An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards given on: Jan 9, 1982
1 Lenora di Felicie (Three Mountains) Count/Countess Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
2 Steingrim Wulfaresson Stallari (Three Mountains) Duke/Duchess Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
3 Elisabeth de Rossignol (Dragon's Laire) Award of Arms Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
4 Walter of the Groves (Madrone) Award of Arms Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
5 Asahla Telerion (Madrone) Queen's Cypher Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
6 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Queen's Cypher Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
7 Lynne the Farrover (Madrone) Queen's Cypher Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
8 Scellanus of Skye (Lions Gate) Queen's Grace Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
9 Madb of Shittimwoode (Thornwold) Acacia Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
10 Richard of Seahaven (West) Queen's Cypher Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)
11 Lenora di Felicie (Three Mountains) Rose Jan 9, 1982 (AS XVI)