View: - - -- Select Branch -- Adiantum Akornebir Ambergard An Tir Hunt Guild Appledore Appledore, Shire of Aquaterra Azure Keep Bear Wood Blatha An Oir Briaroak Cáe Mór Caladphort Caversgate Coeur du Val Coill Mhor Cold Keep Corvaria Cragmere Cranehaven Crickstow-on-Sea Curragh Mor Danescombe Dragon's Laire Dragon's Mist Dregate Druim Doineann Dun an Chalaidh Earnrokke Eisenmarche False Isle Fire Mountain Keep Fjordland Frozen Mountain Glymm Mere Glyn Dwfn Grimwithshire Hartwood Hauksgarðr Herons Reach Kaldor Ness Krakafjord Lions Gate Lionsdale Lyonsmarche Madrone Midhaven Mountain Edge Myrtleholt Ora Vicis Pendale Porte de l'Eau Ramsgaard Rath an Oir Ravensley Ravensweir River's Bend Sacred Stone Saint Bunstable Saint Giles Seagirt Silverhart Southmarch Stromgard Summits Terra Pomaria Thornwold Three Mountains Tir Bannog Tir Righ Tymberhavene Vinderbeck Vulcanfeldt Wastekeep Wealdsmere Whimsical Order of the Ailing Wit Windwic Wittanhaven Wyewood
-- Kingdom Awards & Titles -- Archery War Banner Argent Scroll Herald Armigerous Group Augmentation of Arms Award of Arms Baron's Favor Baroness' Favor Belated Rose Black Antelope Herald Black Lion Herald Black Lion Seal Black Talbot Herald Bleu Grael Herald Boar Herald Bountiful Hand Branch Archery Officer Branch Arts Officer Branch Chamberlain Branch Chatelaine Officer Branch Chirurgeon Branch Chronicler Branch Constabulary Officer Branch Court Reporter Branch Exchequer Branch Games Officer Branch Lists Officer Branch Marshal Branch Scribal Officer Branch Seneschal Branch Social Media Officer Branch Waterbearer Carp Cheval et du Lion Company of the Golden Butterfly Constabulary Award Constabulary Award with Ribbon Contingency Deputy Kingdom Office for New and Incipient Branches Coronet's Favor Count/Countess/Countrix Courage of An Tir Couronne Rouge Herald Court Baron/Baroness Crown Prince/Crown Princess Demi-Lion Herald Deputy Branch Chatelaine Deputy Branch Chirurgeon Deputy Branch Scribe Deputy Branch Thrown Weapons Officer Deputy Branch YAC Marshal Deputy Kingdom Archery Marshal Deputy Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal Deputy Kingdom Arts and Sciences Officer Deputy Kingdom Chiurgeon Deputy Kingdom Contests Scribal Officer Deputy Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal Deputy Kingdom Equality, Diversity, Inclusion Officer Deputy Kingdom Event Coordinator Deputy Kingdom Exchequer Deputy Kingdom Lists Officer Deputy Kingdom Marshal Authorization Officer Deputy Kingdom Missile Combat Marshal Deputy Kingdom NMS Exchequer Deputy Kingdom Pollings Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal Deputy Kingdom Scribe Deputy Kingdom Seneschal Deputy Kingdom Siege Marshal Deputy Kingdom Submissions Chronicler Deputy Kingdom Thrown Weapons Deputy Kingdom Waiver Secretary Deputy Kingdom Warlord Deputy Kingdom Webminister Deputy Kingdom Youth Activities Officer Deputy Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal Dexter Gauntlet Dowager Princess Duke/Duchess Earl Marshal Contingency Deputy Equestrian Defender Evelyn's Token Forget-me-not Fury of the Lion Fury of the Lion - Captain of the Realm Fury of the Lion - Commander of the Realm Fury of the Lion - Defender of the Realm Gold Eagle Golden Unicorn Good Booth Goutte de Sang Grace of An Tir Graduate of the College of Pages Grant of Arms Gray Goose Shaft Griffe et du Lion Hastae Leonis Hearth of Hospitality Herald Extraordinary Honorary Citizen Honored Marshal of An Tir Inspirational Consort Iron Chain Ithra Lector Jambe de Lion King's Cypher King's Favor King's Guard - Captain King's Shield King's Sigil King/Queen/Rex Kingdom A&S Champion Kingdom A&S Minister Kingdom Archery Marshal Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal Kingdom Bardic Champion Kingdom Calendar Officer Kingdom Champion Kingdom Chatelaine Kingdom Chatelaine Warrants Deputy Kingdom Chirurgeon Kingdom Chronicler Officer Kingdom Crier Editor Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal Kingdom Equestrian Champion Kingdom Equestrian Marshal Kingdom Event Coordinator Kingdom Exchequer Kingdom Forms and Database Officer Kingdom Lists Officer Kingdom Marshal Kingdom Missile Combat Marshal Kingdom NMR Officer Kingdom Protector Kingdom Rapier Marshal Kingdom Royal Chamberlain Kingdom Sable Preceptor Kingdom Scribal Officer Kingdom Seneschal Kingdom Teamster Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal Kingdom Warrants