Drakkar (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
862 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
863 Myrrim de Lancaster (Lions Gate) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
864 Guillemin de Rouen (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
865 Asny Ravnsdottir (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
866 Mary Ostler (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
867 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
868 Rhiannon ap Gynnedd McBeign (Coill Mhor) Branch Dance Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
869 Sage McLeod of Canna (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
870 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
871 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion May 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
872 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 28, 2010 (AS XLV)
873 Tomas de Courcy (Montengarde) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Jun 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
874 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Jul 31, 2010 (AS XLV)
875 Stefan of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Aug 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
876 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Aug 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
877 Sarah ferch Griffin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Aug 1, 2010 (AS XLV)
878 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 15, 2010 (AS XLV)
879 Clan MacAndrew (Tir Righ) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
880 Dalibor Krivoklatsky (Seagirt) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
881 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
882 Lucien de la Montagne d'Or (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
883 Callen Drakkar (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Nov 6, 2010 (AS XLV)
884 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Dec 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
885 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Dec 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
886 Aibinn Lochart of the clan McBieghn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Dec 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
887 Stefano di Armani (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Dec 5, 2010 (AS XLV)
888 Johanna van der Velde (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Feb 26, 2011 (AS XLV)
889 Tomas de Courcy (Montengarde) Lion's Fang Feb 26, 2011 (AS XLV)
890 Kerrigan Na Traga (Fjordland) A&S Champion Feb 27, 2011 (AS XLV)
891 Edrik ap Pengam (Lions Gate) Branch Chamberlain May 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
892 Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
893 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer May 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
894 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
895 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2011 (AS XLVI)
896 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Archery Champion May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
897 René Basille (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
898 Corwyn of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
899 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
900 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
901 Arminius Scorpius (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
902 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2011 (AS XLVI)
903 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 8, 2011 (AS XLVI)
904 Wymarcha haketanah (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 14, 2011 (AS XLVI)
905 Koule Juokiasi Uzpoulikas (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 19, 2011 (AS XLVI)
906 Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal Jul 31, 2011 (AS XLVI)
907 Ylas Annasdoter (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
908 Jayson the Second of House Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
909 Shareef Musiqi al-Rashid (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
910 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
911 Mary Ostler (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 5, 2011 (AS XLVI)
912 Cerridwen Ravenhawk of Conway (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Mar 31, 2012 (AS XLVI)
913 Asny Ravnsdottir (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Mar 31, 2012 (AS XLVI)
914 Johanna van der Velde (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 31, 2012 (AS XLVI)
915 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Deputy Branch Seneschal Apr 26, 2012 (AS XLVI)
916 Elora (Lions Gate) Branch Missile Officer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
917 Wymarcha haketanah (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
918 Marie de Cherisy (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
919 Azure Mary MacGregor (Lions Gate) Branch Bardic Officer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
920 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
921 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
922 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
923 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
924 Tamsyn le Rouse (An Tir) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
925 Garet Doiron (Coill Mhor) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2012 (AS XLVII)
926 David of Tirane (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 12, 2012 (AS XLVII)
927 Thorwulf Bjornson (Fjordland) Armored Champion May 12, 2012 (AS XLVII)
928 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 12, 2012 (AS XLVII)
929 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 12, 2012 (AS XLVII)
930 Marie de Cherisy (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences May 27, 2012 (AS XLVII)
931 Chris of Hope (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 27, 2012 (AS XLVII)
932 Ellen Foirinn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 27, 2012 (AS XLVII)
933 Magnus Ulfgarsson (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Aug 5, 2012 (AS XLVII)
934 Garet Doiron (Coill Mhor) Lion's Claw Aug 6, 2012 (AS XLVII)
935 Wymarcha haketanah (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 18, 2012 (AS XLVII)
936 Galath ab Edwin (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 19, 2012 (AS XLVII)
937 Rose Campbell (Lionsdale) A&S Champion Mar 16, 2013 (AS XLVII)
938 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Mar 16, 2013 (AS XLVII)
939 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Mar 16, 2013 (AS XLVII)
940 Asny Ravnsdottir (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 16, 2013 (AS XLVII)
941 Angharad verch Cenydd (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Apr 18, 2013 (AS XLVII)
942 Solveig of Whitby (Lions Gate) Branch Web Minister May 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
943 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
944 Matthais Blennerhassett (Tir Righ) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
