An Tir Order of Precedence

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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards given on: Sep 2, 1990
1 Davin Steingrimsson (Madrone) Crown Prince/Crown Princess Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
2 Genevieve Marie Etienette de Montagne (Madrone) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
3 Draco Fitzalan (Adiantum) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
4 Edwina Blackwell (Madrone) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
5 Chur Ben Chur (Coeur du Val) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
6 Christopher Edward Hawkins (Madrone) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
7 Deorwine Aet Earneleia (Wealdsmere) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
8 Dane Newton Norcross (Madrone) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
9 Barnet Acelin (Dragon's Laire) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
10 Arelnath of Dragon's Needle (Montengarde) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
11 Ariana Godwyn (Dragon's Laire) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
12 Keridwyn Nic Cionaodha (Terra Pomaria) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
13 Tove æt Horselei (Midhaven) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
14 Seamaus MacGregor (Dragon's Laire) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
15 William of Farwood (Dragon's Laire) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
16 Vitold of Lithuania (Unknown) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
17 Karrel der Ermutigender (Madrone) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
18 Morag Davidson (Lions Gate) Award of Arms Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
19 Elonda Blue Haven (Madrone) Jambe de Lion Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
20 Catherine of the Rowan Tree (Borealis) Jambe de Lion Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
21 Constanza di Giovanni (Madrone) Goutte de Sang Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
22 Nerissa of the Golden Sea (Ansteorra) Goutte de Sang Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
23 Eglantine du Grebe Crie (Montengarde) Jambe de Lion Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
24 Murakami Tsuruko (Dragon's Laire) Jambe de Lion Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
25 Nikita Gdanskya (Wealdsmere) Goutte de Sang Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
26 Kathern Thomas Gyelle Spence (Three Mountains) Pelican Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
27 Marcia of Jarrow Motte (Wastekeep) Pelican Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
28 Sigrid Rabenfels (Borealis) Laurel Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
29 Nikolai Andreiov (Lions Gate) Laurel Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
30 Maelen of Catcott (Lions Gate) Laurel Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
31 Rolf Longbow (Vulcanfeldt) Muckin' Tall Maul Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
32 Einar Guntharson (Lionsdale) Silver Rose Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)
33 Octavia Laodice Hybrida Africanus (Aquaterra) Crown Prince/Crown Princess Sep 2, 1990 (AS XXV)