Officer Kingdom YAC Officer Kingdom YAFA Officer Kingdom Youth Rapier Officer Knight Knight of the Queens Garter Snake l'Esperon et du Lion Landed Baron/Baroness Laurel Leo Minor Letter of Marque Lion An Tir Lion et de la Lance Lion's Arrow Lion's Blood Herald Lion's Cub Lion's Heart Lion's Heart Herald Lion's Mane Lion's Pride Lion's Rapier Lion's Strength Lion's Sword Lion's Sword Herald Lion's Torse Lion's Troubadour Löwenmähne Herald Ludicrous Bowman Main de St. Nicholas Mano d'Oro Mano d'Oro Herald Master at Arms Mistress in Stitchery Motley Herald Muckin Tall Maul Herald Muckin' Tall Maul Or & Argent Order of Defense Ordo Vitae Ounce Herald Peer Council Secretary Pelican Pernicious Lily Herald Pernicious Lily- JR Pernicious Lily- SR Prince/Princess/Princeps Prince/Princess/Princeps/Shazade Royale Princess' Escort Princess'/Princeps' Favor Principality Social Media Officer Pursuivant at Large Queen's Cypher Queen's Favor Queen's Guard Queen's Guard - Captain Queen's Guard - Knight Counselor Queen's Guard Spear Queen's Rapier Champion Queue Forcheé Herald Rapier Defender Regional Peerage Council Secretary Righteous Rath Rose Royal Bard Royal Clothier Favor Royal Commission Royal Consul Royal Court Coordinator Royal Cypher Royal Head of Retinue Royal Scribal Favor Royal Scribe Royal Service Token Sable Bonnet Sable Chime Sable Chime Herald Sable Gauntlet Sable Mountain Herald Sable Pheon Sable Sable Sable Scrivener Sanguine Thorn Scholar Herald Scholar of An Tir Sergeant Emeritus Shattered Shield Shield of Chivalry Silver Eagle Silver Lily Silver Rose Silver Unicorn Sinister Gauntlet Herald Sovereign's Favor Spectre Leonis Sphincter Leonis Tablero Champion Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Terpsichore's Fox Terpsichore's Fox Herald Throne's Favor Town Crier Herald Toys for Tots Rapier Championship Valorous Estate Viceroy Victor of Cancer Sucks Heavy Tournament Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Vox Leonis Herald War Cloak Warlord White Scarf WOAW Wordsmith YAFA - Agriculture - Division 1 YAFA - Archery - Division 1 YAFA - Arms and Armor - Division 1 YAFA - Bardic - Division 1 YAFA - Calligraphy - Division 1 YAFA - Calligraphy/Illumination - Division 1 YAFA - Cooking - Division 1 YAFA - Costuming - Division 1 YAFA - Dance - Division 1 YAFA - Equestrian - Division 1 YAFA - Family Life - Division 1 YAFA - Fighting - Division 1 YAFA - Games - Division 1 YAFA - Heraldry - Division 1 YAFA - Jewelry - Division 1 YAFA - Lapidary - Division 1 YAFA - Lapidary - Division 2 YAFA - Leather Working - Division 1 YAFA - Music - Division 1 YAFA - Textiles - Division 1 YAFA - Thrown Weapons - Division 1 YAFA- Siege Weaponry - Division 1 Youth A&S Champion Youth Archery Champion Youth Armored Champion Æstel Herald - -- Principality Awards & Titles -- A&S Champion Aerie Alpine Scholar Amaranth Archery Champion Argent Quill Armored Champion Astrolabe of Saint Brendan Award of Arms Bardic Champion Bayanihan Belated Barberry Bengalguard Bezant Bezerker Staff Blade and Buckler Blue Lily Blue Spear Branch A & S Officer Branch Archery Officer Branch Chamberlain Branch Chatelaine Officer Branch Chronicler Branch Cut and Thrust Marshal Branch Equestrian Marshal Branch Exchequer Branch Family Activities Officer Branch Head of Retinue Branch Lists Officer Branch Marshal Branch Pursuivant Branch Scribal Officer Branch Seneschal Branch Social Media Officer Branch Thrown Weapons Officer Branch Web Minister Captain of Cats Captain of Eagles Captain of Tigers Cornucopia Coronet Scribe Coronet's Favor Court Coordinator Court Herald Cup Bearer Curmudgeon of the Summits Defender of the Summits Deputy Branch Arts and Sciences Deputy Branch Calendar Officer Deputy Branch YAC Marshal Deputy Kingdom Event Coordinator Deputy Principality Thrown Weapons Marshal Etoile d'Argent Friend of the Summits Fuzzy Loot Grail of the Summits Grail of the Summits - A&S Grail of the Summits - Friend of the Summits Grail of the Summits - Martial Grail of the Summits - Officer Service Grail of the Summits - Service Griffin’s Egg of the Summits Gryphon and Grail Gryphon and Spear Gryphon's Favor Gryphon's Paw Gryphon's Talon of the Summits Guardian Guardian of the Stouthearted (White Hart) Guardian of Tir Righ Hafoc Hafoc Herald Heart of the Summits Jewel of the Summits Joy of the Summits Lark and Mountain Lists Officer Lynx Herald Mountain and Grail Outrider Peacock Feather