An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards granted by Paul of Bellatrix and/or Carol of Bellatrix

1 Carol of Bellatrix (West) King/Queen May 1, 1976 (AS XI)
2 William of Hoghton (West) Duke/Duchess May 1, 1976 (AS XI)
3 Donna of Rollingwood (West) Duke/Duchess May 1, 1976 (AS XI)
4 Phillippe of the House of Cruzan (Adiantum) Award of Arms May 29, 1976 (AS XI)
5 Corwynn of Thornwood (Adiantum) Award of Arms May 29, 1976 (AS XI)
6 Daphne Dubray of the House of Cruzan (Adiantum) Award of Arms May 29, 1976 (AS XI)
7 Armand de Sevigny (Caid) Knight Jun 5, 1976 (AS XI)
8 Amanda Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Landed Baron/Baroness Jun 8, 1976 (AS XI)
9 Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland (Lions Gate) Landed Baron/Baroness Jun 8, 1976 (AS XI)
10 Stevanna of Houghton (Madrone) Pelican Jul 3, 1976 (AS XI)
11 Fiona di Varanus (Madrone) Pelican Jul 3, 1976 (AS XI)
12 Dennis an Seodoir (Madrone) Leaf of Merit Jul 3, 1976 (AS XI)
13 Katharine of Northhall (Madrone) Pelican Jul 4, 1976 (AS XI)
14 Allysen of Dunrobin (Madrone) Leaf of Merit Jul 4, 1976 (AS XI)
15 Daoud Barbarossa ed Din (Avacal) Award of Arms Jul 8, 1976 (AS XI)
16 Michael the Black (Aquaterra) Court Baron/Baroness Jul 8, 1976 (AS XI)
17 Niall Kilkierny (Lions Gate) Silver Rose Jul 10, 1976 (AS XI)
18 Paul of Bellatrix (Thornwold) Queen's Cypher Jul 31, 1976 (AS XI)
19 Allysen of Dunrobin (Madrone) Laurel Jul 31, 1976 (AS XI)