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Keith filius Teðion OP Rank: 222An Tir Wiki Entry
Branch: Shire of Southmarch [Branch web site]

Also known as: Ce'ith the Wanderer, Keith filius Tedion, Keith the Wanderer
Highest Award: Viscount Recommend for another award
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Per pale argent and azure, two dragons addorsed counterchanged
Roll of Arms
Awarded by
Award of Arms (An Tir)
By: Owain ap Einar, Adwen Wrenn
Aug 16, 2008 (AS XLIII)
Throne's Favor (Summits)
By: Abu Nur Rustam ibn Abdallah, Suvia filia Heriberti
Jun 19, 2010 (AS XLV)
Gryphon's Paw (Summits)
By: Abu Nur Rustam ibn Abdallah
Jun 19, 2010 (AS XLV)
Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits)
By: Gabriel Luvdey, Sumayya min Yibna
Nov 13, 2010 (AS XLV)
Courage of An Tir (An Tir)
By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
Jun 16, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
Sep 2, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Gryphon and Spear (Summits)
By: Aaron Duncan, Telisia Brutusdottir
Sep 15, 2012 (AS XLVII)
Goutte de Sang (An Tir)
By: Vik Vikingsson, Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
Nov 10, 2012 (AS XLVII)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Vik Vikingsson
Jan 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Throne's Favor (An Tir)
By: Vik Vikingsson, Astrid av det Fjord Landskap
Jan 12, 2013 (AS XLVII)
Tanist Reign 36 of the Summits (Summits)
By: Luciano Foscari, Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
Mar 16, 2013 (AS XLVII) through Jun 22, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Prince Reign 35 of the Summits (Summits)
By: Luciano Foscari
Jun 22, 2013 (AS XLVIII) through Dec 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Viscount (Summits)
By: Aaron Duncan, Jennet MacLachlan of Loch Fyne
Dec 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Honorary Citizen (Stromgard)
Jul 19, 2014 (AS XLIX)
Gryphon and Spear (Summits)
By: William Geoffrey the Rogue, Diana de Winterton
Mar 21, 2015 (AS XLIX)
Astrolabe of Saint Brendan (Summits)
By: Tryggr Tyresson, Temperance Trewelove
Sep 19, 2015 (AS L)
Branch Seneschal (Southmarch)
By: N/A
Oct 13, 2015 (AS L) through May 17, 2017 (AS LII)
Gryphon's Talon of the Summits (Summits)
Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
Armored Defender (Southmarch)
By: N/A
Nov 14, 2015 (AS L)
Throne's Favor (Summits)
By: Tryggr Tyresson, Temperance Trewelove
Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)
Gryphon's Paw (Summits)
By: Tryggr Tyresson
Dec 12, 2015 (AS L)
Sable Gauntlet (An Tir)
By: Eirik Daegarsson, Driffina Ulfgarsdottir
Feb 20, 2016 (AS L)
Shield of Chivalry (Summits)
By: Vesta Antonia Aurelia
Mar 19, 2016 (AS L)
Jambe de Lion (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Oct 29, 2016 (AS LI)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki
Oct 29, 2016 (AS LI)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jan 14, 2017 (AS LI)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald
Mar 18, 2017 (AS LI)
Hastae Leonis (An Tir)
By: Styrkarr Jarlsskald, Dagrun Stjarna
Mar 18, 2017 (AS LI)
Company of the Golden Butterfly (An Tir)
Mar 18, 2017 (AS LI)
Defender of the Summits (Adiantum) ->(Summits)
By: Durin Oldenmoor Tjorkilskin, Ceridwen ferch Morgan
Jun 17, 2017 (AS LII)
White Gryphon (Summits)
By: Ziitos Turk, Seamus O'Caellaigh
Jun 23, 2018 (AS LIII)
King's Favor (An Tir)
By: Christian Bane
Sep 15, 2018 (AS LIII)
Seamair (Stromgard)
By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller
Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jun 22, 2019 (AS LIV)
Throne's Favor (An Tir)
By: Kjartan Dreki, Sha'ya Kjartanskona
Jul 20, 2019 (AS LIV)
Fury of the Lion - Defender of the Realm (An Tir)
By: Morgan Claymore, Livia Alexandra Severa
Oct 12, 2019 (AS LIV)
Throne's Favor (Summits)
By: Antoine à la Langue d'Or, Kathren of Carnforth
Dec 14, 2019 (AS LIV)
Hearth of Hospitality (An Tir)
By: Morgan Claymore, Livia Alexandra Severa
Dec 14, 2019 (AS LIV)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Livia Alexandra Severa
Jan 10, 2020 (AS LIV)
Throne's Favor (Summits)
By: Kenric Maur, Dagmar the Red
Dec 18, 2021 (AS LVI)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Alianora Greymoor
Mar 16, 2023 (AS LVII)
Defenders of the West (West)
By: None listed for this time period
Mar 16, 2023 (AS LVII)
Sovereign's Favor (Tir Righ)
By: Arkill MacMillan, Bernadette Ebhilín Árd
Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Royal Inspiration Talon of Favour (Tir Righ)
By: Bernadette Ebhilín Árd
Aug 6, 2023 (AS LVIII)
Culinaria Ingenium (Three Mountains)
By: Michael Leyland Sinclaire, Eden the Mad
Mar 2, 2024 (AS LVIII)