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Riderless Horse - Charts

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Awards given on: Sep 6, 2008
1 Sechequr Qara (Wealdsmere) Signum Reginae Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
2 Talentus del Albero (Dragon's Laire) Rapier Champion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
3 Katryne Mackim (Madrone) Gallant Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
4 Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson (Thornwold) Jambe de Lion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
5 Phelan Tolusmiðr (Lyonsmarche) Courtier-Artisan Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
6 Rowland Greene (Wastekeep) Gallant Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
7 Arawn MacPhillian (Wastekeep) Blasted Tree Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
8 Raknar Guntharson (Danescombe) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
9 Chiara Fiamma (Danescombe) Tanist / (ban-) Tanist(a) Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
10 Algytha of Anglesey (Lions Gate) Hafoc Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
11 Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson (Thornwold) Blue Spear Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
12 Renee de Josselin (Lions Gate) Blue Lily Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
13 Arkill MacMillan (Cold Keep) Shattered Spear Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
14 Arminius Scorpius (Lionsdale) Award of Arms Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
15 Sebastian de Sandoval (Lionsdale) Award of Arms Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
16 Andras Truemark (Dragon's Laire) Archery Champion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
17 Ernst Weissbaum (Lionsdale) Award of Arms Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
18 Marguerite fitz William (Wyewood) Courtier Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
19 Mýrún Bjarnardóttir (Aquaterra) Courtier Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
20 Robert de Perceval (Cynagua) Yeoman Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
21 Mark of the White Hand (Ramsgaard) Court Baron/Baroness Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
22 Elizabeth Blencowe (Danescombe) Court Baron/Baroness Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
23 Kheron Azov (Lions Gate) Armored Champion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
24 Makayla Brand (Seagirt) Jambe de Lion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
25 Kazimir Konstantinov (Dragon's Mist) Blood of Fenris Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
26 Bastian Eisengart (Adiantum) Sable Comet Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
27 Sarra Treemaker (Aquaterra) Merchant Commendation Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
28 Oliver Tarney (Dragon's Laire) Wyvern Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
29 Lothar filius Adalberti (Wastekeep) Sappy Tree Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
30 Conall of Druim Dionnean (Druim Doineann) Thrown Weapons Champion Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)
31 Arion the Wanderer (Dragon's Laire) Dragon's Flame Sep 6, 2008 (AS XLIII)