Peer Council Secretary Prince's Favor Prince/Princess/Princeps Princess'/Princeps' Favor Principality A&S Officer Principality Architect Principality Chronicler Principality Earl Marshal Principality Rapier Marshal Principality Scribe Principality Seneschal Privateer of the Summits Rapier Champion Raven of Tir Righ Red Flame Red Flame Herald Royal Artisan Royal Bard Royal Head of Retinue Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour Royal Scribe Shattered Spear Shield of Chivalry Silver Arrow Silver Arrow of Corvaria Silver Axe Silver Barberry Silver Chamferon Silver Chime Silver Crucible Silver Hand Silver Hand Herald Silver Heron Silver Lark Pursuivant Silver Lyre Silver Mountain Herald Silver Pillar Silver Sleeve Silver Sparkes Silver Sparkes Pursuivant Silver Sparks Herald Silver Spoon of the Summits Silver Wing Silver Wolf Silver Yale Herald Skald of Tir Righ Sovereign's Favor Summits Summits Hunter Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) The Griffin’s Egg Throne's Favor Thrown Weapons Champion Tiger's Claw Torch Truehearted (Morgan's Rose) Valorous Estate Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Warlord White Gryphon Wings of the Summits (Closed) YAFA - Fighting - Division 1 YAFA - Heraldry - Division 2 YAFA - Jewelry - Division 2 YAFA - Lapidary - Division 2 YAFA - Textiles - Division 1
-- Most Everything Else -- A&S Champion A&S Defender Acacia Acacia Leaf Accademia dei Studiosi - Archery Achievement in the Arts Acorn Acorn Acorn Acorn's Glade Act of Dedication Adharc Or Adiantum Aegis Honoris Aide de Vénerie Albatross Albion Alces Amici Alerion Ambassador of Courtesy Amber Amber Heart of Twin Moons Amber Leaf Amethyst Chalice Amicus Musarum Ancient Guildmaster of Fence Annulet Apollo Apple Blossom Apple Tree Arachne's Web Archaic Fewment Archery Champion Archery Defender Archery Defender - 'Defender of the Skies' Archery Open Champion Areté Argent Arrow Argent Blade Argent Book Argent Bow Argent Comet Argent Crane Argent Dragon's Blade Argent Estoile Argent Fleur Argent Forge Argent Fret Argent Hammer Argent Hart Argent Helm Argent Hound Argent Increscent Argent Keystone Argent Lance Argent Morningstar Argent Owl Argent Palm Argent Pavillion Argent Plume Argent Rapier Argent Raven Argent Scales Argent Shield Argent Sword Aries Armigerous Group Armored Champion Armored Defender Armoured Defender - 'Defender of The Hart' Armure Epatant Artemisian Order of Grace Artisan Alumnus Ash Leaf Aslaug's Distaff Aspen Athena Atta Boy Belt Attic Helm Augmentation of Arms Augmented Flames of Starkhafn Aurei Ursi Autocrat's Token Award of Arms Award of the Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra Axe Azure Chalice Azure Harp Azure Keystone Azure Trident Baldo's Blackwater Hunt Fighter Medallion Balm of Glymm Mere banBheran's Favor Band of Briars Band of Curmudgeons of Caer Galen Bard Bard of Caid Bard of the Sun Bard's Laureate Bardic Champion Bardic Defender Bardic Defender - 'Bard of the Sea' Baron & Baroness's Favor Baron's Champion Baron's Favor Baron's Perigee Baron's Token Baroness' Cavaliers Baroness' Cygnet Baroness' Favor Baroness' Guard Baroness' Inspiration for Bardic Baroness' Inspiration for Youth Baroness' Inspiration in Archery Baroness' Inspiration in Arts Baroness' Inspiration in Arts and Sciences Baroness' Inspiration in Combat Baroness' Inspiration in Equestrian Baroness' Inspiration in Rapier Baroness' Inspiration in Science Baroness' Inspiration in Service Baroness' Inspiration in Thrown Weapons Baroness' Pearl Baroness' Rapier Champion Baroness's Token Baronial Award of Excellence Baronial Brassard Baronial Brownie Baronial Cord Baronial Favour Baronial Gallant Baronial Label Baronial Treasure Baronial Warrant Bastet Battlement Herald Beacon of Endeweard Beacon of Glymm Mere Beacon of Insula Magna Beacon of Oldenfeld Beacon of the Desert Beacon of Three Mountains Bear of Adiantum Beau Coeur Bee Belated Rose Bell & Chain Bellows Herald Ben Dunfirth Hornbearers Berserker BeWayre Herald Bitten Tongue Black Bear Black Chamfron Black Flame Black Glove Black Griffin Black Sleeve Black Swan Black Tower Black Wing Blade of Merit Blasted Tree Blood and Mayhem Blood of Fenris Blood of the Penguin Blood of the Wood Blood Red Crocus Blue & Gold Cord Blue Comet Blue Cord Blue Glove Blue Kraken Blue Pearl Blue Stag Boar Argent Boar of the West Boar Or Boar Vert Boar's Spear Boar's Tusk Boffer Champion