945 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
946 Therese de Merc (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
947 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 11, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
948 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 27, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
949 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 27, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
950 Thorwulf Bjornson (Fjordland) Lion's Fang May 27, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
951 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Aug 5, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
952 Doctor Carus (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Aug 17, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
953 Garet Doiron (Coill Mhor) Sergeant Aug 18, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
954 Wulfstan Hrafnsson (Lionsdale) Courtier Aug 18, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
955 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Aug 18, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
956 Kateline Huntington (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 18, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
957 Doctor Carus (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 19, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
958 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Branch Marshal Oct 21, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
959 Jayson of House Werner (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Nov 16, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
960 Cerridwen Ravenhawk of Conway (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
961 Aldgudana Gunnarsdottir (Dregate) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
962 Rhiannon ap Gynnedd McBeign (Coill Mhor) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
963 Tamsyn le Rouse (An Tir) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
964 Ylas Annasdoter (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 30, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
965 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal Dec 29, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
966 René Basille (Lionsdale) Mortar and Pestle Jan 1, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
967 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
968 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
969 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
970 Jayson the Second of House Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
971 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
972 Elora (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
973 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
974 Rose Campbell (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
975 Elora (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Mar 29, 2014 (AS XLVIII)
976 Johanna van der Velde (Lions Gate) Branch Chamberlain May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
977 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Branch Web Minister May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
978 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Branch Chronicler May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
979 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Branch A & S Officer May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
980 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Branch Bardic Officer May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
981 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Branch Games Officer May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
982 Caoimhe Wevere (Lions Gate) Branch Chatelaine Officer May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
983 Michael McBeign (Lionsdale) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2014 (AS XLIX)
984 Gareth Haydon (Montengarde) Archery Champion May 10, 2014 (AS XLIX)
985 Michael McBeign (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 10, 2014 (AS XLIX)
986 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 10, 2014 (AS XLIX)
987 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 10, 2014 (AS XLIX)
988 Niall An Bacach (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 23, 2014 (AS XLIX)
989 Fergus of Glamis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 24, 2014 (AS XLIX)
990 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian May 24, 2014 (AS XLIX)
991 Jayson the Second of House Werner (Lions Gate) Sergeant Jul 26, 2014 (AS XLIX)
992 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Courtier Jul 26, 2014 (AS XLIX)
993 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 5, 2014 (AS XLIX)
994 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
995 Elisabeth Ataide (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
996 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
997 Gunter von Wiseland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
998 Ewan Mac Dubhglas (Unknown) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
999 Freya Rabbitte (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
1000 Sorcha Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 15, 2014 (AS XLIX)
1001 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Branch Exchequer Jan 1, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1002 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer Feb 1, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1003 Morweena (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1004 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1005 Isobel fitz Gilbert (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1006 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1007 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1008 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1009 Ellen Foirinn (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
1010 Garet Doiron (Coill Mhor) Branch Chamberlain May 1, 2015 (AS L)
1011 James Irvein of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Branch Lists Officer May 1, 2015 (AS L)
1012 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Branch Rapier Officer May 1, 2015 (AS L)
1013 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Branch Archery Officer May 1, 2015 (AS L)
1014 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 1, 2015 (AS L)
1015 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1016 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1017 Aline de Seez (Hartwood) Archery Champion May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1018 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1019 Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1020 Czygan Balinth (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1021 Sofia Marika Traum von Trifels (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1022 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1023 Doctor Carus (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1024 Karol av Hardangerfjorden (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1025 Þórbjorn of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1026 Gareth Haydon (Montengarde) Lion's Fang May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1027 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 23, 2015 (AS L)
