An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards granted by Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgrson and/or Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland

1 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Prince/Princess/Princeps Nov 19, 2005 (AS XL)
2 Ieuan Gower (Lionsdale) Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Nov 19, 2005 (AS XL)
3 Gwyneth Gower (Lionsdale) Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Nov 19, 2005 (AS XL)
4 Gwyneth Gower (Lionsdale) Valorous Estate Nov 19, 2005 (AS XL)
5 Enoch Jacobsz van Zuidenland (Danescombe) Rapier Champion Nov 20, 2005 (AS XL)
6 Tita the Wanderer (Hartwood) Etoile d'Argent Dec 17, 2005 (AS XL)
7 Sofia Marika Traum von Trifels (Lionsdale) Etoile d'Argent Jan 21, 2006 (AS XL)
8 Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter (Lions Gate) Etoile d'Argent Jan 21, 2006 (AS XL)
9 Evangelina du Lac (Tir Righ) Silver Pillar Feb 11, 2006 (AS XL)
10 Lucy Pogson (Tir Righ) Etoile d'Argent Feb 18, 2006 (AS XL)
11 Isabella of Wyndhaven (Appledore) Silver Sparkes Mar 11, 2006 (AS XL)
12 Malcolm of Lamont (Appledore) Silver Pillar Mar 11, 2006 (AS XL)
13 Ming Lum Pee (Seagirt) Hafoc Mar 18, 2006 (AS XL)
14 William of the Battered Helm (Lions Gate) Hafoc Mar 18, 2006 (AS XL)
15 Catherine Townson (Skraeling Althing) Etoile d'Argent Mar 18, 2006 (AS XL)
16 Cerridwen Ravenhawk of Conway (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Mar 25, 2006 (AS XL)
17 Adwen Wrenn (Ramsgaard) Etoile d'Argent Apr 1, 2006 (AS XL)
18 Josephine Blackthorn (Tir Bannog) Hafoc Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
19 Tariq Abu Zayd (Ramsgaard) Armored Champion Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
20 Padruig MacBrian (Thornwold) Shattered Spear Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
21 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
22 Ksenia Einarsdottir (Lions Gate) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Apr 22, 2006 (AS XL)
23 Adwen Wrenn (Ramsgaard) Guardian of Tir Righ Apr 23, 2006 (AS XL)
24 Genevieve Barbota (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
25 Sofia Marika Traum von Trifels (Lionsdale) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
26 Vivien of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
27 Brigitte die Arrogante (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
28 Elena de Maisnilwarin (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
29 Kenzie McBeighn (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
30 Gilbert der Eber (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
31 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
32 Bernadette Ebhilín Árd (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
33 Padraigin O'Bhuadhiagh (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
34 Kenneth of Shaftesbury (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
35 Melissa Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
36 UlfR Blodfotur Fallgrson (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
37 Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
38 Caitrin ni Cingeadh (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Apr 29, 2006 (AS XL)
39 Saikhan Naranaimorin (Thornwold) Red Flame May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
40 Yolande Chastellain (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
41 Griffin ap Bedwyr (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
42 Eriu of Tlachtga (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
43 Safiye al-Konstantiniyye (Danescombe) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
44 Magdelena Kress (Tir Righ) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
45 Yrsa Kettilsdottir (Seagirt) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
46 Genevieve de Clairvaux (Lionsdale) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
47 Thorin Olafsson (Danescombe) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
48 Thora i Guldvik (Lionsdale) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
49 Hélène d'Anjou (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
50 Delgrade Grannia McAllister (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
51 Leah of Surrey (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
52 Kestrel de Glynneyrie (Appledore) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
53 Geoffrey MacLean (Lions Gate) Silver Pillar May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
54 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
55 Edrik ap Pengam (Lions Gate) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
56 Bolverk of Momchilovich (Fjordland) Hafoc May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
57 Hjordís in Flamska (Lionsdale) Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)
58 Saide N'Ottoman (Glyn Dwfn) Red Flame May 13, 2006 (AS XLI)