Book and Quill Boreas Bough Meridies Bowman's Mark Branch A & S Officer Branch Archery Officer Branch Arts Officer Branch Bardic Officer Branch Chamberlain Branch Chatelaine Officer Branch Chirurgeon Branch Chronicler Branch Constable Branch Constabulary Officer Branch Dance Officer Branch Demo Coordinator Branch Deputy A&S Officer Branch Deputy Chatelaine Officer Branch Directory Officer Branch Dragonward Officer Branch Equestrian Marshal Branch Exchequer Branch Family Activities Officer Branch Fundraising Officer Branch Games Officer Branch Gold Key Officer Branch Head of Retinue Branch Heavy Marshal Branch Historian Branch Interim Seneschal Branch Librarian Branch Lists Officer Branch Marshal Branch Missile Officer Branch Pursuivant Branch Rapier Officer Branch Science Officer Branch Scribal Officer Branch Seneschal Branch Social Media Officer Branch Thrown Weapons Officer Branch Waterbearer Branch Web Minister Branch YAFA Coordinator Brass Bell Brass Gouttes Brassard d'Honor Bravura Brewing Champion Brewing Defender Brewmeister Briar Briars Rose Brick Bridget's Flame Brise de Mere Bronze Clover Bronze Ring Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen Bumblebee Bunchberry Bunny Tail Bunny's Crook Bunny's Fang Burdened Bouget Burdened Tiger Burning Arrow Burning Spear Burning Sword Burning Trumpet Butterfly Cairn of Oldenfeld Calla-Lily Callada Calladum and Lebus Calladus Calon Lily Cambium Canton of Three Mountains Haukskelda Canton of Three Mountains Pointe d'Or Caprian Capstone Captain of Sergeantry Captain of the Grenadiers Cat's Paw Cattail Cattail - Honorary Cattail - Level 2 Cattail - Level 3 Cavalry Commander of Seagirt Cavendish Knot Centurion of the Sable Star Cercle d'Honneur Chalice Chalice's Crystal Chamfron of Caid Champion of Evergreens Champion of the Children Chanson Chess Champion Children of the Minotaur Children's Champion, Jr. Children's Champion, Sr. Chiron Chivalric Champion Circlet of Gallantry Citizen of Gleann Abhann Coeur d'Azur Coeur Noble Cohort Coil of Esteem Collar and Chain College Champion College Protector Column Combat Archery Champion Combat Archery Defender Combattant Moose Combattant Ram Comet Or Commander of the Guardians Commander of the Honor of the SunDragon Commendabilis Commetus Amicus Companion of the Holly Companion of the Perseus Companion of the White Oak Company of Ratotuskr Company of Wayfarers Compass and Quadrant Compass Rose Compass Rose of Ansteorra Compostella Condatis Conquistador Consort's Award of Esteem Consort's Champion of Arts and Sciences Consort's Cypher - East Consortia Illuminae Copper Spoon Coracle Coral Branch Cord Corde de Guerre Cordon of Honor Cordon Royale Corolla Aulica Corolla Muralis Corolla Vitae Coronet Favors Coronet's Favor Corrola Aulica Coulter and Cornucopia Count/Countess/Countrix Court Baron/Baroness Court Coordinator Court of Cynagua Court of the Mists Courtesy Herald Courtesy of Adiantum Courtier Courtier Emeritus Courtier-Artisan Courtier-Scholar Courtier-Steward Craftsman (A&S) Defender - 'Craftsman of the Mountains' Crane Crescent Crescent Principal Herald Crescent Sword Crimson Collar Crimson Mace of Twin Moons Crimson Stag Crimson Star Crimson Tassel Cross of Calontir Cross of Lochac Crossed Roads Crown Prince/Crown Princess Crown's Favor Crown's Favor - West Crown's Order of Chivalry Crown's Order of Gratitude Crucible Crusader of Cynagua Crystal Heart Crystal of Glymm Mere Crystal of the Salt Waste Crystal Rainbow Crystal Swan Culinaria Ingenium Culinary Competition Champion Cup of Borealis Cupcake Cut and Thrust Champion Cut and Thrust Defender Cygnus Cynaguan Artisans - Laurel Counselor Cynaguan Guard Cynaguan Order of Grace Cynaguan Quill (Bronze) Daffodil Armored Defender Daffodil of Fontaine Daffodil Rapier Defender Dames de la Mer Dance Favor Darts Defender Daystar Decorated Letter Defender of Bocce Ball Defender of Dragon's Laire Defender of the Citadel Defender of the Flame Defender of the Flame of Starkhafn Defender of the Gate Defender of the Hart Defender of the Summits Defenders of Mons Tonitrus Defenders of the Citadel Defenders of the West Definistrator Den Grimme Aeling Deputy Branch Archery Officer Deputy Branch Arts and Sciences Deputy Branch Chamberlain Deputy Branch Chatelaine Deputy Branch Chirurgeon Deputy Branch Exchequer Deputy Branch Pursuivant Deputy Branch Scribe Deputy Branch Seneschal Deputy Society YAFA Devoted and Unique