1028 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Courtier Jul 26, 2015 (AS L)
1029 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Courtier Jul 26, 2015 (AS L)
1030 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Gallant Jul 26, 2015 (AS L)
1031 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Oct 3, 2015 (AS L)
1032 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Silver Lance Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1033 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1034 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1035 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1036 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1037 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1038 Galath ab Edwin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1039 Terry the New (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1040 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1041 Serge Fjetland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1042 Sorcha Werner (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1043 Fergus of Glamis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1044 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1045 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1046 Eithne Rose (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1047 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
1048 Paul of Bellatrix (Thornwold) Keystone Feb 20, 2016 (AS L)
1049 Alice de la Wode (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
1050 Morweena (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
1051 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
1052 Russell Cam-beul O'Danescombe (Ramsgaard) Games Champion Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
1053 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Feb 27, 2016 (AS L)
1054 Sine Gunnsdottir (Ramsgaard) Keystone Apr 16, 2016 (AS L)
1055 John Warrick Draker (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1056 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1057 Giuliana da Castiglione (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1058 Alice de la Wode (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1059 Randall son of William (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1060 James Irvein of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1061 Brother Emrys (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1062 Eva de Lille (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1063 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1064 Seamus McKinneach (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1065 Airtrenat daughter of Gafne (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1066 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Rapier Champion May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1067 Viggo Knout (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1068 Maminka the Bohemian (Fjordland) Keystone May 31, 2016 (AS LI) ***
1069 William of House Werner (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 14, 2016 (AS LI)
1070 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Oct 1, 2016 (AS LI)
1071 Isabeau Fiona the Archer (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Oct 1, 2016 (AS LI)
1072 Eleanor Odlowe (Lionsdale) Lion's Claw Oct 1, 2016 (AS LI)
1073 Vladimir Andreivich Aleksandrov (Ramsgaard) Keystone Nov 5, 2016 (AS LI)
1074 Elise Ramsey (Ramsgaard) Silver Lance Nov 19, 2016 (AS LI)
1075 William Sutherland (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Science Nov 19, 2016 (AS LI)
1076 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 19, 2016 (AS LI)
1077 Czygan Balinth (Lions Gate) Youth Armored Champion Nov 19, 2016 (AS LI)
1078 Bryntyeach MacQuarrie (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Nov 19, 2016 (AS LI)
1079 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Branch Scribal Officer Mar 31, 2017 (AS LI)
1080 Bryntyeach MacQuarrie (Lionsdale) Bardic Champion Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1081 Ciana de’Libri (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1082 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1083 Russell Cam-beul O'Danescombe (Ramsgaard) Lion's Fang Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1084 Alice de la Wode (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1085 Katelijne van der Ast (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1086 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1087 Ylva Annarsdottir (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1088 Lishinia Aurelia (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1089 Lokki inn helgi (Lions Gate) Games Champion Apr 1, 2017 (AS LI)
1090 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1091 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1092 Sebastian Solinae (Fjordland) Thrown Weapons Champion May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1093 Viggo Knout (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1094 Christian Bane (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1095 Roesia Du Bois (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 13, 2017 (AS LII)
1096 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal May 17, 2017 (AS LII)
1097 Cáemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (Lions Gate) Silver Lance May 27, 2017 (AS LII)
1098 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Sergeant Sep 17, 2017 (AS LII)
1099 Czygan Balinth (Lions Gate) Youth Armored Champion Sep 17, 2017 (AS LII)
1100 Delwyn verch Ynyr (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1101 Scotia Maliesdottir (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1102 Ragnvald Nohair (Fjordland) Loat Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1103 Czygan Balinth (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1104 Þórbjorn of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1105 Duncan of Aberfoyle (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1106 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1107 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1108 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 18, 2017 (AS LII)
1109 Aoife Fhionn inghean uí Cnáimhsighe (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1110 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1111 Millicent of Eaglescliff (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1112 Angharad verch Cenydd (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1113 Mihari Rose (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1114 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Games Champion Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1115 Hauken Oakson (Lions Gate) Knott Yett Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1116 Etan na Gramna Caisil (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1117 Ace of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1118 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1119 Isoude Drakkar (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1120 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1121 Zoey of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Mar 24, 2018 (AS LII)
