An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards granted by Lawrence of the Marsh and/or Miriam de Xaintrailles

1 Miriam de Xaintrailles (West) Prince/Princess/Princeps Mar 31, 1996 (AS XXX)
2 Darien Tevarson (Southmarch) Grail of the Summits - A&S May 25, 1996 (AS XXXI)
3 Eibhlin of Clan MacGuinness (Adiantum) Grail of the Summits - Martial May 25, 1996 (AS XXXI)
4 Adiantum, Barony of (An Tir) Grail of the Summits - Service May 25, 1996 (AS XXXI)
5 Korah von Steelheart MacErc (Glyn Dwfn) Grail of the Summits - Service Jul 27, 1996 (AS XXXI)
6 Wilam Tjorkillsson (Three Mountains) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Sep 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
7 Mary Brullasdottir (Adiantum) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Sep 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
8 Ambrose Mavrorothakis (Adiantum) Gryphon and Spear Sep 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
9 Marian Staarveld (Adiantum) Truehearted (Morgan's Rose) Sep 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
10 Ronald Hawkwood (Myrtleholt) Shield of Chivalry Sep 28, 1996 (AS XXXI)
11 Marlena von Rottweil (Summits) Alpine Scholar Dec 7, 1996 (AS XXXI)
12 Timothy MacDaniell (Adiantum) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
13 Sarah O'Guinn (Adiantum) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
14 Barbara de Bayard de Montchesne (Briaroak) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
15 Shira Kataka (Myrtleholt) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
16 William Brannan (Terra Pomaria) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
17 Lili de Caen (Dragon's Mist) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
18 Ambrose Mavrorothakis (Adiantum) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
19 Lawrence of the Marsh (West) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
20 James Greyhelm (Briaroak) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
21 Korwyn Marius Velis Ariannaid (Terra Pomaria) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
22 Wilam Tjorkillsson (Three Mountains) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
23 Matthew Hemidal Foehammer (Myrtleholt) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
24 Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf (Terra Pomaria) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
25 Verena of Laurelin (Glyn Dwfn) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
26 Mary Brullasdottir (Adiantum) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
27 Miriam de Xaintrailles (West) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
28 Marian Staarveld (Adiantum) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
29 Katharine Melville O'Guinn (Terra Pomaria) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
30 Margaret Swynford of Bristow (West) Aerie Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
31 Kaatje Sebastiane von Lübeck (Southmarch) Summits Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)
32 Paul of Somerton (Three Mountains) Summits Dec 14, 1996 (AS XXXI)