Company of Keepers Diamond Chalice Diamond Willow Doctorate Ithra Doe's Grace Dolphin Dozing Bull Dragon Dragon Lily Dragon's Barb Dragon's Blood of Dragonsspine Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine Dragon's Company Dragon's Dawn Dragon's Egg Dragon's Ember Dragon's Flame Dragon's Flight Dragon's Fury Dragon's Gate Dragon's Heart Dragon's Heart Dragon's Heart Dragon's Keep Dragon's Kin Dragon's Mantle Dragon's Pearls Dragon's Scale Dragon's Scales Dragon's Tear Dragon's Tear Dragon's Tear Dragon's Teeth Dragon's Tooth Dragon's Tooth Dragon's Treasure Dragon's Treasure Dragonblinder Dragonslayer Drake's Portal Drake's Shepherd Dread Red Bear Dreigiau Bryn Ducat Herald Duellist Duke/Duchess Eagle's Ascension Eagle's Feather Edelweiss Elder Eldhus Elm Leaf in Autumn Elm Leaf in Spring Emerald Rose Emerald Seas Emeritus Yeoman Emissarius Maximus Emissary of the Minotaur's Chair Emmie Empty Shell Equestrian Champion Equestrian Defender Escallop Escutcheon d'Or Esprit de Soleil Ethereal Splendor Etoile du Madrone Event Steward Commendation Evergreen Ewer Exemplar Eye of the Eagle Fabrica Ars Nivilis Falchion Falcon of Loch Salann Falcons Talon Fallen Snow Fanged Wolf Far West Support Favor of the Tutoring Ermine Fellow of Saint Giles Fellowship of the University of Avacal Fellowship of the Wyvern's Grip Fenix d'Or Fer de Moline Fern Fern and Quill Ffraid Firebrand of Bjornsborg Flames of Starkhafn Flaming Brand Flaming Newt Flaming Salamander Flamme de Or Fleur de Soleil Flos Australis Flower Flower of Chivalry Flower of the Desert Fons di Animae Food God(dess) Foret d'Or Forrester Champion Fortitude Founding Baron/Baroness Fountain Fountain (Bergental) Fountain of Vindheim Frantic Falcon Friar of Rivenoak Friend of Selviergard Friendly Castle Friends of Eskalya Gallant Gallant Emeritus Games Champion Games Defender Garnet Anchor Gauntlet of Caid Geoduck Gilded Arrow Gilded Dinghy Gilded Feather Gilded Griffin Gilded Leaf of Caerthe Gilded Quill Gilded Swan Gilded Thimble Gilded Thorn of Ansteorra Gillyflower Gime Stone - Emerald Gime Stone - Ruby Gime Stone - Sapphire Gjallerhorn Gleann Abhann Poet Glimmering Gauntlet Glove Gold Comet Gold Mace Gold Pinecone Golden Acacia Golden Acorn Golden Acorn Golden Acorn of Briaroak Golden Alce Golden Alderleaf Golden Apple Golden Apple Golden Apple Seed Golden Arrow Golden Arrow Golden Basket Golden Bear Golden Bear Pursuivant Golden Bell Golden Blade Golden Blade Golden Bloom Golden Blossom Golden Branch Golden Bud Golden Calon Swan Golden Citadel of Marcaster Golden Comb Golden Dagger Golden Dandelion Golden Dolphin Golden Escarbuncle Golden Estoile Golden Fawn Golden Feather Golden Flame Golden Galleon Golden Garb Golden Garter Golden Griffin Golden Gryphon's Pheon Golden Gryphon's Talon Golden Ham Golden Heart Golden Hearth Golden Hyphen Golden Lance of Caid Golden Link Golden Lute Golden Lyre Golden Maple Leaf Golden Martlet Golden Needle Golden Oak Golden Oak Leaf Golden Osprey Golden Otter Golden Peacock Golden Peacock Golden Pillar Golden Pinecone Golden Poppy Golden Rapier Golden Reflection Golden Ring of Unser Hafen Golden Rose Herald Golden Shell Golden Spear Golden Spoon Golden Stag Golden Standard Golden Staple Golden Star Golden Sun in Splendour Golden Swan Golden Sword Golden Tear Golden Thorn Golden Torc Golden Trident Golden Tyger Golden Well Golden Wolf Gorges Herald Grace Grace of Silverhart Grand Champion Grand Councilor Grant of Arms Grape Leaf Gratia Coronae Gratia Coronea Gratia et Comitas Gray Beard Green Arrows Green Bear Green Flame Green Leaf Green Seahorse Green Tree Griffin and Sword Griffin's Talon Griffins Grace Grimme Aeling Gryphon Gryphon and Candle Gryphon and Tablet Gryphon's Heart - Artemisia Gryphon's Heart - Atenveldt Gryphon's Pride Gryphon's Talon Gryphons Grip Guardian Guardian of Sincerity and Honor Guardian of the Oasis of Fontaine Guardian of the Saguero Guardians of Atenveldt-Officer Guardians of the Knight Guiding Hand Guidon de Sang Guillermo's Rose Gules Comet Gules Raven Gull Gwraidd Gyfu Hammer and Wolf Hand of Fulla Hand of Stromgard Hand of Tyr Harp Argent Hart's Blood Hasel-note Hawk's Grace Hawk's Lure Head of Cattle Healer’s Lamp Heart and Gryphon Heart and Hand Heart of Dragon's Mist Heart of Saint William Heart of South Downs Heart of the Keep Heart of the Minotaur Heart of the Princess Heart of the Sable Storm Heart of Three Mountains Hearth