1122 Aelana Cordovera (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Apr 11, 2018 (AS LII)
1123 Asny Ravnsdottir (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Apr 11, 2018 (AS LII)
1124 Meinward Wighelm (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Apr 11, 2018 (AS LII)
1125 Olwen Pen Aur (Appledore) Keystone Apr 11, 2018 (AS LII)
1126 Callen Drakkar (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 12, 2018 (AS LII)
1127 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1128 Isoude Drakkar (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1129 Maminka the Bohemian (Fjordland) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1130 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Loat Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1131 Viggo Knout (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1132 Viggo Knout (Lions Gate) Loat Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1133 Kisten of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1134 Cyneric Bearson (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1135 Duncan of Aberfoyle (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1136 Angharad verch Cenydd (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Jun 2, 2018 (AS LIII)
1137 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 30, 2018 (AS LIII) ***
1138 Angharad verch Cenydd (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 4, 2018 (AS LIII)
1139 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Lancer Sep 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
1140 James Irvein of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Lancer Sep 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
1141 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Gallant Sep 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
1142 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Lancer Sep 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
1143 Isoude Drakkar (Lions Gate) Heart and Hand Nov 17, 2018 (AS LIII)
1144 Oswell (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Nov 17, 2018 (AS LIII)
1145 Elaine of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Games Champion Nov 17, 2018 (AS LIII)
1146 Xander Havorcson (Aquaterra) Youth Armored Champion Nov 18, 2018 (AS LIII)
1147 Wulfwyn the Silent (Fjordland) Bardic Champion Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1148 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1149 Aoife Fhionn inghean uí Cnáimhsighe (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1150 Elaine of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1151 Elizabeth Villicus (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1152 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Games Champion Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1153 Elvina Effynewoode (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1154 Anna Capelli (Unknown) Loat Mar 23, 2019 (AS LIII)
1155 Alessandra Luciana Giancomo (Krakafjord) Rapier Champion Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1156 Magnus Ulfgarsson (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1157 Duncan of Aberfoyle (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1158 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1159 Oswell (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1160 Viggo Knout (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1161 Thorey Thorkelsdottir (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1162 Jonette Hangeraas (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1163 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1164 Brother Emrys (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1165 Elspeth Farre (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1166 Beorn Bjulfrsson (Seagirt) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Jun 1, 2019 (AS LIV)
1167 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 3, 2019 (AS LIV)
1168 James Irvein of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 4, 2019 (AS LIV)
1169 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Cut and Thrust Champion Aug 4, 2019 (AS LIV)
1170 Elora (Lions Gate) Combat Archery Champion Aug 4, 2019 (AS LIV)
1171 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Boar's Spear Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1172 Muireann Nic Gwillam (Tir Righ) Loat Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1173 Katharina Rein (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1174 Muirean Nie of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1175 Edward de Mosan (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1176 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1177 Evantia Mikra (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1178 Kolfinna Aurinkosdottir (Tir Righ) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1179 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1180 Lovedaia (An Tir) Loat Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1181 Aoife Fhionn inghean uí Cnáimhsighe (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Nov 16, 2019 (AS LIV)
1182 Millicent of Eaglescliff (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Feb 8, 2020 (AS LIV)
1183 Sine Gunnsdottir (Ramsgaard) Keystone Feb 15, 2020 (AS LIV)
1184 Rose Ingen Laisre (Ramsgaard) Keystone Feb 15, 2020 (AS LIV)
1185 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1186 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1187 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1188 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1189 Roesia Du Bois (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1190 Bleddyn Pwllgwyngyll (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1191 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1192 Angharad verch Cenydd (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1193 Katharina Rein (Lions Gate) Loat Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1194 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1195 Duncan of Aberfoyle (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1196 Alessandra Luciana Giancomo (Krakafjord) Lion's Fang Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1197 Magnus Ulfgarsson (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Sep 11, 2021 (AS LVI)
1198 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Boar's Spear Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1199 Morweena (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1200 Ellen Foirinn (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1201 Koga of the Wolfpack (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1202 Koga of the Wolfpack (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1203 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1204 Giuliana da Castiglione (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1205 Wulfwyn the Silent (Fjordland) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1206 Millicent of Eaglescliff (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1207 Fergus of Glamis (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1208 Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Cut and Thrust Champion Nov 20, 2021 (AS LVI)
