An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards granted by Strider of Duramen, the Persistent and/or Kathryn Dhil Lõrriel

1 Kathryn Dhil Lõrriel (An Tir) King/Queen/Rex May 3, 1980 (AS XV)
2 Christopher of Hoghton (West) Count/Countess/Countrix May 3, 1980 (AS XV)
3 Esmirelda Dancingstar (West) Count/Countess/Countrix May 3, 1980 (AS XV)
4 Esmirelda Dancingstar (West) Rose May 3, 1980 (AS XV)
5 Garan Steingrimson (Glymm Mere) Award of Arms May 17, 1980 (AS XV)
6 Crier, The (An Tir) Armigerous Group May 17, 1980 (AS XV)
7 Ludwig von Lemminghaus (Three Mountains) Belated Rose May 18, 1980 (AS XV)
8 Reginleif the Unruly (Adiantum) Landed Baron/Baroness May 25, 1980 (AS XV)
9 Ulfheðinn inn Vegfarandi (Adiantum) Landed Baron/Baroness May 25, 1980 (AS XV)
10 Liesel von Langental (Coeur du Val) Award of Arms May 28, 1980 (AS XV)
11 Thorwulf Bjornson (Lions Gate) Award of Arms Jun 15, 1980 (AS XV)
12 Rianna von Heiniken (Borealis) Award of Arms Jun 15, 1980 (AS XV)
13 Darius Corvinus (Tir Righ) Award of Arms Jun 15, 1980 (AS XV)
14 Colin Ironwolf (Borealis) Leaf of Merit Jun 15, 1980 (AS XV)
15 Shara Tunoy (Madrone) Award of Arms Jun 21, 1980 (AS XV)
16 Michael of the Hauuk (Adiantum) Award of Arms Jun 21, 1980 (AS XV)
17 Corwin of Lincoline (Myrgan Wood) Award of Arms Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
18 Jean Marc de Folville (Myrgan Wood) Award of Arms Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
19 Kalyn D'Autremont (Myrgan Wood) Award of Arms Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
20 Evan ap Edmwnt o Coedwig (Madrone) Award of Arms Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
21 Chimene des Cinq Tours (Adiantum) Pelican Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
22 Steingrim Wulfaresson Stallari (Three Mountains) Laurel Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
23 Manfred Kriegstreiber (Three Mountains) Laurel Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
24 Yulseth of Darkwood (Madrone) Leaf of Merit Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
25 Manfred Kriegstreiber (Three Mountains) Muckin' Great Clubbe Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
26 Morgan of Aberystwyth (Glymm Mere) Olde Battered Helm Jun 22, 1980 (AS XV)
27 Sumingo of Amaranth (Three Mountains) Belated Rose Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
28 Edain of Elwestrand (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
29 David of Babylon (Stromgard) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
30 Moira ni Tabor of Clare (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
31 Wendy of Red Wing (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
32 Alexandra of Cat's Heart (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
33 Asha ap Myrddin (Three Mountains) Award of Arms Jul 12, 1980 (AS XV)
34 Kathryn Dhil Lõrriel (An Tir) Count/Countess/Countrix Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
35 Strider of Duramen, the Persistent (An Tir) Count/Countess/Countrix Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
36 Bjorn Isenkrammenhandler (Montengarde) Award of Arms Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
37 Bejvulf von Ramshaffen (Lions Gate) Award of Arms Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
38 Stephen of Westmarch (Montengarde) Award of Arms Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
39 Roberta of Rowan (Lions Gate) Leaf of Merit Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
40 Strider of Duramen, the Persistent (An Tir) Queen's Cypher Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)
41 Berek von Langental (Coeur du Val) Queen's Cypher Aug 23, 1980 (AS XV)