Stone Hearthstone Heavy Chivalry Heavy Cross Herald Extraordinary Herald's Tressure Heron's Feather Heron's Quill Hocktide Emprise Champion Hofling Holders of the Heart Honor of the SunDragon Honorary Allyshian Honorary Citizen Honorary d'Arc-ee Honored Marshall of Dragon's Laire Hope of the Sun Horn of the Dragon Horns of the Minotaur Hospitaller of Albion Host of Heroes House Citation House of the Serpent's Torque Hunting Horn Huntmaster Huntsman of Seagirt Hurricane Huscarl Hœverska of Starkhafn Iceberg Illastratio Illuminated Tower Inter Kingdom Archery Champion Inter Kingdom Equestrian Champion Iren Fera Iren-Fyrd Iren-Hirth Iris of Merit Iris of Saint Elizabeth Iron Arrow Iron Gauntlet Iron Hart Iron Maul Iron Quill Iron Tartan Iron's Arrow Ivory Quatrefoil Jaffa Jallerhorn Jawbone of the Ass Jewel of Alces Jewel of the Dragon Jewel of the Keep Jeweled Horn Jeweled Ring Job Joffre Joint Cypher Juana Junior Youth Champion Justinian Keeper of the Flame Keeper of the Inter Kingdom Archery Championship Keeper of the Solar Heart Keepers of the Waters of Fontaine Key Cross Key of Vindheim Key to the Barony Keystone Keystone Keystone of Endeweard King's Award of Excellence King's Blade of Chivalry King's Chalice King's Champion King's Council King's Cypher King's Excellence King's Favor King's Gauntlet King's Huscarls King's Lance King's Letter of Endorsement King's Rapier Champion King's Respect King's Sigil King's Valor King/Queen/Rex Kingdom Calendar Officer Kingdom Middle Eastern Dance Champion Kingdom Scribal Officer Kingdom Seneschal Kittyhawk Knight Knight Bannerette Knott Yett Kraken L'Ordre du Gaunt d'Or La Brise de Mer La Compaignie de la Cuillier La Compaignie de la Forche La Compaignie du Couteau La Courtesia La Lis Vert Laboring Artists Recognition Company Lady of the Chamber Lady of the May Lady of the Solar Leaf of the Sun Ladybug Lamb Lancer Lancer Emeritus Landed Baron/Baroness Laurel Laurel Sovereign of Arms Leaf du Jour Leaf of Merit League of Hidden Treasure Leaping Dolphin Leather Mallet Lector Ithra Lector Ithra - Artis Lector Ithra - Scientiae Lector Ithra - West Legion of Courtesy Letter of Marque Libratores Tormentum Lieutenant of Sergeantry Light Defender Light of Atenveldt Light of St. Bunstable Light of the Labyrinth Lindquistringes Link of Courtesy Links of Service Lion d’Or Lion of Atenveldt Lion of Forgotten Sea Lion's Claw Lion's Fang Lion's Paw Lion's Paw of Oldenfeld Lion's Pinion Lion's Pride of Atenveldt Lions of Ansteorra Lions Paw of Kenmare Lists of the Oak Livery Loat Lord Guardian Lord of the May Lozulet Lune Bleue Lux Caidis Lyondemere Green Card Magistrae Ithra Magnificent Merchants Maiden's Heart Main Gauche Mano d'Oro Mano Minos Manorial Estate Mantle of Madrone Marble Chalice Mark of Excellence Mark of Merit Markee of the Westermark Marksman of Seagirt Master at Arms Master Bowman Master/Mistress of Skullduggery Maunche Medal of Honor Melan Pteron Cynagua Mentoring Favor Merchant Commendation Meridian Broken Bow Meridian Cross Meridian Majesty Meritorious Flamingo Millrind Minotaur's Chain Miracle Mischievous Ferret Missile Champion Missile Defender Moose Combatant Mortar and Pestle Most Revolting Urchin Motley Round Mountain Goat Mountain Sun Mountain Sword Mountain's Muse Mountain's Pride Mountains Persuivant Muckin' Great Clubbe Muse of Bryn Gwlad Myrtle Leaf Myrtle Tree Narwhal Nautilus New Battered Helm Noble Executioner Noble Manor Nonpareil North Star Northern Cross Northern Star Not the Sharpest Knife of Wastekeep Notus O'Briche Oak Oak Leaf Oak of the Steppes Oak Spoon Oak Tree of Service Oak Tree of War Oak Wood Obscurem Odessa Oerthan Order of Grace Oerthan Order of Hospitality Oerthan Sword Olafson Canard Olde Battered Helm Oleander Olwyn o Aur Onyx Chalice Opal Or Raven Orange Blossom Orca Orca Order of Defense Order of Grace Order of the Rose Ordo Arboris Radices Ordo Famuli Orion Osprey's Jess Otter Page Palatine Baroness Palm of Atenveldt Palmer of Forgotten Sea Panache Pantheon Panther's Torch Papillon Paragon of Merriment Patent of Arms Pathfinders Toil Pearl Pearl of the Court Pearl of the Westermark Pearl of Youth Pears Leaf Pegasus Pelican Pelican Sovereign of Arms Pennon of the East Period Encampment Periwyncle Pewter Raven Pharos Phoenix Phoenix Favor Phorsoothsayer Pied d'Argent Pierced Hart Pilgrim's Star Pilgrims Pleasure Pillar Pillar of Allyshia Pillar of Artemisia Pillar of the