1209 Jameson Wheeler (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Nov 29, 2021 (AS LVI)
1210 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal Jan 19, 2022 (AS LVI)
1211 Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh (Lions Gate) Branch Chamberlain Feb 23, 2022 (AS LVI)
1212 Jameson Wheeler (Lionsdale) Bardic Champion Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1213 Marie bint Yussuf al Nasrani (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1214 Shahar Mulji (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1215 Einarr Karlsson (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1216 Wulfwyn the Silent (Fjordland) Lion's Fang Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1217 Elizabeth Villicus (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1218 Laric Godwin (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1219 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1220 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Games Champion Apr 16, 2022 (AS LVI)
1221 Marcus of Thornwold (Thornwold) Rapier Champion May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1222 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Archery Champion May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1223 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1224 William MacBrennan (Seagirt) Armored Champion May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1225 Beatrice Farre (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Youth May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1226 Wulfrum von Danescombe (Lions Gate) Loat May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1227 Wulfrum von Danescombe (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1228 Cassandra Wineday of Newingate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1229 Máirghréad inghean Raghnaill (Tir Righ) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1230 Lokki inn helgi (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1231 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1232 Tanikh bint Farida al Bakim (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1233 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1234 Tryggr (Lions Gate) Loat May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1235 Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire (Lions Gate) Silver Lance May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1236 Etan na Gramna Caisil (Lions Gate) Branch Pursuivant May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1237 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1238 Anika Styf (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1239 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1240 Bryn Fitz Savaric (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 7, 2022 (AS LVII)
1241 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Jun 4, 2022 (AS LVII)
1242 Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Jun 4, 2022 (AS LVII)
1243 Aoife Fhionn inghean uí Cnáimhsighe (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Jun 4, 2022 (AS LVII)
1244 Ewan Mac Dubhglas (Unknown) Baronial Warrant Jun 4, 2022 (AS LVII)
1245 Sunna (Lions Gate) Loat Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1246 Angus Ulfrsson (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1247 Caoimhe Wevere (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1248 Jameson Wheeler (Lionsdale) Keystone Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1249 Elora (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1250 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1251 Lokki inn helgi (Lions Gate) Gallant Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1252 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Sergeant Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1253 Elspeth Farre (Lions Gate) Courtier Aug 20, 2022 (AS LVII)
1254 Sine Gunnsdottir (Ramsgaard) Heart and Hand Sep 17, 2022 (AS LVII)
1255 Fionnguala inghean ui Murchaidh (Seagirt) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1256 Ada Murdoch MacDonald (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1257 Kormak Vurmundrson (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1258 Beatrice Farre (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1259 Evelyn Gower (Lionsdale) Golden Dandelion Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1260 Caitrina inghean Andriasia (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1261 Magdelena Kress (Tir Righ) Silver Lance Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1262 Perigrina Drakker (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Youth Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1263 Agneß Scherer (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1264 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1265 Jaqueline Lefleur (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1266 Elspeth Farre (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1267 Shahar Mulji (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1268 Guidobaldo Marco Odo Romeo d'Aquila (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1269 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Cut and Thrust Champion Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1270 Dalibor Krivoklatsky (Seagirt) Boar's Spear Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1271 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1272 Briana Cassia (Lions Gate) Mortar and Pestle Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1273 Audrey Gower (Lionsdale) Golden Dandelion Nov 19, 2022 (AS LVII)
1274 Phoenix Einarrsdottir (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Feb 18, 2023 (AS LVII)
1275 Abbygale of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1276 Danielle de Lyon (Tir Righ) Loat Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1277 Rosalind McAllistair (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1278 Marie bint Yussuf al Nasrani (Lions Gate) Heart and Hand Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1279 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1280 Jameson Wheeler (Lionsdale) Lion's Fang Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1281 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1282 Nereugei Kitad-un (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1283 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1284 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Games Champion Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1285 Marie bint Yussuf al Nasrani (Lions Gate) A&S Champion Apr 1, 2023 (AS LVII)
