An Tir Order of Precedence

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Morgan of the Oaks OP Rank: 87An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Barony of Stromgard [Branch web site]

Also known as: Morgan Claymore, Morgan Crusadene Claymore
Also lived in: Atenveldt
Highest Award: Duke Recommend for another award
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Sable, a claymore inverted proper overall a tree stump and on a chief indented argent three trees proper.
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Hope of the Sun (Sun)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 3, 1990 (AS XXIV)
Award of Arms (Atenveldt)
By: Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Mar 7, 1993 (AS XXVII)
Queen's Grace (Atenveldt)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 7, 1993 (AS XXVIII)
Gryphon (Artemisia)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 5, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
Keeper of the Solar Heart (Sun)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 17, 1994 (AS XXVIII)
Solar Phoenix (Sun)
By: None listed for this time period
May 21, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Keeper of the Solar Heart (Sun)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 19, 1994 (AS XXIX)
Lion of Atenveldt (Atenveldt)
By: Trelon of the Wood
Sep 2, 1995 (AS XXX)
Hawk's Lure (Atenveldt)
By: None listed for this time period
May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)
Knight (Atenveldt)
By: None listed for this time period
Feb 14, 2004 (AS XXXVIII)
King's Sigil (Atenveldt)
By: None listed for this time period
May 7, 2005 (AS XL)
Commander of the Guardians (Atenveldt)
By: None listed for this time period
Nov 3, 2007 (AS XLII)
Count (Atenveldt)
Nov 3, 2007 (AS XLII)
Duke (Atenveldt)
May 3, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Silver Rose (An Tir)
By: Eirik Daegarsson, Driffina Ulfgarsdottir
May 21, 2016 (AS LI)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Eirik Daegarsson
Jul 15, 2016 (AS LI)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jan 14, 2017 (AS LI)
Crown Prince Reign 76 of An Tir (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona
May 18, 2019 (AS LIV) through Jul 20, 2019 (AS LIV)
Royal Service Token (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jul 19, 2019 (AS LIV)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jul 20, 2019 (AS LIV)
King Reign 76 of An Tir (An Tir)
By: None listed for this time period
Jul 20, 2019 (AS LIV) through Jan 11, 2020 (AS LIV)
Royal Cypher (An Tir)
By: Christian Bane, Hélène d'Anjou
Jan 9, 2021 (AS LV)
Main de St. Nicholas (An Tir)
By: Hélène d'Anjou
Jan 8, 2022 (AS LVI)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir)
By: Sven Fallgr Gunnarsson, Rauokinn Eyverska Starradottir
Feb 26, 2022 (AS LVI)
Crown Prince Reign 81 of An Tir (An Tir)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor
May 20, 2023 (AS LVIII) through Jul 15, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Alianora Greymoor
Jul 14, 2023 (AS LVIII)
King Reign 81 of An Tir (An Tir)
By: Athanasios Belisarios, Alianora Greymoor
Jul 15, 2023 (AS LVIII) through Jan 13, 2024 (AS LVIII)
Baron's Favor (Terra Pomaria)
By: Clovis
Oct 21, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir)
By: Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson, Juahara al Azin
Mar 2, 2024 (AS LVIII)