Ram Pillar of Vindheim Piller d'Argent Pinecone Plate Poisson d'Or Poisson d'Or of Madrone Polaris Polished Mirror Ponderous Millstone Popular Company of Sojourners Portable Feast Portcullis of Endeweard Porte Chalice Potissimus Hippocampus Prince's Counselor Prince's Cypher Prince's Favor Prince's Gauntlet Prince's Token Prince/Princess/Princeps Prince/Princess/Princeps/Shazade Royale Princes' Artisans Princess' Artisans Princess' Champion Princess' Champion - Rapier Princess' Cypher Princess' Escort Princess' Guard Princess' Guard - Peer Counselor Princess' Honor Princess' Knott Princess' Order of Courtesy Princess' Order of Grace Princess' Riband Princess' Token Princess'/Princeps' Favor Principality Company of Sojourners Protector Protector of Namron Purple Fret Purple Heart Purple Heart Pearl of the Westermark Purpure Clarion Purpure Raven Pyxis Queen's Arrow Queen's Artisans Queen's Blade of Honor Queen's Cadre Queen's Cavalry Queen's Chalice Queen's Champion Queen's Confidence Queen's Courtesy Queen's Cypher Queen's Cypher - West Queen's Endorsement of Distinction Queen's Favor Queen's Glove Queen's Grace Queen's Guard Queen's Guard - Captain Queen's Guard - Knight Counselor Queen's Order of Courtesy Queen's Order of Grace Queen's Order of Maintenance Queen's Treasure Quod Libet Radiant Rose Rainbow Ram's Heart Ram's Pride Rapier Rapier Champion Rapier Chivalry Rapier Defender Rapier Defender - 'Defender of the Shores' Raven Tag Raven's Friend Raven's Gem Red Boar Red Branch Red Company Red Cord Red Crocus Red Gryphon of Avacal Red Hart Red Oak Red Oak Red Raven Red Wyvern Ring Maker Ring of Friendship Rising Star Rising Star - Ansteorra Riven Oak River Rock Roll of Captains Rolland's Oliphant Rose Rose Leaf Rose Petal Rowan Royal Cypher Royal Cypher of the Gratia Coronae Royal Cypher of the Gratia Coronae Royal Missile Company Royal Page of the West Royal Recognition of Excellence Royal Vanguard Russian Thistle Ruxton Sable Anvil Sable Axe Sable Banner Sable Bear Sable Bell Sable Brush Sable Buckler Sable Chevronels Sable Clarion Sable Comet Sable Crane Sable Falcon Sable Flute Sable Fret Sable Hound Sable Lion of Caerthe Sable Pillar Sable Ravens Rook Sable Ravens Rook Or Sable Sea Lion Sable Sleeve Sable Sparrow Sable Talon Sable Thistle Sable Thistle of Ansteorra - Field Heraldry Sable Thistle of Ansteorra - Narrative Arts Sable Wyvern Sagittarius Saint Bianca's Heart Saint Giles Spade Saint Illuminatus of Starkhafn Saint Orion Saltator de Nebula Sand Dollar Sanderling Sanguine Stained Banner Sapling Madrone Sapphire Sappy Tree Scapula Leonis Scarlet Banner Scarlet Star Scarlet Tassle Scholar (Research) Defender - 'Scholar of the Constellations' Scholar of Dragon's Laire Scholar of Wealdsmere Schwanstein Sword Scoprion Scorpion's Sting Screaming Gull Scroll of Honor Scutiferus Cynaguae Sea Griffon Sea Lion's Mane Sea Otter Sea Urchin Seagull Seahorse Seal of Approval Seamair Seamstress to the Crown Seashell Seneschal's Favor Senior Youth Champion Seraph Seraphic Star Sergeant Sergeant Emeritus Sergeant Minor Sergeant-At-Arms Serpent's Eye Serpent's Fang Serpent's Flame Serpent's Talon Serpente Vert Serpents Toils Service Performed Under Duress Service Ribbon Shakey Knees Shark's Tooth Sharparrow Shepherds Shield Bearer Shield of Chivalry Shield of St. Ursul Shield of the Barony Shield of the Barony Sigil of Aethelmearc Sigillum Coronae Sigillum Regis Sigilum Rex Signifer of Rivenoak Signum Reginae Signum Regni Silent Hammer Silent Harp Silken Pavillion Silver Acorn of Oldenfeld Silver Apple Silver Axe of Fontaine Silver Bear Silver Bough Silver Cap of Two Moons Silver Comet Silver Crescent Silver Cygnet Silver Dolphin Silver Falcon Silver Fawn Silver Fern Silver Fox Silver Galleon Silver Grape Leaf Silver Griffin Silver Guard Silver Hammer Silver Helm Silver Ivy Silver Keep Silver Lamp Silver Lance Silver Leaf Silver Lute Silver Mantle Silver Martlet Silver Molet Silver Morion Silver Muse Silver Muse - Mists Silver Nautilus Silver Nib Silver Oak Silver Oak Silver Otter Silver Pegasus Silver Pinecone Silver Quiver Silver Ram Silver Rapier Silver Sand Dollar Silver Scroll Silver Sea Urchin Silver Seal Silver Seastar Silver Shield of Trimaris Silver Snowdrift Silver Spoon Silver Stag Silver Stirrup Silver Swan Silver Tear Silver Thunderbolt Silver Trident Silver Trumpet Herald Silver Tyne Silver Ulu Silver Whale Silverwolf Sincerity and Honor