1286 Bleddyn Pwllgwyngyll (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1287 Stephen (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1288 Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1289 Katherine O’daire (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1290 Constance Sweeting (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1291 Sara la Rosa (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1292 Sasgerðr Wulfstansdottir (Lionsdale) Baroness' Inspiration for Youth Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1293 Dawn (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1294 Katherine O’daire (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1295 Christine Maria Clara Guccini (Lions Gate) Loat Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1296 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1297 Marcus of Thornwold (Thornwold) Lion's Fang Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1298 William MacBrennan (Seagirt) Lion's Fang Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1299 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1300 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1301 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1302 Nicklaß Volkhart (Madrone) Armored Champion Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1303 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Thrown Weapons Champion Apr 29, 2023 (AS LVII)
1304 Etan na Gramna Caisil (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1305 Sorcha inghean Triein (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1306 Katarzyna Dziemieszkowa (Lions Gate) Loat Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1307 Glorious Mauropous (Lions Gate) Loat Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1308 Tadgh Gan Briste (Lions Gate) Loat Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1309 Maya of House Fornow (Lions Gate) Loat Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1310 Þórbjorn of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Sergeant Oct 1, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1311 Sadhbh Bheag inghean Toirrdhealbhaigh (Lions Gate) Courtier Oct 1, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1312 Mary Ostler (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Oct 14, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1313 Jadwiga Radomyskowa (Thornwold) Lion's Fang Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1314 Kian O'Ruadhri (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1315 Giuliana da Castiglione (Lions Gate) Archery Champion Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1316 Ava of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Golden Dandelion Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1317 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1318 Valka Miskinis (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1319 Bast Miskinis (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1320 Ilian Miskinis (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1321 Rhiannon Miskinis (Lions Gate) Loat Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1322 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1323 Guy of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1324 Brynja Kortsdottir (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1325 Þórbjorn of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1326 Roesia Du Bois (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1327 Ava of Lions Gate (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Youth Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1328 Olen Medvedovich Ovanov (Danescombe) Keystone Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1329 Lokki inn helgi (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1330 August Hermann Konker (Wyewood) Cut and Thrust Champion Nov 18, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1331 Ro Magdalena Freyin (Tir Righ) Branch Pursuivant Dec 2, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1332 Ro Magdalena Freyin (Tir Righ) Loat Dec 2, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1333 Stephen (Lions Gate) Loat Dec 2, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1334 Silas (Lions Gate) Loat Dec 2, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1335 Elspeth Farre (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Dec 2, 2023 (AS LVIII)
1336 Isabella Lucrezia Veneziano Martini (Lions Gate) Lion's Claw Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1337 Cerridwen Ravenhawk of Conway (Lions Gate) Heart and Hand Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1338 Morweena (Lions Gate) Baronial Warrant Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1339 Danielle de Lyon (Tir Righ) Golden Dandelion Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1340 Jacomina van Vossenbrouck (Lions Gate) Branch Seneschal Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1341 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Silver Lance Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1342 Marie bint Yussuf al Nasrani (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1343 Cushag an Ellan Vannin (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1344 Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1345 René Basille (Lionsdale) A&S Champion Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1346 Sara la Rosa (Lions Gate) Bardic Champion Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1347 Mikhail Kurganovic (Lions Gate) Games Champion Apr 20, 2024 (AS LVIII)
1348 Etienne Racine (Lions Gate) Loat May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1349 Bridget of Kilkenny (Lions Gate) Loat May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1350 Miles Fitzhubert (Lions Gate) Heart and Hand May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1351 Tadgh Gan Briste (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Combat May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1352 Sorcha inghean Triein (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1353 Alexander (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration for Youth May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1354 Fergus Rory Cynericson (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Service May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1355 Danielle de Lyon (Tir Righ) Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1356 Malie Rennick (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1357 Daimhin O'Daire (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1358 James Wolfden (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1359 Nicklaß Volkhart (Madrone) Lion's Fang May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1360 Gunnar Stigandsson (Lions Gate) Lion's Fang May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1361 Jameson Wheeler (Lionsdale) Thrown Weapons Champion May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1362 Wu Chi (Lions Gate) Rapier Champion May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1363 Vikingr Eiricksson (Lions Gate) Armored Champion May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1364 Drekah Thoreson (Krakafjord) Archery Champion May 4, 2024 (AS LIX)
1365 Mavis Cruikshank (Lions Gate) Heart and Hand Jun 1, 2024 (AS LIX)
1366 Acherea Levesque (Lions Gate) Loat Jun 1, 2024 (AS LIX)
1367 Vigdís Skógarsdóttur (Lions Gate) Loat Jun 1, 2024 (AS LIX)
1368 Malyss Makneile (Lions Gate) Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Jun 1, 2024 (AS LIX)