Sinople Horse Of Vindheim Sirviente del Sol Skald of Rivenoak Smiling Raven Snapdragon Snowy Owl Society YAFA program Director Sodality of the Sentinels of the Stargate Solar Phoenix Solea Argentea Sovereign's Cypher Sovereign's Favor Sovereign's Letter of Endorsement Sovereign's Pleasure Sovereign’s Lance Sparkes of Starkhafn Spear d'Argent Spear d'Or Spirit of the Phoenix Spitting Duck Spud Stag - Outlands Stag Tag Stag's Blood Stag's Heart Stag's Heart of Hartwood Stalwart Heart Standard Bearer Star Star and Lily Star of Janeltis Star of Merit Star of the Desert- Gules Steinn Stella Azzurra Stellar Crescent Stjarna of Starkhafn Stormblade Stormgod Stormhunter Stormmaker Stormrider Stormthrower Straz SunDragon - Red SunDragon - White Swan Swan Tag Swan's Heart Sweet of Glymm Mere Sword of Calontir Sycamore Tablero Champion Talon d'Or Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Target Archery Defender Tempest Tempest Tossed Traveler Tempest Tossed Traveler - Argent Terpsichore Terpsichore's Mouffle The Lure Thegn Thegns and Bannthegns Third Hand Thorbjorn's Hammer Thorn on the Vine Three Mountains Throne's Favor Thrown Weapons Champion Thrown Weapons Defender Thrown Weapons Defender - 'Defender of the Woods' Thug Toils of Esteem Torch and Key Torsade Torse Torse of Honor Torse of the Minotaur Totally Aggressive Nasty Killers (TANK) Tower of Dun Or Towers Toys for Tots Games Championship Toys for Tots Heavy Championship Toys for Tots Rapier Championship Traverse Board Trefoil Trefoil and Mace Trefoil Argent Trident’s Keype Trillium Trimarian Gratitude Trimarian Lancer Trimarian Weapons Master Triquetra Triskele Trimaris Troubador Tsveti Madrone Tsveti Madrone - Aqua Tsveti Madrone - Black Tsveti Madrone - Blue Tsveti Madrone - Gold Tsveti Madrone - Green Tsveti Madrone - Jasper Tsveti Madrone - Pearl Tsveti Madrone - Pewter Tsveti Madrone - Pink Tsveti Madrone - Purple Tsveti Madrone - Red Tsveti Madrone - White Tsveti Madrone - Yellow Tulip Tygers Combattant U Rock Ulftönn of Starkhafn Ullr of Lore Undine Universitatus Trivium Unnamed Fighting Order Valhalla Valor Valor of Stromgard - Rapier Valor of Stromgard - Rattan Valorous Estate Vanguard of Honor Varlet de Vénerie Velvet Owl Venerable Guard Véneur Vert Fret Vert Glove Vert Raven Vert Ravens Rook Vert Ravens Rook Argent Vert Ravens Rook Or Vicar Victory In Competition Vigilance Vigilant Bear Vinur Orminum Violante Virtue Viscount/Viscountess/Viscountrix Vulcan's Flame Wa'a Oar Wain Wandering Wolf War Cloak War Dog Champion War Horn War Ribbon Warden of Seagirt Warlord Warrior Shieldman Wastekeep Battered Helm Wastekeep Golden Stag Westermark (Blue) Westermark (Green) Westermark (Historical) Westermark (White) Western Centurion Western Gold Scarf Western Lily Western Roll of Honor Western White Scarf Wheel White Chalice White Claw White Cloud White Cord White Falcon White Goose White Oak White Scarf White Scroll White Shield Rapier Champion White Spring White Stirrup - Argent Ribbon White Stirrup - Or Ribbon White Wolf Wild Rose Wiley Squirrel William Tell Champion Willow Windmuhlen Keeper Winged Harp Winged Lynx Woad Apple WOAW Wolf's Paw Wolf's Tooth Wonder Viking Wooden Spoon Wreath of Chivalry Wreath of Chivalry Wreath of Valor Wreath Sovereign of Arms Writ of Thanks Wye Knot Wynged Forke Wynged Knyfe Wynged Spone Wyvern Wyvern's Scale Wyvern's Wing YAFA - Agriculture - Division 1 YAFA - Agriculture - Division 2 YAFA - Architecture - Division 1 YAFA - Architecture - Division 2 YAFA - Arms and Armor - Division 1 YAFA - Calligraphy - Division 1 YAFA - Equestrian - Division 1 YAFA - Family Life - Division 1 YAFA - Games - Division 1 YAFA - Leather Working - Division 1 YAFA - Music - Division 1 YAFA - Pottery - Division 1 YAFA - Siege Weaponry - Division 1 YAFA - Thrown Weapons - Division 1 Yeoman Yeoman Emeritus Yew Bow Ygdrassil Youth A&S Champion Youth A&S Defender Youth Archery Champion Youth Archery Defender Youth Armored Champion Youth Armored Champion - Dragon Division Youth Armored Champion - Griffin Division Youth Armored Champion - Lion Division Youth Armored Combat Chivalry Youth Armored Defender Youth Armored Defender - Dragon Division Youth Armored Defender - Griffin Division Youth Armored Defender - Lion Division Youth Bardic Defender Youth Champion Youth Defender Youth Games Defender Youth Rapier Champion Zeal Search awards:
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